Tag Archives: National Geographic Explorers

Review: History’s Mysteries by Kitson Jazynka

History's Mysteries by Kitson JazynkaHistory’s Mysteries
Kitson Jazynka
National Geographic Society
Published on October 17, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About History’s Mysteries
Why were the Easter Island heads erected? What really happened to the Maya? Who stole the Irish Crown Jewels? The first book in this exciting new series will cover history’s heavy-hitting, head-scratching mysteries, including the Lost Colony of Roanoke, the Bermuda Triangle, the Oak Island Money Pit, Stonehenge, the Sphinx, the disappearance of entire civilizations, the dancing plague, the Voynich manuscript, and so many more. Chock-full of cool photos, fun facts, and spine-tingling mysteries.

My Review
History’s Mysteries was a fun book to read. I liked the way each mystery had some photos or illustrations and background information to clue readers in on some of the historical context. Then it presented the mystery and prevailing theories about what might have happened. Though none of the mysteries in the book have been solved, having so many unusual and puzzling cases stacked next to each other raised a lot of curiosity about our world and the fact that there are still lots of things left to discover.

The mysteries span across time, exploring ancient to modern civilizations and cases of unsolved disappearance, like Amelia Earhart. Some cases I was familiar with, but others (like the dancing plague) were entirely new to me and made me want to know a lot more about them.

History’s Mysteries is a great overview or beginning foray into unsolved cases, and a fun way to stir a young reader’s imagination. I’d say late elementary-aged readers would enjoy this most, but middle elementary-aged readers can probably handle it just fine, too, and older readers will still enjoy the engaging way the information is presented.

Recommended for Ages 9 up.

Cultural Elements
Explores unsolved mysteries across the world and from various time periods.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.