Category Archives: Young Adult/Teen 12-18

Review: INFECtIOUS by Elizabeth Forkey

Elizabeth Forkey
Available June 18, 2014

Amazon | Goodreads | Author’s Website

The only thing separating Ivy and her community from a deadly zombie plague is a fence. All day long, she can hear them taunting her from the other side. Once she had the same disease they do. Then she learned a truth that changed her forever: she became a Christian, and her disease was healed.

When a missionary brings a young boy and new Believer to the community, his brother, still plagued with disease, demands that the people let the boy return to him. At first Ivy is disgusted with this outsider and his stink of rot. Just as she’s learning to accept him, he disappears, and Ivy learns that the organization responsible for the zombie plague wants to capture her. Worse still, that someone within the community has betrayed her. When an attack comes, Ivy has to figure out who she can trust and who will help her escape with her life.

I thought the setting was a really fascinating component of Infectious. It takes place after the Rapture has taken Christians and young children from the earth. A deadly plague with Leprosy-like symptoms spreads throughout humanity. The only cure is to surrender one’s life to God and become a Christian. I thought that made an interesting metaphor for faith and lent itself well to a post-apocalyptic zombie story. So that was cool.

In this dark time, most of the Believers sequester themselves inside communities barred to outsiders. Some of the mechanics of how this works were a little bit of a stretch to me in terms of how they got supplies and those sorts of logistics. There are some missionaries who travel among the infected and bring new converts to live in communities like Ivy’s.

At one point, Ivy’s in a bit of trouble, and her attitude definitely needs adjusting. She winds up having a come-to-Jesus moment in which she reconnects with her faith in a deeper way and believes that hiding away in these shut-in villages isn’t the right way to live as a Believer.

I loved that moment, because reading the story, I’d been thinking much the same thing. Why are they hiding away from everyone when they literally have the cure for the disease that’s literally killing humanity? So that was awesome. I thought okay, maybe she’ll become a missionary or something now. Instead, she has this big revelation and then kind of immediately falls back into her usual patterns of thinking and behavior, which I found disappointing.

Sometimes it felt like this story wasn’t sure what it was really about. Is it a love story? Is it an allegory about Christian faith? Infectious explored both of those ideas, but sometimes they didn’t play nicely together.

Overall, I think taking a post-apocalyptic zombie story and adding the faith elements to it made for a fresh, interesting tale. The story didn’t deliver for me in terms of exploring what the church should be in a dark time like that. I found myself disappointed in the whole ‘hiding away in homogenous communities’ thing. I didn’t find that to be an admirable representation of the body of Believers.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Cultural Elements
The two cultures at play were Christian versus non-Christian. The story didn’t focus on race or orientation. I think all of the characters may have been white. There was one guard who had sort of an island accent.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Some references to sex.

Spiritual Content
Infectious takes place in a community of people who became Christians post-Rapture. Becoming a Christian heals the Believer from a deadly disease. Outside the community, people are sick. Many appear to pursue drug abuse, promiscuous sex, and cannibalism.

Violent Content
Apparently food has become so scarce that outside Ivy’s community, people have resorted to cannibalism for food. In some places women conceive children to later sell them to be used as food. It’s horrible and also honestly, that was difficult for me to get my head around. It’s awful, but also didn’t seem very practical. It seemed like a really difficult, expensive way to attempt to get food.

The story contains brief descriptions of the symptoms of the disease, which causes flesh to rot and fall off, much like Leprosy. A man attacks Ivy and scratches her neck. Another man fatally shoots a girl.

Drug Content
Brief references to drug abuse happening outside Ivy’s community.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: The Secret of Goldenrod by Jane O’Reilly

The Secret of Goldenrod
Jane O’Reilly
Carolrhoda Books
Available October 1, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Trina and her father move to a tiny town where they’ll live in and restore a gorgeous house rumored to be haunted. Though at first Trina struggles to fit in with the other kids in town—all she wants is a friend, just one friend—she soon meets Augustine, a doll who helps Trina face truths about herself and others around her. She finds the courage to reach out to her estranged mom and find new friends who help her bring the town back together.

Trina also finds a friend in the house, whom she calls Goldenrod. It’s often Goldenrod’s leading that prompts Trina to act, though at first she finds the old home spooky and worries it may be haunted, like the rumors say. As Trina learns to sense Goldenrod’s feelings, she also begins to listen and watch the people around her, which helps her connect to them and value them. As she learns to be kind and listen to others, she soon builds relationships with many people in town.

The spooky elements make this a great Halloween read, but the elements of heart make The Secret of Goldenrod a fantastic read for any season.

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Cultural Elements
Characters are white, middle class or upper class in a very small American town.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Trina’s dad insists there’s no such thing as ghosts, but Trina believes she senses Goldenrod. A doll also moves and speaks with her. A ball shows up mysteriously several times. The townspeople believe that anyone who has stolen anything from the house is then cursed with bad luck. After Trina and her dad move in, people begin returning items they’ve stolen, grateful to be relieved of the curse.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: The Best Possible Answer by E. Katherine Kottaras

The Best Possible Answer
E. Katherine Kottaras
St. Martin’s Griffin
Available November 1, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When a panic attack lands Viviana in the hospital, her mother insists that she slow down and stop taking her studies so seriously. But even the thought of slowing down stresses Vivi out. She has summer engineering camp to attend! And SATs to prep for! And college applications to write! Everything has to go perfectly, no room for error. It’s the only way her dad will stop being disappointed in her and come home. And after her failure at school, the one involving Dean and that photo she sent him, Vivi needs something to go right.

