Category Archives: Blogger’s Favorites

Review: Accountable by Dashka Slater

Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed by Dashka Slater

Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed
Dashka Slater
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux
Published August 22, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Accountable

“Powerful, timely, and delicately written.” —Ibram X. Kendi, #1 New York Times–bestselling and National Book Award-winning author

When a high school student started a private Instagram account that used racist and sexist memes to make his friends laugh, he thought of it as “edgy” humor. Over time, the edge got sharper. Then a few other kids found out about the account. Pretty soon, everyone knew.

Ultimately no one in the small town of Albany, California, was safe from the repercussions of the account’s discovery. Not the girls targeted by the posts. Not the boy who created the account. Not the group of kids who followed it. Not the adults—educators and parents—whose attempts to fix things too often made them worse.

In the end, no one was laughing. And everyone was left asking: Where does accountability end for online speech that harms? And what does accountability even mean?

Award-winning and New York Times–bestselling author Dashka Slater has written a must-read book for our era that explores the real-world consequences of online choices.

YALSA AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN NONFICTION WINNER ● From the NEW YORK TIMES-bestselling author of THE 57 BUS comes ACCOUNTABLE, a propulsive and thought-provoking true story about the revelation of a racist social media account that changes everything for a group of high school students and begs the question: What does it mean to be held accountable for harm that takes place behind a screen?

My Review

I read The 57 Bus earlier this year, and when I saw that Dashka Slater had another nonfiction book coming out, I knew I wanted to read it. She has this incredible ability to zoom in on the people involved in a situation, inviting readers to get to know them and think of them beyond the choices they made. Yet, she never minimizes the harm anyone causes. There’s never any backing down from how awful what happened was or how much it hurt people. But we are also not allowed to consider only the hurtful actions. She helps us look at the whole picture.

In some ways, this book was a harder read for me than The 57 Bus. It’s messier in some ways. Some of the way the community and school responded added to the harm in ways that may have made it even harder for people to find healing afterward.

As I read about the boys involved in the social media account that posted the racist images, I felt like I kept wanting to shake them. They would talk about how the whole group of them made racist jokes, and considered it edgy humor. They would continually be shocked and surprised that people were outraged and deeply hurt by the photos on the account. And it seemed genuine, like they genuinely didn’t think about what they were doing, like really think about it? But it made me want to shake them.

The book also made me think a lot about how we, as a community, respond to incidents like this. This morning I saw someone blaming parents for kids who bullied others. They must be learning that at home, the post implied. Maybe. But in Accountable, I read about how hurtful that sentiment was for the families of these kids who were also horrified by the social media posts. It made me think about people saying things like that after the murders at Columbine High School about the families of the perpetrators.

I think this is an important book, because it examines our relationship with social media, accountability, racism, and community, but because it asks hard questions and doesn’t leave us in a comfortable, easy place at the end.

If you haven’t read this or The 57 Bus, I highly recommend both.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

The author interviews students, teachers, parents, school administration, and other community members of various races and ethnicities.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used somewhat frequently, in quotes from statements, interviews, and videos.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Descriptions of racist images, including photos of lynching. Brief descriptions of the history of lynching. References to people arrested for sexual crimes against children. References to death by suicide and suicidal thoughts. In one section, the author describes a boy’s plan to harm himself. Parents worry that their kids are having thoughts of suicide.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Panic by Lauren Oliver

Lauren Oliver
Published March 4, 2014

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Panic

Panic began as so many things do in Carp, a dead-end town of 12,000 people in the middle of nowhere: because it was summer, and there was nothing else to do.

Heather never thought she would compete in Panic, a legendary game played by graduating seniors, where the stakes are high and the payoff is even higher. She’d never thought of herself as fearless, the kind of person who would fight to stand out. But when she finds something, and someone, to fight for, she will discover that she is braver than she ever thought.

Dodge has never been afraid of Panic. His secret will fuel him, and get him all the way through the game, he’s sure of it. But what he doesn’t know is that he’s not the only one with a secret. Everyone has something to play for.

For Heather and Dodge, the game will bring new alliances, unexpected revelations, and the possibility of first love for each of them—and the knowledge that sometimes the very things we fear are those we need the most.

My Review

This is still my favorite book by Lauren Oliver. Her writing always strikes me, her stories and characters are always compelling, but there’s something about this particular one that just really sticks with me. I’m not sure if it’s the small town setting, the high, high stakes, the flawed, underdog characters, or the complicated romance.

The small town setting makes for an intimate backdrop. Everyone kind of knows everyone. It feels like there’s nowhere to hide. It feels like ALL THE RAGE or SADIE by Courtney Summers.

The game brings high stakes right away. I found myself getting sidetracked trying to figure out how these struggling kids could afford the $180 entry fee to play the game, but ultimately, that’s a small detail I found I could let go.

