Review: Focus. Click. Wind. by Amanda West Lewis

Focus. Click. Wind. by Amanda West Lewis

Focus. Click. Wind.
Amanda West Lewis
House of Anansi
Published August 1, 2023

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About Focus. Click. Wind.

What if your country is involved in an unjust war, and you’ve lost trust in your own government?

It’s 1968, and the Vietnam War has brought new urgency to the life of Billie Taylor, a seventeen-year-old aspiring photojournalist. Billie is no stranger to risky situations, but when she attends a student protest at Columbia University with her college boyfriend, and the US is caught up in violent political upheaval, her mother decides to move the two of them to Canada.

Furious at being dragged away from her beloved New York City to live in a backwater called Toronto, Billie doesn’t take her exile lightly. As her mother opens their home to draft evaders and deserters, Billie’s activism grows in new ways. She discovers an underground network of political protesters and like minds in a radical group based in Rochdale College, the world’s first “free” university. And the stakes rise when she is exposed to horrific images from Vietnam of the victims of Agent Orange – a chemical being secretly manufactured in a small town just north of Toronto.

The Boyfriend Wish on Goodreads

My Review

For some reason when I first picked up this book, I mistook it for nonfiction. I’m not sure if I skimmed the cover copy and author bio so quickly that the two merged together (there are similar elements in them)? I don’t know. At any rate, sometime during my reading, I realized it was a novel about the Vietnam War resistance movement in the 1960s.

This is a time period that I don’t know a lot about. I used to blame this on my history classes in school, because we never went beyond World War II and some light information about the Civil Rights movement during February. I’m not old enough for that to make any sense, but I do live in Florida, so there ya go, I guess.

Anyway, so I read this novel without a strong understanding of the history to which it refers. I’ve known a few veterans of the Vietnam War, and it did make me think of things they’ve endured or talked about because of the war. One believes his children’s health issues stem from his exposure to Agent Orange. Two more were addicted to drugs and alcohol following their military service. So, I’ve definitely seen some of the effects mentioned in the book.

The writing is super compelling. The story is told in present tense, and it begins with the main character, Billie, at a student protest at Columbia. I loved the way she uses her photographs to tell the story of what she’s experiencing. I thought the descriptions of her taking photographs and developing them were very engaging.

Billie has some memories of her father using drugs and being involved in a drug deal that goes badly. She remembers hiding under a table with her mother while someone has a gun. Her mom responds to this by deciding she will never allow another person who uses drugs to live in her house. As Billie forms connections to others who protest the Vietnam War, she meets a lot of people who use drugs.

Though this is set in the 60s and the prevalent use of drugs, especially marijuana, seems realistic, I found myself wishing that the author explored some of the nuances of addiction as a disorder and maybe at least questioned her mom’s hardline position. The story really isn’t about that issue, though, and the author leaves that territory unexplored.

All in all, I think the writing was spectacular. It’s got some mature content which won’t be suitable for every reader. I’ve detailed that below.

The Boyfriend Wish on Bookshop

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 17 up.

Major characters are white.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme language used somewhat frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
A couple of scenes show explicit sex between boy and girl. In one scene, two boys try to convince a girl to have sex with them and another girl. She refuses.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
When Billie was a child, her dad was involved in a drug deal that went awry. She and her mother hid under a table while guns and conflict happened. Descriptions of warfare and the devastation caused by Agent Orange.

Drug Content
Characters drink alcohol and smoke a lot of weed. The story briefly states that a lot of soldiers become addicted to heroin because the government is handing it out to them to help them deal with the horrors of war.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of FOCUS. CLICK. WIND. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions my own.

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About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

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