Category Archives: By Genre

Review: Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle by George Hagen

Gabriel Finley and the Raven's Riddle by George HagenGabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle (Gabriel Finley #1)
George Hagen
Random House Children’s/Schwartz and Wade Publishing
Published August 26, 2014

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In a world in which men have all but forgotten their friendship with ravens, one twelve year-old boy rediscovers an ancient tradition. Gabriel’s adventure begins the day he rescues a young raven and answers its riddle. With the help of Gabriel’s friends, he and his raven will embark on a dangerous journey. They must battle evil creatures to save Gabriel’s missing father.

There are some slightly dark elements in the story surrounding the evil valravens, or fallen ravens. These creatures have formed bonds with a human and betrayed him by tasting of his flesh. After this, they become evil ravens. Though they look the same as ravens, they can be recognized by their inability to laugh at a good riddle.

I found Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle fresh and intriguing. Hagen really nails writing for the middle-grade audience, creating easily digestible chapters, fanciful characters and stringing one wild adventure upon another. Because ravens begin conversations with riddles, this novel is quite peppered with them. Some will be familiar to readers, and they’re incorporated into the story in an entertaining way. Gabriel is a smart kid with great allies. I loved the way the story unfolded.

Profanity and Crude Language Content

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
In Gabriel Finley and the Raven’s Riddle, a man and a raven can form a special bond which allows them to operate as one being. Basically one is essentially spirit present in the other’s body for a time. No spiritual significance is assigned to this activity in the context of the story.

Creepy, evil raven-like creatures try to destroy a young bird as well as Gabriel and his friends. No really gory details, though the descriptions of the bad birds are sinister.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Review: The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm

The Fourteenth Goldfish
Jennifer Holm
Random House Children’s
Published August 26, 2014

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For eleven year-old Ellie, sixth grade brings new and uncomfortable changes. Her best friend seems to have left her behind. Her goldfish has died. And her mother brings home a strange, fussy teenage boy who claims to be her grandfather.

Grandpa Melvin claims to have discovered the secrets of eternal youth. Now that he’s a teenager, though, no one will take him seriously. With the help of Ellie and another student, he hopes to complete his research and finally win that Nobel prize.

Her grandfather’s passion ignites something inside of Ellie, and she begins to study the great scientists in history herself. The references to the life and works of Galileo, Newton Salk, and Oppenheimer add richness and depth to the story. The challenges her grandfather faces as a result of his newfound youth highlight the flaws in the theory that with eternal youth comes eternal happiness and perfection. Fun and humor fill the story from start to finish. The characters are memorable. Holm brilliantly captures the wonder and curiosity that motivate great scientists and translates it into an entertaining, intelligent story for youth.

I was a huge fan of Ellie right from the beginning of the story, and the crazy antics of her teenage grandfather made me laugh out loud more than once. I liked the balance of science to story– while there’s a lot of science-y stuff happening, there’s still a strong story, too. The Fourteenth Goldfish is a fun read perfect for science enthusiasts and kids who enjoy quirky stories about family relationships.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
Brief crude references to bodily functions.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content


Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Through the Balustrade by M B Dahl

Through the Balustrade
M. B. Dahl
Taberah Publishing
Published May 1, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

For the first time in her life, Roxan has a home of her very own. Safety. Control of her own space. Yet trouble isn’t far behind her. A shadowy figure threatens her from the window. Her new boss seems bent on punishing her. When a peddler offers her answers for the relentless persecution, she reluctantly agrees to follow him to a forbidden area. The journey jolts free memories which have been trapped in Roxan’s mind, but she wants nothing to do with the promises or responsibilities the memories would bring. She only wants her normal life back.

Abiga’s never had normalcy. As an outcast child left to die in the wilderness, she grew up doing what she must in order to survive. Sometimes she did terrible things. Maybe that’s why the Leader hasn’t given her a gift. Maybe he doesn’t want her. It’s clear he does want Roxan, though, the strange girl with a gift more powerful than even she can imagine.

With the gentle guidance of Altrist, the group of believers seek the freedom of a life away from Hyperion’s crushing rule. When the dark ruler sets his sights on destroying Altrist and his friends, hope seems weak and far. Only with the help of the Leader and the powerful gifts he gives can they escape.

The fantasy world quickly sucks readers into a story peppered with off-beat, interesting characters. Once or twice characters made small decisions that seemed out of place, but on the whole, they were consistent. Sometimes stories which strive for this allegorical tone quickly turn cheesy or become awkward in the attempt to preserve parallels with the source story. Through the Balustrade steered clear of that pitfall and kept the familiar themes feeling fresh through its detailed setting and complex relationships between characters. Dahl proves herself a wonderful storyteller, definitely an author to watch.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
No profanity or crude language.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Some characters follow a Leader, an unnamed being who gives gifts and aid to his followers and promises to lead them into freedom away from Hyperion’s tyranny.

Battle scenes show characters fighting to the death. No gory details given.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Stay Where You Are and Then Leave by John Boyne

Stay Where You Are and Then Leave
John Boyne
Henry Holt & Co/MacMillan
Published September 26, 2013

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When Alfie’s dad left for war, everyone said he’d be home by Christmas. That was four years ago. Now his father doesn’t write or contact the family at all. Alfie’s mother says it’s because he’s on a secret mission for the government, but Alfie knows she’s lying. His father is dead, and no one wants to tell him the truth.

To help support his mother and without her knowledge, Alfie begins a secret mission of his own. Three days a week, he skips school and shines shoes at a nearby train station. Through a series of chance incidents, Alfie discovers that his father is not dead. He’s a patient at a nearby hospital and suffers from something called “shell shock.” Alfie resolves to find his father and bring him safely home where he belongs.

