All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Top Ten Inspirations for The Cat King of Havana by Tom Crosshill

Cat King Banner The Cat King of Havana
By Tom Crosshill
Katherine Tegen Books
Available September 6, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | indiebound | ibooks

Rick Gutierrez is . . . the Cat King of Havana! A cat-video tycoon turned salsa-dancer extraordinaire, he’ll take Cuba by storm, romance the girl of his dreams, and ignite a lolcat revolution!

At least that’s the plan.

It all starts when his girlfriend dumps Rick on his sixteenth birthday for uploading cat videos from his bedroom when he should be out experiencing the real world. Known as “That Cat Guy” at school, Rick isn’t cool and he knows it. He realizes it’s time for a change.

Rick decides joining a salsa class is the answer . . . because of a girl, of course. Ana Cabrera is smart, friendly, and smooth on the dance floor. Rick might be half-Cuban, but he dances like a drunk hippo. Desperate to impress Ana, he invites her to spend the summer in Havana. The official reason: learning to dance. The hidden agenda: romance under the palm trees.

Except Cuba isn’t all sun, salsa, and music. There’s a darker side to the island. As Rick and Ana meet his family and investigate the reason why his mother left Cuba decades ago, they learn that politics isn’t just something that happens to other people. And when they find romance, it’s got sharp edges.

Top Ten Things that Inspired Characters and Scenes in The Cat King of Havana

I asked Tom Crosshill to share ten things that inspired him to create various characters and scenes in his novel, The Cat King of Havana. Here’s his list. If you’ve already read the book, see if you can pick out which scene or character he’s referring to!

  • The sweet, sweet excitement of watching a real master of something — dancing, sports, whatever — and saying — I’m going to do the work to be like that one day!
  • The marvel of attending a Silvio Rodriguez concert live at Carnegie Hall — and realizing how much more each of his songs meant to the native Cubans in the audience.
  • The experience of competing in a dance contest in Cuba as a foreigner — with all the stress, mortification and exhilaration that goes with it.
  • Long night-time walks down the unlit streets of Havana — watching life go on amidst decay and poverty and desperation.
  • The sheer ecstatic thrill of having Los Van Van blast their music at you from mere feet away at Casa de la Musica Galiano in Havana.
  • The frustration of being a beginner dancer who partners try to avoid — and the long-term satisfaction of pressing on regardless.
  • The thrill of having your flight out of Cuba cancelled — and realizing your only alternative is a Soviet plane operated by an airline with a dubious safety record.
  • Going for a night-time swim in the dirty water of the Malecon — because a girl you just met challenged you.
  • The regrettable experience of trying so hard to become cool that you lose a bit of yourself — and hurt others in the process.
  • The satisfaction of training hard at something for hour after hour, day after day, month after month, year after year — often alone, often without recognition — simply because you love what you’re doing.

About Tom Crosshill

Web Site | Twitter

Tom Crosshill’s fiction has been nominated for the Nebula Award (thrice) as well as the Latvian Annual Literature Award. His stories have appeared in venues such as Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies and Lightspeed. In 2009, he won the Writers of the Future contest. After some years spent in Oregon and New York, he currently lives in his native Latvia. In the past, he has operated a nuclear reactor, translated books and worked in a zinc mine, among other things.

Tom’s young adult novel “The Cat King of Havana” is forthcoming from Katherine Tegen Books (HarperCollins) in 2016.

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Visit the Other Stops on the Tour

Week 1:

8/29: That Artsy Reader Girl – Best Cat Videos

8/30: Rebelle Reads – Review

8/31: Pondering the Prose – Playlist

9/1: He Said Books or Me – Review

9/2: The Story Sanctuary – Top 10

 Week 2:

9/5: Lekeisha the Book Nerd – Review

9/6: The Irish Banana Review – Fast 5

9/7: One Night Book Stand – Review

9/8: Little Reds Reviews – Cat Kings of Little Reds Reviews (Cat Video)

9/9: Live to Read – Review



Monthly Wrap-Up for August 2016

The month of August screamed past, packed with the final days of summer, a last-minute vacation, and the start of a new school year. My family spent a long weekend in Hendersonville, NC, which was lovely! And I was able to attend Read Up Greenville and meet some awesome authors. You can read about my experience and see my book haul here.

