Tag Archives: Charity

Standing in the Gap: Ministry Offers Hope out of Crumbling School System

From Planting Churches to Cultivating Schools

More than 35 years ago, Steve Phillips and his wife Colleen moved across the globe to Chile to follow the call of ministry and leadership and plant Christian churches. Ministering to families through opening a school wasn’t something the family had really considered.

But as their own children reached school-age, Steve and Colleen began to worry about their own educational opportunities.

“In 1982, after having made Chile our home for five years, our two boys were beginning their school experience… At that time, only a handful of Christian schools existed, all private and expensive—out of our financial and geographical range,” says Steve Phillips of Christian World Mission, administrator over ten Christian schools in Chile. “Even though I have a degree in Christian Education, our original commitment was to plant churches. God had granted amazing growth in just a few years. But we began to realize that not only our own children, but those of others, too, longed for a school that would strengthen and build Christian conviction and values into the children.”

From 76 to over 6,000

The first school began in Quilpue, Chile in 1984. It consisted of five small classrooms and 76 students. Today over 6,000 students are enrolled in a total of ten schools founded by Christian World Mission. The newest school is located in La Serena. Visit the school’s blog (written in Spanish, but loaded with some incredible pictures) here.

Due to the courageous work began by Steve Phillips, thousands of children receive a quality education infused with care, love, and Christian values. Though the nation of Chile provides partial government funding (vouchers), the funds are not enough to meet the growing needs of the school ministry.

Make a Difference to Children in Chile

Four book boxes each filled with snacks and popular YA novels have been donated to help raise money for the Christian World Mission school ministry. Apart from the shipping costs, all proceeds go directly to the ministry to benefit the children and families they serve. Featured today is the Romantic Interlude Book Box, found here on ebay.

Romantic Interlude Book Box

RomanceLike Moonlight at Low Tide by Nicole Quigley

“Missy’s story is peppered with moments of keen emotional insight and turmoil… Missy’s moment of conversion is genuine and as powerful as the emotional pain that make her such an easy character to connect with. Fans of Stephanie Morrill or Laura Anderson Kurk will enjoy this novel.” – from the review on The Story Sanctuary

Running Lean by Diana Sharples

“In her brave debut, Sharples captures the raw driving intensity of emotional insecurity and the terrible tension it places on a relationship, boldly describing a tragic teen issue. The reactions of Stacey’s friends and family, the helplessness Calvin wrestles with all felt very real and true to character and life.” – from the review on The Story Sanctuary

Mistaken by Karen Barnett

“Since alcohol and prohibition have made criminals out of every man in her world, Laurie Burke resolves to find at least one honorable man. Convinced that handsome newcomer, Daniel Shepherd, is connected with her brother’s rumrunning gang, Laurie quickly scratches his name off her list. Federal agent Samuel Brown might be the answer to her prayers– or her worst nightmare.” – from back cover copy.
