Two words: Hurricane Matthew.

I live on the east coast of Central Florida, not too far from where the eye of the storm may make a brief landfall early Friday morning (it’s Thursday as I’m writing this post). At this point, we’re as prepared as we can be. Both my husband and me are native Floridians, so we weathered the insanity of September 2004. That year our county got slammed with a major storm almost every weekend in September, the last being a Category 4 storm like Matthew is predicted to be.
We’re not worried. We’re concerned, definitely. This is a big storm and we don’t want to mess around. But our home is pretty new and we have shutters put up thanks to help from family members. We’re less than two miles from an emergency shelter. I’m sure we’ll be fine.
But in case I lose power from the storm (which our dear governor already declares an inevitability), I’ve queued up my blog posts through next week. If you leave a comment, I’ll reply as soon as I’m back online again. Which hopefully won’t be too far in the future. We’ll see what this storm has planned. Right now the predictions show it scooting up the coastline and then looping back around to slam us again. So that could be interesting.
In the mean time, I’ve got no shortage of books to read, tasty snacks to eat, and board games to play with my family. We’ll weather the storm, and it will be a fun adventure to talk about later.
If you and your family are in the path of the hurricane, know we pray for your safety. Hang in there, and we’ll see you on the other side!
After the Storm Update – Friday 11:30 am
If you’re looking for post-storm updates, check out my Facebook page or Twitter feed. It’s easier for me to update Twitter since that’s on my phone.
Friday morning – As of this minute it looks like we’re still under a hurricane warning, but it looks like all the most severe weather has moved off to the north of our area. We made it through the storm with only minimal damage and so far, we still have power! Yay!!
Hope everyone else is staying safe and dry through whatever else Hurricane Matthew brings!
Stay safe!
Thanks! We made it through okay. I should add an update to this post! 🙂