Boyne has an uncanny ability to engross readers in this very grown-up story told through the eyes of a nine year-old boy. Alfie struggles to understand disagreements about foreign backgrounds and commitments to nonviolence between his formerly friendly neighbors. Though he grasps the seriousness of his family’s financial distress, he doesn’t understand why his father can’t come home with him or what’s wrong with his mind.

Where the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas leaves readers gasping at its shocking (and powerful) end, Stay Where You Are and Then Leave is a more subtle story. It leaves readers to simmer over the flames of issues like human rights and the reality and validity of mental illness.

Using the viewpoint of a child allows the story to explore how the war affected those on the home front without focusing on the violence of the battle front. No one humanizes characters the way that an admiring young boy does. He grieves for his neighbors who’ve been removed to internment camp and for his father’s friend, a conscientious objector who is severely beaten for his convictions. Alfie’s voice fills the pages of the story with compassion. The reader will grasp things beyond the young boy’s ken through conversations overheard around him. This would be a great literary companion to a first historical look at World War I.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
Mild profanity.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Brief references to war violence and soldiers who’ve died.

Drug Content
Hospital patients are given various drugs to combat physical and mental illness.


Review: It’s Addicting by Laura L. Smith

It’s Addicting
Laura L. Smith
Status Updates
Published April 23, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Palmer, Hannah, Claire and Kat begin the spring semester ready for any challenge. Kinda. Palmer wants to be among the elite writers of the university magazine, but she can’t seem to break into the group. That is, without a glass of Moscato in her hand. After years of being the supportive best friend to the girl who could have any guy, Hannah finally has a boyfriend of her own. When a chance to see Germany with her guy arises, Hannah really wants to go, even if it means missing the spring break beach trip with her roomies. Surely Palmer, of all people, will understand?

Claire and Kat almost have their own secret code. After the trauma Claire endured in France and Kat’s unexpected loss, they seem to sense the things that trigger the other’s grief. Counseling has helped Claire make progress toward healing, but when her mom flakes out and forgets to pay for, well, everything, Claire is stuck. Trying to break through her mom’s hyper haze isn’t working and though Palmer offers to pay for everything, Claire doesn’t want to be a charity project.

Running is the only salve to Kat’s wounds. Everything seems to remind her of her brother, but he’s gone. With pressure to perform on the soccer team building around her, Kat’s only escape is to work out until she’s too tired to feel anything. More and more, though, she finds herself alienated from those she loves most.

Smith really captures the beat of college living and the relationships between the girls and other students on campus. Hannah’s first-boyfriend experience will resonate with many as will her battle for balance in her relationships with her new love and her old friends. Palmer’s personal drive and her vulnerability to alcohol are well-explored without glorifying what she’s doing. Consequences follow her choices to drink.

Claire’s story offers a whole different perspective. As the functional one in her relationship with her mother, Claire struggles to maintain a healthy distance from her mother’s unhealthy behavior, something she’s never managed to do in the past. Her friends rally around her as a supportive community and a great message of hope.

Smith has been hailed as a brave voice, telling it like it is, and fearlessly digging through some of early adulthood’s tough issues. In the third novel in her Status Updates series, she lives up to that reputation, peeling back layers of denial and revealing hurting hearts and soothing them with the balm of hope in God.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
No profanity.

Sexual Content
Brief references to making out. A boy spends the night in one of the girls’ rooms, though she insists they simply fell asleep talking.

Spiritual Content
Through their experiences with addictive behaviors, the girls realize they need more than personal strength and determination to achieve their goals, whether social or academic. They realize their needs for mutual support they receive from one another and, even more, spiritual support from faith and relationship with God.


Drug Content
Palmer uses wine to loosen up socially. Her friends notice what she does not: that more and more she turns to alcohol to relax and connect with others, and it’s getting out of hand. Claire battles her mother’s neglect from a distance, worrying when her mother’s behavior indicates she may be using (or overusing) some sort of pharmaceutical stimulants.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Review: Word Changers by Ashlee Willis

Word Changers
Ashlee Willis
Conquest Publishers
Published January 1, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

In an attempt to escape from the turmoil of her home, Posy hides in the library. She begins reading and wakes to find herself trapped within a story. The king and queen treat her as their daughter, but the king’s advisor and the prince know she is an imposter. Posy simply wants to return home, and the only way to do that is to find the real princess and bring her home.

Posy embarks on the journey to find Princess Evanthe, but she soon learns that treachery runs deep within the kingdom. This quest sends her and her companions outside the plot, and if any of them should die, they will not reappear when the next reader begins the story. It quickly becomes clear that to rescue the princess and save her friends, Posy must find the Author and speak to him.

Though this is a story with strong threads of symbolism, I really liked that the author resisted the temptation to have the story play out as a direct allegory to the Christian story. I liked that it was more unpredictable and subtle. The suspenseful elements of looming war and betrayal keep the story moving quickly while the budding romance between Posy and Prince Kyran is really sweet. In the tradition of stories that take a contemporary character to another world, Willis rises to the challenge of engrossing her readers in another world. The simplicity of the story makes it a great read for late elementary-aged readers while the romance and more subtle character relationships make it a good choice for middle and high school readers, too.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
No profanity.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Posy enters a story in which characters have the choice to follow the Plot set by the Author or to rebel against it. Some characters do not believe the Author even exists, and others have set their own wills above that of the Author. This easily parallels the Christian worldview, in which we make choices about whether to follow the precepts outlined in the Bible or to deny those and live a different way. The Author appears as a character in his own story, the way that God appears in unexpected places in our lives.

Posy witnesses battles between humans and other creatures. The scenes are described without any gory detail.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

