Tag Archives: Lists

To the Girls

Don’t worry about who might be stronger than you are. You are strong enough.

Don’t see the world as us vs. them. If you always keep your eyes open for allies, you will find them in the unlikeliest of places.

First impressions aren’t always reliable. Best friends are often people we didn’t expect to get along with so well.

Don’t trust labels. The best parts of who you are can’t be summed up as prep, jock, nerd. You supersede them.

Don’t trust “friends” who want to change you. Trust the ones who laugh at the things you find funny, the ones who see the real you and rejoice.

Do the things you love. Share them with the people you love.

Talk to your mom. Whatever happens, we’re in it together.

Dream big. Explore your dreams. Learn about things. Try new things.

Your heart is big enough for all those you love. Never worry that you’ll run out of love.

All ‘shoulds’ are a lie. Ask yourself if you want to do it, not should you. You will be surprised at what a difference that makes.

Faith allows you to love more fully and brings you peace. If it’s not doing these things, something is wrong. Examine it.

Never underestimate the power of perspective. Choose the bright side whenever possible, but be honest with yourself about how you feel. Choosing optimism doesn’t mean you can’t be sad, disappointed, angry, upset.

You get to decide who you’re going to be. No one else gets to choose for you.

You don’t have to live the life anyone else expects. Live the life that comes from your heart, the one that’s in you to live.

You matter.

For my favorite girl, Anna Rose.

Favorite Reads from 2013

Out of just over 100 books I had the pleasure of reading last year, here are my top ten favorites:

Glass Girl by Laura Anderson Kurk

From my review: “Glass Girl is a beautiful story of a girl who has lost not only her brother but faces the terrible toll grief has taken on her family. Meg’s emotions are vivid and gripping, as are the relationships she has with each of her parents and friends. The rugged Wyoming countryside provides the perfect backdrop for both the tumultuous feel of the emotional story and the golden-hearted cowboy who teaches Meg about courage, compassion and mercy. This is a novel that demands to be finished once it is begun. Tissues are a must.”


City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

From my review: “In a series opener that’s tough to put down, Clare introduces a hidden world within the familiar landscape of New York City. The story rockets off to a quick start, leaving readers scrambling to turn pages. Snappy dialogue and imaginative creatures spring from nearly every scene. There were a few moments in which characters’ behavior was a little incongruous with the rest of Clare’s descriptions of them, but overall, this is a high-action story of drama and heart worth the time it takes to cross from cover to cover.”


It’s Over by Laura L. Smith

From my review: “Smith carries readers through a rainbow of expertly rendered emotions, from happy holiday celebrations to the deepest of heartache and the purest dawning of hope. Each of the girls has a distinct voice with a different perspective. This is a great series for the reader looking for some fun, lighthearted moments and open to the deeper lessons life has to offer.”



Cinder by Marissa Meyer

From my review: “In an android-saturated futuristic world, Meyer retells the story of the little Cinder girl, her handsome prince, and the magical ball that brought them together. Her version of the story again brings to life familiar roles – the wicked stepmother, stepsisters, a carriage fastened from an unlikely source – and throws new twists into the mix. Cinder’s world is crafted from a complicated social structure in which humans have the technology to save lives of the gravely injured by implanting machinery.”


Starflower by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

From my review: “Fans of the Tales of Goldstone Wood will recognize Eanrin as the wise and mischievous cat who often kept company with the Princess Una in Heartless, the first novel in the series. Starflower predates Heartless and tells the tale of a much younger and more, often humorously, self-centered Eanrin and adding still more depth and breadth to the already rich and lustrous story world Stengl has created.”



The Revised Life of Ellie Sweet by Stephanie Morrill

From my review: “This is a novel that is easy to love, full of the joys and disappointments of high school and teen romance. Morrill writes witty narrative with perky humor and great emotional depth, drawing readers into the very heart of this tale about a girl who feels totally invisible and the boy who truly sees her.”


The Mysterious Howling (The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place) by Maryrose Wood

From my review: “Not every governess is willing to take on three children who were raised by wolves. Literally. Now that they’ve been “rescued” from the forest by Lord Ashton, the children must be civilized and educated. Penelope sets herself to the task and achieves often hilarious and endearing results in this first book in a series which has been described as a mash-up of Lemony Snicket and Jane Eyre. The Mysterious Howling is brilliant and fun.”


Divergent by Veronica Roth

From my review: “Roth’s debut novel packs quite a punch, drawing readers into a world in which survival depends on securing one’s place within a group and virtue is everything… Though the early chapters spend a lot of time setting up the story, the pace picks up quite a bit once Beatrice/Tris chooses her faction and the initiation rites begin. From that point on, the reader scarcely has a chance to pause for breath, and may need intervention from friends and family in order to put the book down for things like dinner and sleep.”


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

From my review: “John Green has proved his valor as a writer worthy of tackling the deep emotional and cosmic issues with earlier novels, but this novel may yet be his most incredible work. This novel tackles the big human questions about life, love, and loss, exploring at once what they mean and how one responds to them. All this and yet the story remains poignant and breathtaking and sometimes quite hilarious. And tragic. This is another one to read with tissues handy.”