The ending doesn’t neatly wrap up all the character’s stories. In fact, a couple are left in awkward situations but seem to be fine. I loved so much of the rest of the story that this didn’t really bug me much either. As the game went on, I felt like I couldn’t look away and needed to know that the characters would find a way through.

Over all, I think fans of suspenseful stories set in small towns like those by Courtney Summers will really like this one. It’s more like Oliver’s VANISHING GIRLS than DELIRIUM.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Main characters are white.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme word choice, moderate frequency.

Romance/Sexual Content
A few crude references to sex, but no scenes depicting anything beyond kissing.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Several times kids get beat up in connection with the game Panic.

Drug Content
References to smoking weed. Teens drink beer at a party. One teen girl sips whiskey before completing her Panic test. A girl walks in on her mother and other adults after they’ve been using cocaine.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog.

Review: Desert Echoes by Abdi Nazemian

Desert Echoes
Abdi Nazemian
Published September 10, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Desert Echoes

From Abdi Nazemian, the award-winning author of Like a Love Story and Only This Beautiful Moment, comes a suspenseful contemporary YA novel about loss and love.

Fifteen-year-old Kam is head over heels for Ash, the boy who swept him off his feet. But his family and best friend, Bodie, are worried. Something seems off about Ash. He also has a habit of disappearing, at times for days. When Ash asks Kam to join him on a trip to Joshua Tree, the two of them walk off into the sunset . . . but only Kam returns.

Two years later, Kam is still left with a hole in his heart and too many unanswered questions. So it feels like fate when a school trip takes him back to Joshua Tree. On the trip, Kam wants to find closure about what happened to Ash but instead finds himself in danger of facing a similar fate. In the desert, Kam must reckon with the truth of his past relationship—and the possibility of opening himself up to love once again.

Desert Echoes is a propulsive, moving story about human resilience and connection.

My Review

I think I have at least one other of Nazemian’s books, but this is the first one that I’ve read. The writing and characters are so compelling in this book. I usually have a really hard time with long chapters, but I couldn’t stop reading this one, even though it only has about nine chapters which are each somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 pages long.

The story follows two different timelines: the present, in which Kam faces a return trip to Joshua Tree, the park where he last saw his boyfriend Ash, and the early days of Kam’s relationship with Ash two years earlier leading up to Ash’s disappearance.

Because the chapters are long, there aren’t a lot of transitions back and forth between these two timelines. This helped keep me immersed in each storyline and meant that I was going to get a lot more information every time I switched to a new chapter. I liked that.

I’ve sometimes read books that show a reflection back to a lost loved one or relationship that didn’t last, and sometimes those stories leave so many unanswered questions that reading the book can feel unsatisfying. Desert Echoes does provide Kam some closure, though it’s not the information he expected to uncover. He does begin to process his feelings and see his life in a new way once he has the information he needs, and once that happens, other things that felt left in limbo in the story begin to shift into place.

It has the kind of ending that might feel too easy to some people, but readers looking for an uplifting ending will definitely appreciate the way that Nazemian closes Kam’s journey. The back of the book has a moving note from the author explaining his emotional connections to the story, too. It explains why he writes about these topics with so much authenticity.

On the whole, I enjoyed this book a lot, even though it’s a story of grief. I’m glad I read it, and I am excited to read more by Abdi Nazemian.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Several major characters are queer. Bodie, Kam, and their families are from Iran and recently moved to the United States from Canada.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Some f-bombs and profanity used here and there. Some references to homophobic comments, particularly by Kam’s dad.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between two boys. Very brief descriptions of sexual contact in a couple of scenes.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
A character is missing, presumed dead. There’s some question as to whether this person died by suicide or an accident of some kind.

Drug Content
References to drug addiction. One scene shows a person with drugs and an intent to take them. Kam’s dad is an alcoholic and is frequently drunk when he’s in the house.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Greta by J. S. Lemon

J. S. Lemon
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux
Published September 10, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Greta

J. S. Lemon’s middle grade debut is an utterly transformative, fiercely original, and surprisingly funny story about consent, friendship, healing, and a beauty that transcends all else. 

Greta Goodwin’s life is changing. On top of moving to a new neighborhood far away from her best friend, Lotti, she’s also starting middle school. Greta isn’t totally ready for boys, bras, and bad cafeteria food. She still feels like a little kid compared to those female classmates who have suddenly matured over the summer. Girls who are now objects of curiosity, scorn, and entertainment for everyone else. So Greta adopts a new “Do not call attention to yourself.”

But at her first-ever middle-school party, a boy does pay attention to Greta. At first it feels good. And then it feels awful. Aggressive. Abusive. In the aftermath, Greta can’t make sense of what’s happened, let alone talk about it—even to Lotti. Impossibly, Greta’s body starts to change, and in a vastly different way from everyone else’s.