Here at The Story Sanctuary, things were bustling, too, with lots of reviews and book news. Here’s a quick look at what you may have missed:

Dreadlands: Wolf Moon by Jaimie Engle

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved the way Engle incorporated Viking lore into this story featuring werewolves. I’m not a big reader in the paranormal genre, but I definitely enjoyed reading this book.

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I’d been seriously anticipating the conclusion of this series, and I’m not sorry I read it. But if I’m honest, I’m a bit disappointed in this book. Yes, we get some satisfying conclusions to some romantic tension, but overall, the ending just didn’t live up to my expectations.

Lightning by Bonnie Calhoun

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This is the second book in a series. Sometimes you can read the second book without reading the first. I don’t recommend that with this particular series. If you’re going to tackle the Stone Braid Chronicles, I say read Thunder first.

Pirouette (Andari Chronicles #3) by Kenley Davidson

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved this whole series of fairytales retold and would read anything new by Kenley Davidson. There’s some brief, light profanity, but otherwise these books are clean and not to be missed!

Just a Few Inches by Tara St. Pierre

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

While it starts with a girl taking diet pills, this book goes way beyond anorexia to look at body image and teen pressure in a very different way. I liked the unique spin on the topic that St. Pierre gives. She shares more in an author interview found here.

Haven by Katherine Bogle

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Fantasy with girl power– that’s what I’d call this book. Though some of the plotlines were a little muddled to me, there’s a strong sense of independence and strength from the female cast members. Fans of The Key by Jennifer Anne Davis should check this one out.

Be Light Like a Bird by Monika Schröder

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Novels which address grief seem to hold a special place in my heart. This one is no exception. I loved the way the author used birdwatching and a love of nature to nurture Wren through the loss of her father.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Though I read this book much earlier this summer, I’m still not totally sure what I think about it. I liked some things about it. I know a lot of people rave about the series, but I’m not sure I liked it well enough to continue through the other books.

First & Then by Emma Mills

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was one of the most fun reads I’ve had in a long time. I liked the charm of it and the way the romance resolves. The strong profanity felt out of place in novel that channels Jane Austen, but other than that, I really liked it.

One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

The Paris setting made me swoon (and crave crepes). I enjoyed the window into Sophie’s world of music and her first love, despite a few plot points that I had trouble buying into.

Tell Me Something Real by Calla Devlin

Review to Come | Amazon | Goodreads

Right after reading One Paris Summer, I dove into this other novel about a talented pianist. In this story about sisterhood and betrayal, it’s Vanessa’s music that carries her through the darkest times. The story moved me and definitely took a different direction than I expected.

Have you read any of these books?

If you’ve read these titles, what did you think of them? Which ones on this list look most interesting to you?



Ten Things I Learned at Read Up Greenville 2016

Book Haul from Read Up Greenville 2016

I haven’t been to a lot of book events, and I’m starting to regret it. As a pretty deep introvert, I much prefer the part of book blogging where I’m sitting quietly in bed or in a comfy chair with a book and possibly a snack, or, even better, a cat in my lap. But as I start to read multiple books by authors or hear about new authors with great new books, I’ve started wanting to get out there and meet authors and listen to what inspired them or how they write such amazing characters and stories. So… my first foray into the wild was a last-minute trip to Read Up! in Greenville, SC on August 6, 2016. I got some great books and had an awesome time listening to authors speak about writing and what inspired the stories they’ve written. Here are some of the things I learned.

1. Jay Asher is pretty hilarious.

He’s one of those guys where you might not realize he’s funny if you aren’t paying attention. He has that cool sort of dry delivery. I listened to his keynote speech in the morning, and it was absolutely awesome. He breezed by some info about the Thirteen Reasons Why Netflix series that’s coming out and his new book What Light which will be out late this fall. (Can’t wait!)

2. Also– did you catch how Thirteen Reasons Why is written like a suspense novel?

Am I the last person to figure this out? I don’t read much suspense, so maybe that’s why it didn’t immediately jump out at me? As soon as he said it, I was like, ohhhhhh…. YES. And wow, what a difference that made. (My Thirteen Reasons Why review is here.)

