Review Requests

Books and Coffee

I am currently NOT accepting a few review requests. (Updated August 2024)

When I’m open to requests, I try to accept 2-4 indie books for review each quarter in addition to working with publishers and authors with whom I have an ongoing relationship.

If I’ve reviewed a book for you in the past and you were pleased with the review, please reach out to me, even if it’s likely that my schedule is full. I’ll do my best to fit you in if I can.

Types of Books I Tend to Enjoy:

  • Books that explore family relationships and mental health issues.
  • Books with a diverse representation of characters.
  • Contemporary or fantasy – though I enjoy other genres as well.

Please do not send me:

  • Books with graphic sexual violence.
  • Stories told predominantly from an adult’s point-of-view.
  • Picture books, adult fiction, cookbooks, memoirs, etc.

To Submit a Review Request

To submit a review request, please email me at request [at] If you do not hear back from me, it’s probably because I think your book would not be a good fit for review on my blog.

Please include the following in your email:

  • The book title.
  • The release date.
  • The genre and number of pages or approximate word count.
  • Amazon or Goodreads link to your book.
  • A brief description of the book.

You can find more tips for your request email on my author tips page.

DNF Policy

Some bloggers post “DNF” (did not finish) reviews where they’ll explain why they stopped reading a book. I don’t post DNF reviews.

If I accept a review request, I will do my best to finish reading a book and review it. If I’m really struggling with the book, and am in contact with the author, I will reach out and offer an alternate post, like a Q&A or guest post. This is pretty rare. I’m kind of a die-hard, cover-to-cover girl.

Cover Reveals and Blog Tour Policy

Please ask me to participate in your blog tour! I’d be happy to accommodate you if my schedule allows. Keep in mind that I typically fill review spots several months in advance.

I rarely do cover reveals unless they’re for an author or publisher I have a relationship with or for a series I’m closely following.

Need help getting reviews?

Reviews Wanted Ebook displayed on phone next to open book.

Promoting a book is HARD WORK. Especially as an independent author. Lots of review blogs don’t accept review requests. Those that do are often so inundated with requests, it can be difficult to find ways to stand out.

I’m here to help. After more than eight years of book review blogging, I’ve written an e-book called Reviews Wanted. It’s packed with tips and strategies for getting more book review bloggers to spread the word about your latest book.

Please reach out if you need help pitching your book to reviewers! I’d be happy to answer questions you have. You can find me at request [at]




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