Tag Archives: Romance

Review: Chaotic Good by Whitney Gardner

Chaotic Good by Whitney GardnerChaotic Good
Whitney Gardner
Published on March 13, 2018

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About Chaotic Good
Cameron’s cosplay–dressing like a fictional character–is finally starting to earn her attention–attention she hopes to use to get into the CalTech costume department for college. But when she wins a major competition, she inadvertently sets off a firestorm of angry comments from male fans.

When Cameron’s family moves the summer before her senior year, she hopes to complete her costume portfolio in peace and quiet away from the abuse. Unfortunately, the only comic shop in town–her main destination for character reference–is staffed by a dudebro owner who challenges every woman who comes into the shop.

At her twin brother’s suggestion, Cameron borrows a set of his clothes and uses her costuming expertise to waltz into the shop as Boy Cameron, where she’s shocked at how easily she’s accepted into the nerd inner sanctum. Soon, Cameron finds herself drafted into a D&D campaign alongside the jerky shop-owner Brody, friendly (almost flirtatiously so) clerk Wyatt, handsome Lincoln, and her bro Cooper, dragged along for good measure.

But as her “secret identity” gets more and more entrenched, Cameron’s portfolio falls by the wayside–and her feelings for Lincoln threaten to make a complicated situation even more precarious.

My Review
I had a ton of fun reading this story for its inclusion of Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) references and even descriptions of play as well as the scenes where Cameron sews costumes. I liked her spunky attitude and soft heart made me root for her from the first page to the last. Wyatt (Why) had me at hello. Such a great, offbeat character. Loved him!

The DnD parts of the story cracked me up and made me wish I was in the middle of my very own campaign. It highlighted all the fun parts of the game but also drew some attention to some of the girl-bashing that can happen. I kind of wish there had been more resolution between Cam and the boy who harassed her in person. In the story it becomes clear he kind of doesn’t get how his behavior affects others and is deeply stuck thinking about his own past hurts. Obviously there are people like that in real life, and sometimes they just don’t grow out of those hurtful behaviors, so in that way the story kept it pretty real. I did like the way her parents both supported Cameron’s interests but also challenged her and protected her. (I know that’s really vague… I don’t want to reveal some of the story elements, but I liked the relationship between Cameron and her parents.)

Another great surprise in Chaotic Good is the way the DnD campaign is often relayed in the form of graphic novel panels. So clever! I loved that idea. It set the campaign story apart from the narrative in a really fun way and added some visual humor, too.

On the whole, I enjoyed this book and felt like I tore through the story, always eager for the next chapter.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Cultural Elements
Cameron’s twin brother Cooper and her friend Wyatt are both gay.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used pretty frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl and two boys. Cameron references climbing into bed with a boy she finds attractive. She and a boy get into some heavy kissing and making out. At every step, he asks for her consent. When he seems interested in getting under her dress, she asks him to stop, saying she’s not ready yet, and he respects her wishes.

Cameron finds herself the victim of some online bullying and pretty intense trolling. She torments herself by reading comments on her blog from haters. These commenters leave cruel and sometimes explicit comments, sometimes referring to her with derogatory language.

Spiritual Content
Characters engage in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign in which one character pretends to be a wizard who can do spells.

Violent Content
Some narration of battles described for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Mild violence.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Every Day by David Levithan

Every Day
David Levithan
Knopf Books for Young Readers
Published on August 28, 2012

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Every Day
Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl.
There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere.

It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone he wants to be with—day in, day out, day after day.

My Review
Conceptually, this is probably one of the most intriguing books I’ve read this year. It reminds me a tiny bit of the show Quantum Leap, except that we don’t ever learn why A travels from body to body. And of course, Every Day takes a lot more time for exploration of what this kind of existence would mean in terms of understanding gender and sexual orientation. On that topic, I felt like the story sometimes got a bit preachy.

I think my favorite character by far was Rhiannon. I liked that she’s obviously a good person even though she’s sort of blind to her boyfriend’s flaws and therefore flawed herself. She struggles to understand life around her and embrace the relationships in her life. I liked that.

A was tougher for me. I liked him a lot more at the beginning of the story than the end. At the beginning, he tries to be really respectful of the person’s life into which he’s trespassing. But as the story progresses and his obsession with Rhiannon grows, he takes bigger and bigger risks and soon pretty much hijacks the life he’s occupying in order to spend the time with her, regardless of the consequences to the other person. As the story resolves, A tries to be the bigger person and do what he sees as right, but even in that, I felt like he was a bit controlling. I don’t want to spoil the ending, so I don’t want to say more. I just felt like he again took the choice away from other people Even though it was well-meaning, it still felt selfish to me.

On the whole, Every Day is a truly unusual book that did make me think about relationships and the things in life we so easily take for granted, like actually being able to have relationships and even possessions from one day to the next. To be honest, I felt like while the story posed some interesting questions, the content and ideas might be confusing for younger teen readers. For me personally, this would be one to wait on introducing or to read together and discuss some of the ideas and what they mean in the context of faith. See below for more content information.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Cultural Elements
A has no body and therefore no gender, though he still falls in love—once with a boy, once with a girl. A experiences life as straight, gay, and transgender teens. Sometimes A is white, sometimes Asian, sometimes black or Latina. At one point A is an obese teenager, and makes some disparaging comments about the person’s character because of his weight.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
A knows Rhiannon and her boyfriend have had sex. When A is Rhiannon’s boyfriend, they sit on the “make-out blanket” and kiss. Later, A and a girl plan to have sex, but A ends up feeling it’s not fair for him to take that experience from the person whose body he’s using. They do climb into bed naked and kiss one another. Some scenes show kisses between two boys or two girls or a boy and girl.