What follows leads Greta to believe the world might finally see her as she truly ethereal, powerful, and free. Reminiscent of Kafka’s Metamorphosis and sensitively told, stunning modern classics like Fighting Words and The Thing About Jellyfish, Greta will transform readers just as Greta herself is transformed.

My Review

I feel like this is one of those books that will make people uncomfortable simply by existing. A middle grade book that discusses sexual assault? Pretty shocking, sure. Is it as shocking as how often this kind of thing happens, though?

One of the things I really appreciate about this book is that the attack is presented only briefly. It focuses primarily on what Greta feels and how she responds, keeping her experience centered.

I love the symbolism of her transformation. She’s beautiful, before and after, and it feels like an expression of her true self rather than some kind of punishment or harm done to her.

For me, one of the hard things about the book is that the harm doesn’t get directly addressed. That feels uncomfortable. (Too often true in real life, and that’s also uncomfortable.) It also feels uncomfortable to me that the transformation separates her from her friends and family. Greta is happy, so she doesn’t view this as a bad thing. But for them, it is a kind of change that means they give up the kind of relationship they had with Greta.

What’s interesting to me about that is that those other kinds of resolutions– the perpetrator being confronted, the family hearing Greta’s story, etc– are things that would satisfy us as readers and observers.

Instead, the outcome of the story centers Greta’s healing and wholeness in a way that isn’t beholden to anyone else in her life. Once I saw that, I couldn’t stop thinking about what a powerful experience that is for someone who has been harmed. To remain centered in their own story. To experience a healing transformation and feel more whole and more oneself. Wow.


Greta is an unusual, imaginative book that probably won’t appeal to everyone. What it does really well, though, is keep the assault survivor’s story centered in the narrative, allowing her to experience healing and wholeness. It’s a powerful story perfectly tempered for a younger audience.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Greta’s little brother has an unspecified learning disability.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
References to changing bodies because of puberty. Greta sees Lotti making out with a boy. Kissing between boy and girl. Brief description of forceful kissing and groping.

Spiritual Content
Greta senses something happening in her body, a transformation that feels more true to who she is.

Violent Content
See above.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White

Compound Fracture
Andrew Joseph White
Peachtree Teen
Published September 3, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Compound Fracture

Bestselling and award-winning author Andrew Joseph White returns with a queer Appalachian thriller, that pulls no punches, for teens who see the failures in our world and are pushing for radical change.

A gut-wrenching story following a trans autistic teen who survives an attempted murder, only to be drawn into the generational struggle between the rural poor and those who exploit them.

On the night Miles Abernathy—sixteen-year-old socialist and proud West Virginian—comes out as trans to his parents, he sneaks off to a party, carrying evidence that may finally turn the tide of the blood feud plaguing Twist Creek: Photos that prove the county’s Sheriff Davies was responsible for the so-called “accident” that injured his dad, killed others, and crushed their grassroots efforts to unseat him.

The feud began a hundred years ago when Miles’s great-great-grandfather, Saint Abernathy, incited a miners’ rebellion that ended with a public execution at the hands of law enforcement. Now, Miles becomes the feud’s latest victim as the sheriff’s son and his friends sniff out the evidence, follow him through the woods, and beat him nearly to death.

In the hospital, the ghost of a soot-covered man hovers over Miles’s bedside while Sheriff Davies threatens Miles into silence. But when Miles accidentally kills one of the boys who hurt him, he learns of other folks in Twist Creek who want out from under the sheriff’s heel. To free their families from this cycle of cruelty, they’re willing to put everything on the line—is Miles?

A visceral, unabashedly political page-turner that won’t let you go until you’ve reached the end, Compound Fracture is not for the faint of heart, but it is for every reader who is ready to fight for a better world.

My Review

I only learned about the miners’ rebellion in 1920 earlier this year when I read Mine Wars by Steve Watkins. It was hard to imagine the bloodiness and violence of those events, but having read a historical account, I couldn’t help thinking about how the violence in this book echoed the horror of those real-life experiences.

Every time I pick up a book by Andrew Joseph White, I worry that it will be too much for me. I tend to be more sensitive to violence in media, so it’s hard for me to read certain things. Yet, every time I pick up one of his books, I’m swept away by the writing and the unapologetic storytelling that centers characters who survive some of humanity’s darkest treatment.

Compound Fracture drops its readers into the middle of a generations-old feud in a small West Virginia town. Early in the story, the main character, Miles, is beaten severely. We know what happens largely because we see him surrounded by people with ill intent, and then we get an account of his severe injuries when he wakes up in the hospital later. I appreciated that this scene, in particular, wasn’t shown in detail.

I couldn’t stop reading this book. The story feels urgent and intense in the kind of way that makes you want to squeeze in one more chapter. And one more. And…

Which is how I read this whole book in less than 24 hours. If you love dark Appalachian stories or stories with a strong tie to historical events, check this one out. It reminded me a little bit of The Ballad of Dinah Caldwell by Kate Brauning.

