Tag Archives: Make This Book Wild

Make This Book Wild by Jo Shofield and Fiona Danks

Review: Make This Book Wild by Jo Shofield and Fiona Danks

Make This Book Wild by Jo Shofield and Fiona Danks

Make This Book Wild
Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks
Wide-Eyed Editions
Published April 12, 2022

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About Make This Book Wild

From the authors behind The Stick Book and many other outdoor adventure favorites, this interactive one-of-a-kind creative scrapbook offers children an outlet for creativity inspired by the wild world. 
This truly unique book contains prompts for all kinds of creative activity based around the natural world around us, from drawing to writing to mixed-media collage.
Readers will be encouraged to draw on their creativity, to express themselves without fear of being judged, and to make their book really WILD!
They will need scissors, pens, paints, tape, glue and a magnifying glass, plus lots of wild materials and their wildest creativity, as this book becomes filled with keepsakes from their own outdoor adventures.
From finding the faces hidden in pictures of trees, to collecting ingredients for a spell to keep nature safe, to sticking the feathers back onto a mythical bird, these prompts and activities will provide hours and hours of entertainment as they take children on flights of fantasy through the natural world.
Readers can color outside the lines, do the activities in any order and go at their own pace.
The mixture of art, creative writing, collecting, games, wildlife-watching and imaginative prompts will appeal to kids with all kinds of interests, and there are no rules!

My Review

This is such a cute, imaginative book! I love that it pairs imagination and nature together, celebrating curiosity and creativity along with opportunities to learn about the world around us.

I requested this book hoping that my daughter would be able to use this for some outside activities. There are definitely some things in here that she can do, but some of the activities are probably better for older kids, like maybe eight or ten years old. I think she would love making berry ink and creating little fairy outfits out of leaves and flower petals. There’s another activity in which you mash up some banana and mix with water to create a food for butterflies. Then you watch to see if any come to eat. I’m sure she would love that, and the similar one for birds. Although, where we live, it’s likely the squirrels will show up first and try to eat all the bird snacks. Ha.

All in all, I’m really impressed with the cleverness and creative approach this book takes to nature. The book contains more than 60 activities to do outside (or do with items collected from outside). So, it provides a LOT of opportunities to visit nature and spend time noticing the natural world around us. I’m a huge fan. I’m also eager to see how many of these activities my daughter and I can try out together.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.


Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
The book contains pictures of fairies and dragons and things like that.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of MAKE THIS BOOK WILD in exchange for my honest review.