But her mom won’t be swayed, so instead, Vivi ends up spending the summer with her best friend working at the community pool. At first it seems like a nice change of pace. But Vivi’s mistakes find her, even in her new quieter life. And she discovers that she’s not the only one who was hiding from the truth. Her father has a secret that could destroy the entire family.

I found it so easy to identify with driven, perfectionist Viviana. I loved her relationships with her mom and sister and the way her friendship with Sammie changed over the course of the story, too. It felt very real and authentic, exactly the kinds of changes relationships can go through in high school. I liked that Vivi’s family was so complex. I liked that her mom’s cancer was something they’d overcome together, and you could still see the shadow of it over them, but it didn’t define them as a family, or her mom as a character. Her mom surprised me. I kind of expected not to like her, and then as the story went on, you could really see the strength she possesses and how much Vivi gets that same strong character from her.

For me, The Best Possible Answer is another win for Kottaras. I loved it. Fans of Eleanor & Park might like it, even though the romance isn’t really a central component. I think Viviana shares a lot of the qualities that drew me to Eleanor.

Recommended for Ages 13 up.

Cultural Elements
Vivi’s mother is Russian and Jewish. Her best friend Sammie is Filipino. Viviana has been suffering panic attacks. A neighbor is schizophrenic.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used with moderate frequency.

Romance/Sexual Content
While Vivi dated a boy named Dean, she sent him a picture of herself naked. After they broke up, he distributed the picture to the whole school. Vivi kisses another boy several times.

Spiritual Content
Vivi and a friend help a schizophrenic man. They also debate whether love exists. Her friend says yes, though Vivi’s less certain. Vivi’s friend Sammie follows horoscopes and believes they come true. Another friend says it’s bogus.

Violent Content

Drug Content
Vivi recalls a party years ago at which she drank a beer, her one and only ever. Later she and some friends go to a college dorm where some other kids have been drinking. They don’t associate much with anyone who’s been drinking though.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Review: The Homecoming by Stacie Ramey

The Homecoming
Stacie Ramey
Sourcebooks Fire
Available November 1, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Trouble with the law sends John back to his mom’s house, a place he hasn’t lived since a year after his brother’s accident. Still reeling from his girlfriend’s death, John’s only plan is to keep his head down until he’s served out his time. Then he’s California bound. Connections, especially with a girl, are the last thing he needs. But as the issues he once left behind begin to catch up with John at home, he finds that his usual retreats—pot and alcohol—aren’t enough. As the pressure builds, John must make a choice: to face the terrible truth about his past or let it destroy him and his family again.

The Homecoming is pretty much exactly the kind of novel I love reading. While John’s coping strategies aren’t my favorite in literature, I can’t help but root for a guy like him. He has a great heart, which we saw a little bit of in Ramey’s earlier novel, The Sister Pact, which describes some of his relationship with Leah from Leah’s sister’s point-of-view. Speaking of sisters, I love John’s relationship with his little sister and found it super endearing.

I liked that the story dealt with issues of family. John’s brother is disabled, and the family struggles a lot with how to manage his care. He’s not a perfectly likeable guy, either, which I found to be different than we often see in literature. His family clearly loved him, but it wasn’t always easy.

A couple of other interesting elements: John discovers a talent for architecture and begins learning the CAD program in a class. It’s a bright moment for him. At his dad’s insistence, he joins the lacrosse team, which also turns out to be a good thing for him. So several scenes show him exploring both of those interests which are a bit unusual for YA. I liked that.

If you like tragic-yet-hopeful contemporary YA, this is definitely a book you should check out.

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Cultural Elements
Major characters are all white middle class. John’s brother is disabled.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used with moderate frequency.

Romance/Sexual Content
John reflects on having been with a number of girls since Leah’s death, but that those relationships were superficial and didn’t touch his heart. He and one girl begin making out and retreat to her room to have sex but are interrupted. At the time, she states that she wants to have a casual relationship with him.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
John’s brother Ryan punches family members and injures them. A car accident injures a boy. Another accident injures a woman and her adult son. During a lacrosse game, another player makes unkind comments to John and other players take turns going after the guy. No detailed descriptions of violence or injuries.

Drug Content
John smokes pot and drinks alcohol, sometimes alone and sometimes with others.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Monthly Wrap-Up: October 2016

Fall is flying by! In Central FL, it’s finally cool enough to walk to your car without breaking a sweat. I’m gearing up to go to YALLFEST in Charleston next month, so I’m super excited about that. I’m sure I’ll be tweeting and will write up a post about my experience there afterward. If you’re going to be there, leave me a comment! I’d love to meet up.

