The Last Faerie Queen
Chelsea Pitcher

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After a brutal battle left her without wings, dark faerie princess Elora begs the queen of light to heal her. Elora and the queen share an uneasy alliance, promising to work together to stop Elora’s mother from harming humans and end the monarchy of faeries forever. But the light queen may have bigger plans than she’s sharing with Elora. Elora’s boyfriend Taylor may have made a promise to the queen, as mortals do, without understanding the ramifications. His word may place him and his friends in peril from which not even Elora can protect them. The Light and Dark Queens move their pawns toward war, but only one can be victorious. One will enslave humanity. The other, free it.
The romance is probably the strongest thread in the story. It’s tempered by the looming war between the faerie groups, but it definitely felt like the focus of the story. I liked the human characters and the unfolding of their stories. I felt at times like I just didn’t get Elora. There were some references to the fact that she’s a dark faerie, and therefore evil, but other than one specific instance, the inner battle that she supposedly should have been having wasn’t really apparent. I think more of that inner conflict would have added more depth to the story. (In fairness, it may be that the first book had a LOT to do with this conflict, and maybe would have scratched that itch for me, had I read it.)
The moment where she does something really evil, the other characters kind of glossed over it. There’s a brief moment where it looks like she might be called to account, but then it passes with little to-do about it. The ending of the book was a little bit disappointing, too. One really complex character (one of those that you love to hate) kind of just shrugs and instantly resolves an issue. I don’t know, I felt like it was a bit of a letdown. I had really liked that she was such a complex character whose loyalties I could never really pin down. I wanted her to have one final political twist or something before just fading out.
Readers who like Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series will probably enjoy Pitcher’s take on the Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Fans of The Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander may want to give this series a try.
Language Content
Extreme profanity used frequently. Also some crude language.
Sexual Content
There are several really steamy suggestive scenes. There’s not a lot of specific description of each event, but some very detailed moments leading up to them are included. While erotic language isn’t used, the effect is pretty erotic. Elora and Taylor’s love-making appears to have a sort of superpower that strengthens them. Two girls also engage in some heavy kissing.
Spiritual Content
Faeries exist to protect the earth and nature. Light faeries believe in not harming humans. Dark faeries have no qualms about enslaving humans and causing direct harm to them.
Brief battle violence.
Drug Content