Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2)
Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Published February 5, 2013

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When Scarlet’s grandmother goes missing, the police quickly dismiss her absence as a crazy old lady who has run away of her own free will. Scarlet knows different. Grandma would never just disappear like this. Following a trail of clues leads her to a mysterious street fighter called Wolf who claims to be a former member of an elite, deadly gang who may be responsible for Grandma’s disappearance. With Wolf’s reluctant help, Scarlet sets out to rescue her Grandma.
Cinder’s newly awakened Lunar powers enable her to escape from prison and the execution Queen Levana has planned for her. She should meet her friend and ally, Dr. Erland in Africa, but before she faces a future with no choices, she yearns to uncover the truth of her past.
Meyer continues the delightful dystopian fairytale world in this second book. This story features characters from the beloved tale of Red Riding Hood in addition the familiar favorites from the series opener, Cinder. Still every bit as imaginative and fun as its predecessor, Scarlet layers political intrigue upon wisps of romance. The story world remains strong and unique – a sort of sci-fi fairytale atmosphere seasoned with fabulous characters and snappy dialogue. Despite the complexity of the story, the language and romance are very clean. This would be a great series for kids who’ve outgrown fairytale retellings and are looking for something with a bit more bite.
One instance of mild profanity.
Sexual Content
Spiritual Content
A man participates in forbidden fight matches. It’s clear he could kill his opponent. Few graphic details. A man briefly describes being tortured. A girl examines wounds caused by torture. A wolf-like man attacks a young woman and another of his kind. Some graphic details.
Drug Content
A girl delivers groceries to a bar in which men are drinking beer.
Really enjoyed this one, even more than Cinder – possible b/c I adore both Wolf and Scarlet’s characters.
I really didn’t expect to like it half as much as I did. I really enjoyed Cinder, I just didn’t expect that caliber of storytelling to be repeatable. 🙂 And like you, I adored Wolf and Scarlet. Thanks, Loren! (I promise I’m reading your novel! Like, in progress today…)