3. Prepare before meeting an author.

You know how people react to shocking news in really different ways? Apparently my fangirling is more like my mind going completely and utterly blank and then me standing as still as possible and saying almost nothing besides a few profoundly stupid words. So. *facepalm.*

Okay. So I had a massive headache the morning of the event, but I decided to tough it out and go anyway. Then I was almost late arriving, so I went to the keynote and book signing without that magic elixir some of us call coffee. Let me say that I LOVED Thirteen Reasons Why. I’ve read it more than once, even! But do I tell Jay Asher this? No. I mean, honestly, I figure it’s one of those things that stops really meaning so much if you just say, hey, I loved your book. Like, he’s heard that a million times, right? What I wish I’d done: thought of something specific from the book that REALLY mattered to me. Because I think that would have been more meaningful. Instead, I had him sign a generic autograph because I figured I might give it away on my blog. But…. I’m afraid it may have sounded like all I cared about was capitalizing on how much other people like the book or like I couldn’t have cared less. Which is so untrue. Jay Asher, you are awesome! Forgive my zombie introvertedness. I’ll make cue cards for myself next time.

4. Author Panels = AWESOME!

The next thing I did was go to a panel with Jennifer Lynn Barnes, Ryan Graudin, Carrie Ryan, and Tiffany Schmidt called Bad Blood. This was a great idea. If you have a chance to go to panels like this, DO IT. I loved getting the chance to hear different authors talking about a single topic. Super fun!

5. Jennifer Lynn Barnes only likes music to which she knows all the words. Also, she listens to one song while she writes a particular novel.

All the panelists had a chance to talk about how they use music in their writing process. This stuck out to me, though. I think it’s cool and also funny. I don’t typically listen to music while I write (I find the words distracting) but I wondered if listening to one song again and again would work for me. I might try it.

6. Ryan Graudin had me at Social Justice.

Listening to her talk about living overseas in Cambodia and how that inspired her to write The Walled City made me want to ask her so many more questions. I have an ebook copy of Wolf Road and bought and asked her to sign a paperback copy of The Walled City, but I haven’t had a chance to read either of those yet. Also, dude. I probably owe her an apology, too, because I zombie-gawked at her, too, instead of having anything coherent or useful to say. Worse, still, I finally found my feet when I talked to Carrie Ryan, who was sitting right next to her, so it probably looked like it was sort of personal. Nooooo. I felt horrible.

7. Carrie Ryan wrote Forest of Hands and Teeth as a NaNoWriMo novel. How cool is that? (Actually, Marissa Meyer wrote Cinder in NaNo, too.)

My coffee must have kicked in as I stood in line to talk to Carrie Ryan. I thought of a specific thing I wanted to tell her, and that made things much easier. What did I say? I told her two things. One, I asked her to sign a copy of The Map to Everywhere for my daughter and explained that I recently realized I’d given copies to her friends as birthday gifts but never gotten her one of her own! Also, I told her (and this is true) that after I read Forest of Hands and Teeth, I lent my copy to a guy at work that I liked. We are married now. She was like, WIN! So that was cool.

8. Tiffany Schmidt writes fairy tales set in crime families.

Before the panel, I hadn’t even heard of her or her books. When she explained what she writes, I was like wait, what?! How cool is that? I bought a copy of Hold Me Like a Breath which is a retelling of The Princess and the Pea in a family that deals in illegal organ transplants. I must read this!

9. Writer’s Block Technique a la Tiffany Schmidt: take a notebook with you on a run and leave it on a table or place you’ll pass. Make a loop. Write down anything you think of re: your problem. Still stuck? Make another loop.

Let me say that I will absolutely be trying this!

10. Look for common themes or structure across the big bestselling books, says Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Twilight: forbidden love with the threat of death. Take that idea and look at Hunger Games. Pretty similar when you pare it down that far, right? Makes me want to break down other stories and think about them this way. I like how you think, Jennifer Lynn Barnes!


Review: Tell Me Something Real by Calla Devlin

Tell Me Something Real
Calla Devlin
Simon & Schuster / Atheneum

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Her mother’s cancer dominates Vanessa’s life. Alternative treatments in Mexico are the only hope for her mom, whose cancer is terminal. While Vanessa tries to anticipate her mother’s every need and keep her sisters (foul-mouthed Adrienne and saint-obsessed Marie) together, she also dreams of a day when she can pursue her own dreams. She pours out her grief in her music and counts the days until she’ll hear back from music schools about applications she’s secretly sent out.