Also, shout-out to Lady, Miles’ dog and one of my favorite characters in the whole book. I love that she’s pictured on the cover!

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Miles is an autistic transgender boy. A friend is nonbinary. Another friend is queer. Miles speculates about another possibly transgender character.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Some f-bombs and other profanity. A few instances of transphobic and homophobic comments.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between two boys. References to romantic relationships and mention of queerplatonic partnership.

Spiritual Content
Miles sees an apparition when he’s in intense situations.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Threatening and bullying behavior. Three boys jump Miles, nearly beating him to death (off scene). A boy hits another boy in the face and knocks him down. Two people dispose of a body. More than one person shoots another person, sometimes fatally. More than one person leaves a victim bleeding out and expects them to die.

References to someone causing a car accident that left one person dead and another with severe burns. Someone sets an occupied building on fire. References to and brief descriptions of Miles’ ancestor’s brutal murder and other instances of violence between miners and others.

Reference to cruelty to animals. Miles recalls someone killing a dog as a way to punish someone.

Drug Content
Miles’ dad recovered from an opioid addiction. Other people in the community still struggle with addiction. Miles experiences withdrawals from stopping opioid medication after being injured. Miles and another boy drink alcohol together. Another character smokes cigarettes.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Not Nothing by Gayle Forman

Not Nothing
Gayle Forman
Published August 27, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Not Nothing

“The book we all need at the time we all need it.” —Katherine Applegate, Newbery Award–winning author of The One and Only Ivan In this middle grade novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Gayle Forman, a boy who has been assigned to spend his summer volunteering at a senior living facility learns unexpected lessons that change the trajectory of his life.

To say Alex has had it rough is an understatement. His father’s gone, his mother is struggling with mental health issues, and he’s now living with an aunt and uncle who are less than excited to have him. Almost everyone treats him as though he doesn’t matter at all, like he’s nothing. So when a kid at school actually tells him he’s nothing, Alex snaps, and gets violent. Fortunately, his social worker pulls some strings and gets him a job at a nursing home for the summer rather than being sent to juvie.

There, he meets Josey, the 107-year-old Holocaust survivor who stopped bothering to talk years ago, and Maya-Jade, the granddaughter of one of the residents with an overblown sense of importance. Unlike Alex, Maya-Jade believes that people care about what she thinks, and that she can make a difference. And when Alex and Josey form an unlikely bond, with Josey confiding in him, Alex starts to believe he can make a difference—a good difference—in the world. If he can truly feel he matters, Alex may be able to finally rise to the occasion of his own life.

My Review

In some ways, this book reminded me of Tree. Table. Book., which came out earlier this year. In that story, a girl befriends an elderly neighbor and learns of her experiences during the Holocaust.

Not Nothing also depicts a close bond between a child and a Holocaust survivor. This time, though, the 107-year-old man narrates the story as if he’s telling it to his lost love, Olka.

The narrative is poignant and gentle even as it tells of hard things: a boy losing his mom when he’s placed in foster care; a family losing their business during the Nazi occupation of Poland; a man separated from his love; and a girl dealing with a parent recovering from a serious illness.

We rarely see main characters, especially in middle grade fiction, who have made terrible choices and now must face the consequences of those choices. This is a brave story that’s also a little bit unsettling. It reminds us that people aren’t one thing. It reminds us that when we judge someone by the worst mistake they’ve made, we miss so many opportunities for good things.

I really appreciated the author’s note that explains why she wrote this book and what inspired the narrative choices she makes in the text. This book offers a lot to think about. I think it also includes a cameo of one of the main characters from Frankie & Bug, also by Gayle Forman.

While this is a heavy story in some places, it’s also hopeful and brave.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Josey is a Jewish Holocaust survivor and the story’s narrator. Several minor characters are queer. Maya-Jade has two moms and is adopted. She is also Jewish. Alex is in foster care. His mom has untreated mental health issues.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
References to slurs and antisemitism/homophobia.

Romance/Sexual Content
A man and woman kiss and become engaged. A couple marries in secret.

Spiritual Content
Alex celebrates Shabbat with Maya-Jade’s family. References to other Jewish holidays and celebrations.

Violent Content
References to World War II and a brief description of the invasion of Poland, destruction of Jewish property, and increasingly oppressive laws under Nazi rule. Brief descriptions of a concentration camp.

Josey references waiting to die several times in the book.

Brief references to Alex’s home life before he was placed in foster care. (He was underweight and not well-cared for.) Brief description of a violent attack against a boy.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

I’m sharing this post as a part of a weekly round-up of middle-grade posts called Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday. Check out other blogs with posts about middle-grade books today on Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays at Always in the Middle with Greg Pattridge.