C. B. Cook
Available July 14, 2016

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Twins Albany and Brooklyn keep their telepathic connection a secret from everyone. After all, who would believe them anyway? But when a strange girl shows up on their doorstep with no memory of how she got there and an inexplicable power of her own, the twins begin to realize there may be more people with powers, and not all of them use them for good. They learn about an organization of people with abilities and a terrible plot to destroy it. At first committed to sit on the sidelines, Albany soon realizes she and Brooklyn might be the group’s only hope for survival. She and her sister must decide whether they’ll join the fight, even if it means risking everything.
This is such a fun story. I liked all the silliness and joking between characters. Albany and Brooklyn were both great and easy to root for. The rest of the cast of characters does get a little overwhelming at times, since there are so many of them and their code names to remember on top of everything else.
Twinepathy is a pretty short read—I finished it in just a couple hours—but it’s the perfect length for a reluctant reader, and a great fit for fourth or fifth grade readers who are into Marvel or other superhero stories. This novel made me think a little bit of the Twintuition books by Tia and Tamera Mowry, which also feature gifted twins. It’s different in that Twinepathy focuses on the girls’ role in a larger group of gifted people.
Cultural Elements
I don’t specifically remember descriptions showing a racially diverse cast.
Profanity/Crude Language Content
Romance/Sexual Content
The girls’ older brother is dating a girl named Ezra. They do not witness any romance between them, though.
Spiritual Content
Brooklyn and Albany share a telepathic connection. Other characters possess special powers like telekinesis, teleportation, the ability to manipulate metal, etc.
Violent Content
Battles between the members of the superhero team and the villain and his clones.
Drug Content
I’ve been meaning to read this one for so long. It’s written by someone I know (kinda), too. 🙂
Awwww!! It’s a quick read! I hope you’re able to pick it up soon. 🙂 Let me know how you like it!