Tag Archives: october 2015

Upcoming Reviews: October 2015 Part 2


October 2015 Upcoming Reviews: Part 2

I’m not a huge fan of scary stories, but with Halloween coming soon, I figured it would be festive to include some spookier tales. This is about as wild as I get. Here’s a bit about each book and why I’m looking forward to reading it. Enjoy!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

About the book: Kady and Ezra, who were until recently girlfriend and boyfriend, must now overcome  awkward post-relationship weirdness and escape invasion, war, and plague.

Why I’m reading it: I read a sample of this story and liked the way it’s told in interview snippets and documents. I really liked those parts of These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner.

The Dredge by Jaimie M. Engle

About the book: Sean Marrok’s gift might allow him to stand up to the Regime, but he’ll have to escape them first.

Why I’m reading it: I enjoyed Jaimie Engle’s middle grade story Clifton Chase and the Arrow of Light a couple of years ago. This story sounds super different, and I’m eager to see Engle’s writing style applied to dark sci-fi in this novella which won honorable mention in the L Ron Hubbard 2013 Writers of the Future contest.

As White as Snow by Salla Simukka

About the book: A Prague getaway turns into a desperate attempt to save her sister for renowned sleuth Lumikki Andersson. She’s not actually sure this mystery girl is really her sister, but something about the girl’s desperation drives Lumikki to help her, even if it means risking her own life.

Why I’m reading it: This is one of the books I received from Children’s Literature, for whom I also write reviews. As a fan of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I’m interested to read this book, which boasts to be a sure win with fans of Stieg Larsson.

The All Powerful by J K Brown

About the book: Dark powers fuel Jason’s incredible military success and make him a target for a a ruthless Shadow mercenary. Jason teams up with powerful Elementals, but will they be ready for battle in time?

Why I’m reading it: I seem to have an interest in stories about space militia. I wouldn’t have guessed that about myself, but I’m definitely keen to find out whether Jason learns to harness his power in a good way and whether his allies are strong enough to stand against the darkness.

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly

About the book: After her father’s death in a shooting accident, Jo and a local reporter uncover an ugly truth surrounding her father’s death and what really happened.

Why I’m reading it: I’ve been talking about this book for the longest time, and I’m finally reviewing it! Yay! It looks dark and suspenseful, and it’s got some mystery to it as the heroine explores the truth behind her father’s death. It’s a little different than my usual picks, but all the more reason to bring it on.

What’s on your reading list?

What spooky stories are on your reading list this month? What do you recommend that hasn’t made my list yet? Have you read any of these titles already, and if so, what did you think?

Upcoming Reviews: October 2015 Part 1

October Reviews at The Story Sanctuary: Part 1

This month The Story Sanctuary has a pretty diverse line-up, featuring reviews from indie authors, Christian publishers as well as some books from Netgalley’s list of YA publishing houses. Good stuff which I can’t wait to share coming this October 2015. Here’s a bit about why I chose each of these titles for review:

Never Said by Carol Lynch Williams

About the book: Sarah’s sister Anna has always been the perfect one, and then suddenly she’s not. Sarah’s own crises draw her and Anna together once again, and the walls between them crumble once again as they finally share the things they never said to one another.

Why I’m reading it: As a girl with two sisters, I have a soft spot for this type of story. The description reminds me a little bit of Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, which is one of my favorites.

Shades of Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

About the book: Best friends Vee and Kenna are finally safe and free in the kingdom of Doon, and they’re ready to make the most of it by celebrating with all their friends. All too soon a strange dark force boots the girls back into the awful reality of their former lives. To put an end to Doon’s latest threat will require all their strength and spunk.

Why I’m reading it: I’ve been meaning to read this series for quite some time. The covers of all three series books have been gorgeous, and I love the blend of modern day girls and a kingdom of fantasy.

The Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander

About the book: Ryleigh has left her home world to be with Jackson, who has just accepted rule of his father’s kingdom. Rumors of conspiracy threaten his court. Ryleigh leaves on a search for a missing relic. Jackson must find her before evil plots come to fruition.

Why I’m reading it: I can’t resist a good fantasy. This feels somewhere between Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series and possibly Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan. At least, that’s my hope.

Hopper-Hill Family by Erika Castiglioni

About the book: Piper always wanted a sibling, but she gets more than she bargained for when her cousins move in with her family.

Why I’m reading it: As a parent in a blended family, I’m always interested in books that feature characters and situations surrounding blended family issues. I’m hoping this one will be a story I can recommend to others as well as enjoy for myself.

Magic to Memphis by Julie Starr

About the book: Seventeen year-old Jessie travels to Memphis to win a music contest and finds herself caught in the sights of a killer.

Why I’m reading it: One of the elements I find most intriguing about the story is that Jessie discovers her dad made the same trek to Memphis long ago. I am a total sucker for father/son or father/daughter themes, and I’m hoping for big things from this one.