Am I currently accepting review requests?
I am accepting requests on a VERY limited basis, mostly from authors or publishers I’ve worked with in the past, but you’re welcome to pitch your book and request a review if it meets the other guidelines.
Is your book a good fit for review on this blog?
I only review middle grade and young adult fiction and select nonfiction. Please do not send me requests to review picture books, chapter books, or adult fiction/nonfiction.
I tend to review mostly fantasy or contemporary fiction. I’m open to historical, mystery, or sci-fi, though.
I’m not the best fit for stories featuring graphic violence, especially sexual violence.
Diverse/queer/neurodivergent books are very welcome!
What format do I prefer for ARC or review copies?
I can work with most common e-book formats. I will accept paperback/hardcover copies as well.
What happens if I don’t enjoy your book?
I post honest reviews, but I don’t post nasty reviews. If I don’t enjoy your book, I’ll be honest about the issues I struggled with in reading it. But I’ll also try to find something positive to say or think about what kind of readers may enjoy the book.
I do not post DNF (did not finish) reviews. This is a personal choice. I don’t feel that it’s fair to the author or the work to post about a book that I didn’t read to completion. If the book is so problematic or unenjoyable that I couldn’t get through it, I’d rather not talk about it at all. I respect the reasons of other book influencers who choose to post DNF reviews, but it’s not something I feel comfortable doing.
When will your review get posted?
When I agree to review your book, I’ll let you know the month I expect to post the review on my blog.
Send your requests early! A lot of bloggers, myself included, fill their calendars way in advance. In general, my review calendar fills up about three months in advance.
Do I respond to all review requests?
Unfortunately not. Due to time constraints, I usually only respond to requests I’m interested in reviewing.
Do I post cover reveals and other promotional material?
It is entirely at my discretion and usually only for authors/publishers I’ve worked with in the past or who are an established favorite.
Do I participate in blog tours?
Yes! Please ask me to participate in your blog tour. If you are interested in doing a guest post or author interview with me in addition to a review, please let me know that, too!
Questions I didn’t answer?
Email me at request [at] thestorysanctuary [dot] com.