A trusted resource has a brand new look. Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson released their reference book for writers back in 2013. The updated version features a brand new cover plus new content about historical fiction and self-publishing. I’m excited to see the new stuff and add this one to my writing shelf.
Here’s some more information about Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel:

Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel
By Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson
Available November 2, 2018

About Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel
You know your first draft has problems, but what’s the best way to fix them? How do you know where to start editing? Or for many writers the bigger question becomes, “How do I know when I’m done?”
Popular bloggers Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson have been where you are, and they want to help you understand, and even come to love—yes, love—the editing process.
In this revised and updated edition of Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel, you’ll learn:
· Methods for efficiently editing your novel.
· What problems to look for in your manuscript and how to solve them.
· Where to start editing, and how to know when you’re done.
· How to keep track of your story’s character, storyworld, and setting details.
· How a critique group can help you.
· The pros and cons of traditional and self-publishing.
· An overview of pitching your novel and making writing your career.
· And much more!
Teaching yourself how to edit a first draft can feel hard, discouraging, and isolating. But using this guide, you’ll feel as encouraged, empowered, and capable—as if you had a writing coach sitting alongside you.
Where to find Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel
Keep up to date with release information and get a sneak peek at the first three chapters by visiting Go Teen Writers.