Tag Archives: Blog News

February News, Upcoming Reviews, and Other Updates

Blogging Goals for The Story Sanctuary

How is it February already?! I started the year with lots of glorious plans, many of which are still sitting on a to-do list somewhere, waiting to be realized. For instance, I have some blog-related goals:

  • Create a 2016 To Read List. In the past, my reading lists have been really simple, just a bulleted list which I add a link to once I’ve read and posted my review of the book. I’d really like to do something a bit fancier that has thumbnails of the book covers, links to sites where you can buy the book, etc.
  • Add a fourth weekly post. Not a fourth review, mind you. Two-to-three reviews per week is about all I can keep up with, honestly. I’d love to read all the time, but alas… the whole day-job thing keeps getting in the way. Not to mention that whole sleeping phenomenon that my body wants to spend all kinds of time on. Anyway, I’d like to add a weekly list post. Whether it’s great books I’ve read lately, upcoming reviews, favorite quotes. Things like that.
  • 2015reads_feb_update
    Books I Meant to Read in 2015

    Catch up on the books I meant to read last year. I transitioned to 2016 with about a dozen books left on my To Read list from 2015, and I really want to catch up on those. I’ve read a few already, as you can see. I’m also really trying to work in some of the books I own but haven’t read yet. Not sure what this means in terms of accepting new reviews. Still figuring out the logistics.

  • Comment on other blogs more. I used to be better about this. Partly, reading other review blogs is awesome because inevitably I find books I haven’t heard about, and partly it’s overwhelming because I find too many books I haven’t heard about. But it’s still a good practice, and I do enjoy it.
  • Review more Christian/Clean Middle Grade and Young Adult Books. My original goal with this blog was twofold: 1. To review Christian and clean fiction books to raise awareness about them. And 2. To review popular novels so that parents and readers can find out what kind of content exists in various teen books. I try not to judge, but to provide information so parents can judge what’s appropriate for their kids. So I feel like I’ve done better at the second goal than the first one, and I’d like to bring more balance into the scope of what I read and review.

So there you have my list of blogging goals for this year.

Our Handsome Kitty

In Other February News

(read: this is where I talk about my cat)

The cat we adopted last summer is really acclimating to our home. He likes to lounge on me every night while I’m reading on my tablet. The only problem? He likes to turn the pages while I’m reading! It’s adorably frustrating, because he likes to turn them when he’s ready. Not when I’m ready. So we’re working on that.

This is a picture of him. I haven’t managed to get a picture of him in the act of “reading” with me mainly because I only have two hands, but I’ll post one if I catch him. He’s been a great addition to our family over all. We hope to get another cat sometime soon. He’ll have a kitty friend!

Coming Soon

Reviews Coming February 2016

Over the next few weeks, you’ll see some new reviews and other excitement. One of the things I’m super excited about is a blog tour for Katherine Marsh’s The Door by the Staircase, which is a middle grade novel with some references to Russian folklore. I’m a huge fan of re-imagined fairy tales, so I can’t wait to share more about this book later this month. Other reviews coming soon include:

  • Bad Luck by Pseudonymous Bosch. A light, funny middle grade read.
  • Curio by Evangeline Denmark. A girl discovers a secret world in her grandfather’s repair shop.
  • You Were Here by Cori McCarthy. A contemporary story about a girl still dealing with the unexpected death of her brother. Also– one of the narrators doesn’t talk, so his scenes are told through graphic novel panels. I *love* this!
  • The Feuds by Avery Hastings. You might remember me raving about this book last year when I read the sequel. Boxing, ballet, and genetically engineered human perfection. All the things a good dystopian novel needs, right?
  • Blue Gold by Elizabeth Stewart. I’m pretty sure I heard about this on Twitter, but I’m not sure. Follows the story of three girls and their connection to a rare mineral used to make smart phones. Love the message of social responsibility.

Your Turn!

So what’s on your list of goals for this year? What are you most excited about reading? If there’s a book you really want to see reviewed, leave me a comment! I’ll see what I can do about getting a copy.