Then two new members join Vanessa’s family group—a boy whose cancer is in remission and his overprotective mother. As Vanessa and Caleb begin to fall in love, a terrible betrayal rips her family apart. Vanessa and her sisters must sift the wreckage for the truth and discover how to heal.

I started reading this book feeling a little anxious about the whole betrayal aspect. It’s always a gamble, right? You don’t want the character you fall in love with to be the guy who suddenly turns out to be the villain. So it’s a risky thing to read a book where you know something like this will happen and it’s going to be REALLY BAD.

That said, I felt like Devlin handled the betrayal part with real care and power. I was shocked by what happened (I had a short list of things I imagined the betrayal might be, and it turned out to be none of the things on my list) and definitely identified with the girls as they scrambled to piece together their own feelings and care for one another. I liked all three of the sisters. Marie’s obsession with saints fascinated me, especially juxtaposed against her relationship with her mom.

I loved that there are honorable adults in the story. Not all of them are honorable, but as the girls endure this betrayal, it shakes their faith in who the good guys are and who they can trust, especially where adults are concerned. I liked that as I looked around at the cast of characters, there were respect-worthy role models there for the girls to fall back on. We all need that. We all need mentors who’ve gone before us who can encourage us to keep seeking the truth and moving forward. So that really resonated with me.

Just before this book I read One Paris Summer which also features a young talented pianist. It was interesting reading each character’s different reactions to the same composers (some I was familiar with and some I wasn’t) and why certain pieces were significant to them. Both girls found music to be a way to express their grief and strong feelings about the changes in their lives. They’re very different stories, but I felt like both did justice to the healing power of music.

This book is darker than One Paris Summer, but has some real thought-provoking ideas in it. See the content description below to decide whether this book is a good fit for you or your readers.

Cultural Elements

Vanessa and her sisters drive with their mother across the Mexican border to receive cancer treatment that’s illegal in the United States. A nurse named Lupe takes care of Vanessa’s mom, and a cook named Rico dotes on the girls. The major characters are white, middle-class Americans.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used with moderate frequency.

Romance/Sexual Content
Vanessa states that Adrienne and her boyfriend have been sleeping together for a year. Vanessa herself is a virgin, but when she begins seeing her first boyfriend, she feels this might change. She exchanges kisses with him, and at one point he reaches under her shirt/bra. At one point Adrienne makes posters sexually denigrating to her ex-boyfriend.

Spiritual Content
Marie idolizes saints listed in a book. She quotes them and collects cards with the saints pictured on them. She especially loves the young virgin girls murdered for their strong faith, like Joan of Arc. At one point the family decides a Catholic school may be the best place for Marie because she’ll receive some understanding for her love of saints while also having the structure she desperately needs to survive the tumult at home.

Violent Content
Mild violence. Adrienne has some angry outbursts. One of the girls remembers her mother slapping a nurse and becoming agitated when a doctor tries to draw blood for tests.

Drug Content
Vanessa’s mother receives alternative treatment in Mexico considered by US doctors to be harmful, even toxic. Caleb believes the treatment is harmful and wants to discontinue it, but at seventeen, he doesn’t have the right to refuse treatment his mom requires him to have.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.




Review: One Paris Summer by Denise Grover Swank

One Paris Summer
Denise Grover Swank
Blink / Zondervan

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Anyone would be thrilled to spend the summer in Paris, but Sophie dreads it. Meeting her dad’s new wife and stepdaughter? Leaving her friends behind in the States? Not fun at all. When Sophie arrives, things only get worse. Her dad promised her a piano but never follows through. Her stepsister Camille torments her constantly, and even recruits her friends to help make Sophie miserable. Then one of Camille’s friends reaches out to Sophie. His charm and sweetness are the lifeline Sophie needs to get her through the difficult summer. The two grow closer, but if Camille finds out, she’ll do everything within her power to ruin Sophie’s happiness.

The French setting definitely won me over in this book. I loved the way Swank described different places and streets, cafes and apartments. The relationship between Sophie and her brother Eric added a lot to the story, too. I liked that while at home they were more like rivals, once they arrived in Paris, they became each other’s number one ally. It was sweet and definitely felt real to me.