This month, I received a few more books in the mail. Actually, I’m kind of cheating here, because I received Every Exquisite Thing and The Secret of Goldenrod a couple of months ago and somehow they never made it into my calendar of books for review. So I’m including them here. The other two I got through BookLook Bloggers, which is a partnership between Zondervan and Thomas Nelson through which I get many of my Christian titles for review.

I also received my second ever OwlCrate box this month, and I absolutely loved it! I have a feeling I’ll be wearing the Lost Boys beanie on my Charleston trip. (Don’t judge! Upper 60s is COLD to this Florida girl!) I’ve already been wearing the Sleeping Beauty themed bracelet all over the place. So fun.

Also, if you missed my post yesterday about my Steampunk Book Fairy Costume, go back and check that out! My mom made it for me for my birthday this year, and I can’t wait to wear it to a costume party next weekend.

And, like always, here’s the list of books I reviewed this month. Check out the ones you may have missed, and let me know if you’ve read any or plan to!

October Reviews

Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was one of the most fun reads ever. We listened to the story on a road trip months ago. Entertained the whole car and we are still talking about it!

The Rise of the Chosen by Anna Kopp

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This would be a good go-to for a creepy read this season, though there’s more emphasis on the tactical military side than the scary zombie-like enemies the characters face.

The Row by J. R. Johansson

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Suspenseful story about a girl whose dad is on death row. She decides to find out for herself whether or not he’s guilty. I liked it.

Counterpart by Hayley Stone

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved the first book in this man vs machines series, so I was super excited that I didn’t have to wait long for the second book. My only complaint is that it ends on a cliffhanger and now I have to wait for the third!

Cease & Desist by Stephen David Hurley

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Really fascinating premise– Cease stars in a reality-drama, a TV show in which she plays Joan of Arc competing against other historical figures to be voted top couple with one of the boys.

Crooked Kingdom Leigh Bardugo

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was the book I waited all year for, and it did not disappoint. I laughed, cried, devoured page after page from beginning to end. So. Good.

Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved this retelling of Aladdin in which the genie is a girl. The writing has this sort of ethereal feel to it that hooked me from page one.

The Goblin Crown by Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was another fun story in which kids jump to another world in which one of them has been foretold to save the goblins. Loved the voice and characters.

The Friendship Experiment by Erin Teagan

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was such a fun read! I loved the way Teagan used science throughout the story and the lessons about friendship and forgiveness were perfect and heartfelt.

Ghost Maven by Tony Lee Moral

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This is the right time of year for this spooky read. A girl falls in love for the first time only to realize her true love is a ghost.

The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This haunting story based on true events prompted me to spend an hour looking up more information about the situation that inspired the tale. I loved the writing and the characters immediately grabbed me by the heart.






Review: Ghost Maven by Tony Lee Moral

Ghost Maven
Tony Lee Moral
Saturn’s Moon Press
Available October 3, 2016

Amazon| Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

After Alice’s mom dies, Alice, her sister, and her dad move to Monterey, California. There Alice tries to confront her fear of water by kayaking in the bay. A sudden storm drags her out to sea, and a mysterious boy rescues her. Alice can’t stop thinking about Henry, the young sailor who came to her rescue. Then she learns that Henry has been dead for over one hundred years, bound by a curse which can only be undone when he atones for wrongs he committed in his life. Henry warns her that their love is forbidden by rules that govern his curse. But to break the curse, Alice risks losing Henry.

This story reminded me a lot of Ophelia Adrift. Grief-stricken girl meets the ghost of a sailor and falls in love. Lots in common there, though there are some significant differences in the plotlines, too. I loved the setting of this novel—Monterey, CA. It definitely added to the story and felt real. I liked Henry and some of the other characters.

As the action ramped up, sometimes it got a little hard to believe. Things happened quickly, and sometimes just didn’t seem logical or like there was enough motivation set up for the characters to make the choices they did. Because of the prologue and the Ghost Maven abilities and artifacts, I kind of thought this might be a series. The end of the novel doesn’t really indicate that the story continues, though.

If you enjoyed Ophelia Adrift or have an interest in ghost stories, you’ll want to check out this book.

Recommended Age 13 up.

Cultural Elements
Characters are white middle class Americans.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief kissing. Rumors spread about one girl’s behavior with boys at school. Later, a boy reveals he completed her homework in exchange for some intimate behavior.

Spiritual Content
Since Alice’s mom died, she no longer believes in God. It seems the whole town believes in ghosts, though, even members of a local church. Alice learns of a curse which causes anyone who drowns in the bay to continue to walk among mortals, though their heart no longer beats. She also learns of a group of warriors who can destroy these undead creatures. Symbols and artifacts help defeat them.

Alice and her friend hold a séance to try to reach a girl believed to be dead. Alice’s mom communicates with the girls. Alice’s friend has psychic visions of events to come and senses things about people near her.

It probably sounds weird, but the psychic elements on their own bothered me less than the fact the in some places they were sort of mixed in with Christian ideas. In one scene, characters take refuge in a church and then rely on other symbols to protect them.

Violent Content
A battle takes place between the people of the town and those cursed.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