For the most part, I liked the plot. There were a couple of moments that made me pause. One was when a stranger approaches Sophie outside a restaurant. For a girl who panicked about being alone in a foreign country earlier, she is remarkably unguarded when a strange man strikes up a conversation with her. Later on, a boy lies about his relationship with Sophie, and I just didn’t buy the idea that he’d tell such a farfetched story. I didn’t feel like he had enough motivation to do it, so I didn’t buy in. Which made the ending sort of unravel for me.

I loved the scenes in which Sophie plays the piano. Her music definitely felt like a real, emotional part of her life. I often found myself pulled into her playing and wanting to look up the composers and pieces she practiced.

Cultural Elements
Culture clash occurs between Americans Sophie and her brother and their French step-sister and her friends in Paris. Most of the story takes place in Paris.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
References to swearing, but no cursing appears in the text.

Romance/Sexual Content
Sophie and a boyfriend exchange kisses. She learns about her stepsister sleeping with boys, but doesn’t personally witness any of her behavior other than kissing. At one point she discusses the difference between American dating and French relationships, and mentions that the French are more free about sex. Her French companion disagrees, pointing out that in France, there may be less judgement or shame about sex, but most people only engage when they love each other.

Spiritual Content
Sophie’s parents have a civil ceremony to legally wed and then a separate church ceremony. She’s told that many Catholics prefer the religious ceremony.

Blink is an imprint of Zondervan in which stories do not contain overt Christian themes.

Violent Content
An unknown thief pickpockets Sophie on a subway. A boy handles her roughly, leaving a bruise on her wrist. A boy kisses her when she didn’t expect, and she doesn’t want him to. She’s able to stop him pretty quickly. A boy claims he’s been having sex with her every day, which isn’t true.

Drug Content
At Sophie’s Dad and stepmom’s wedding, all guests except the youngest children share in a champagne toast to the couple. At a Bastille day picnic, Sophie and her friends drink alcohol. She only sips a tiny amount and doesn’t like it. Later, her brother drinks a bottle of cheap wine and ends up sick.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Review: First & Then by Emma Mills

First & Then
Emma Mills
Henry Holt & Co.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

With college application deadlines fast-approaching, Devon is under pressure to be her most extraordinary self. The problem? How would Jane Austen say this? She’s remarkably uninteresting. Devon has never minded the sidelines. Especially when her best friend Cas and secret love takes the football field. When her socially awkward cousin Foster moves in with Devon’s family, his presence changes everything, bringing the local unapproachable football star, Ezra, into Devon’s path. Like, almost constantly. Ezra’s new closeness seems to stir some jealous feelings in Cas, and at first Devon thinks this might be the moment in which he discovers his deep love for her. But as she gets to know Ezra better, she starts to wonder if it really is Cas she wants.

I have to be honest. If you had asked me if I’d like to read a book equal parts football and Jane Austen, I would have looked at you as if you’d just asked whether I’d like ice cream on my nachos. Um, what? No. Just no.


I think this really worked. It had a lot more profanity than I was expecting and felt was necessary, but I did enjoy the way Devon kept this inner monologue of Jane Austen describing her modern life. I liked that it celebrated Austen without making the story a straight-up retelling of a familiar tale or something like that. I also enjoyed Foster’s rambling monologues and totally inappropriate questions. I laughed out loud at some moments.

As far as the plot goes, there were definitely some unexpected twists and turns. I liked that, in keeping with true Austen tradition, this isn’t a story with explicit sex. Devon’s on a quest for love, and while she recognizes that sex is out there, she’s not eager for it for its own sake.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
One of Devon’s high school friends is pregnant. There’s not much discussion about who she’s been involved with or anything like that. Devon laments her lack of sexual experience. As a senior in high school, she’s never even been kissed, and she hasn’t dated since eighth grade. There are a couple of scenes in which kids are described as making out or kissing. Devon knows that some of her friends are sexually active, but they don’t talk about it explicitly.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Devon’s cousin joins the football team, and she witnesses some practices and games. One player is tackled and suffers a concussion. He is rushed to the hospital. One boy shoves another boy’s head under water repeatedly in a swimming pool. It’s clearly a threat and not a joke.

Drug Content
Devon attends parties where teens are drinking alcohol. She doesn’t enjoy the parties and often doesn’t stay late. Her cousin and another friend each throw parties without any alcohol which are still well-attended, though some guests show up drunk already or plan to leave for other parties in order to get drunk.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.