A believes gender is sort of meaningless and doesn’t understand why Rhiannon is more comfortable showing affection to boys than girls. The narrative occasionally gets a bit preachy about this.

Spiritual Content
A has some really negative feelings about Evangelical Christians in particular. One person A “borrowed” later claims he was possessed by the devil for a day. A pastor supports his theory.

Because A has experienced life as a participant in many different religions, he feels they’re all the same and ultimately share the same goals. There’s a short passage in which the narrative focuses on this topic and emphasizes a belief that all religions are essentially equal.

Violent Content
A boy punches another boy in a school gym.

Drug Content
A, as a sixteen-year-old girl, watches her brother smoke a joint in the car on the way to school. She helps him lie to their parents about his drug use so he doesn’t get into trouble.

Teens drink alcohol at a party. A doesn’t drink because the boy whose life he is in wouldn’t do so.

A boy makes a comment about how much he enjoys using his girlfriend’s mom’s pills.

Review: Hawk’s Flight by Carol Chase

Hawk’s Flight
Carol Chase
Baen Books
Published May 1, 1991

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Hawk’s Flight
When Taverik Zandro impulsively befriended a struggling young fellow merchant, he had no idea of Marko’s desperate secret. Something of a black sheep himself, he had no desire to become involved in affairs outside the ordinary. But after that first helping hand, Marko’s turbulent past entangles Taverik in a world of high politics and dark magic, and turns his own comfortably materialistic way of life upside down in more ways than one. When it is proven to him that he has been chosen along with Marko to defend the land against an encroaching evil that seems inexorable, Zandro wants nothing to do with his god-given role. Of course he has no choice…

My Review
Hawk’s Flight has been one of my favorite books since I was in seventh grade. I’ve probably read it more times than any other novel, and I hate that it’s out of print.

I hadn’t read Hawk’s Flight in years before picking it up now, and while the story still drew me in from the first page to the last, I did wince a few times at small contradictions or awkward writing in a few places. Honestly, though, I love the characters and the story far too much to care very deeply about that stuff.

The spiritual content is pretty pronounced, and follows a pretty strong parallel to Christian faith. Both Taverik and Marko realize they can’t sit back and be simple merchants anymore—they are caught up in a spiritual battle and have to choose a side. I loved Taverik’s quick wit and the way he hid what was important behind his cavalier humor, and the way Marko saw straight through all that. I loved the dynamic between them. I felt like they had great balance in strengths vs. weaknesses.

The cast of characters with point-of-view scenes gets pretty large as the story unfolds, but I didn’t have too much trouble keeping track of anyone. There is a character glossary in the back of the book to help in any case. The story also contains some interesting Pakajan language terms. My favorite is a strong insult—ikiji—second best. I thought it was cleverly used.

So… this book is out of print. I’ve never had trouble finding used copies for sale online, though. I’ve probably bought at least four or five copies over the years, mostly because I end up lending my copy out and buying another when it isn’t returned.

Six of Crows fans should check out this title. If you like fantasy with strong spiritual content, high adventure, and great romance, you definitely need to get a copy of this book. It’s been a long time since I read it for the first time, and it’s still one of my favorites.

Recommended for Ages 13 up.

Cultural Elements
Racial tension runs high between the native Pakajan (feels like a Nordic-type people) and the Massadarans, who’ve colonized the land and imposed restrictive laws against the Pakajans. Massadarans have dark hair and gray eyes—maybe more like Southern Europeans? A third race of Bcacmat people is a war-like race with harsh rules concerning women’s conduct.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used moderately frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
A man tries to check a companion’s chest wound only to discover that his friend is a woman. A few kisses between a man and woman. A couple teasing comments about masculinity or whether someone is gay. At one point a man makes asks his friend if he’s slept with a woman.

Marita worries about her menstrual cycle. One man refuses to touch her when he learns she’s on her cycle, claiming she’s unclean.

Spiritual Content
Very strong Christian parallels in the spiritual content. Pakajans (and Massadarans) traditionally worship a creator God called Zojikam. Taverik begins seeing signs of a cult who worships a black eagle and interacts with other lesser spiritual beings. The story follows a spiritual battle as well as a physical one, and Tav and others find they must choose a side as the spiritual battle spills over into their lives. The villain, who serves the Black Eagle, has several out-of-body experiences as he travels as a giant eagle, serving his master. They hear rumors of human sacrifice in the name of the Black Eagle. At one point, Tav and his friend encounter an angel-like being who helps them escape an evil spiritual being sent after them by followers of the Black Eagle. At another point, a giant Black Eagle attacks Taverik and he calls on Zojikam for help escaping. Tav and others attend prayer services honoring Zojikam and more than once a priest shares a prophecy.

Violent Content
Several battle scenes and fatalities. Bandits kill a boy during a caravan. Assassins kill several people for political reasons. Mostly these are sword wounds and knife fights. The descriptions aren’t grisly, but there are multiple scenes showing battles.

Drug Content
Taverik and others drink ale, wine, or brandy (they are of age). At one point Marko plans to get some rude students drunk so they can slip away without further trouble from them. She drinks too much brandy at one point and regrets it when her head becomes thick and she winds up with a headache.

Review: For Love and Honor by Jody Hedlund

For Love and Honor (An Uncertain Choice #3)
Jody Hedlund
Published on March 7, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About For Love and Honor
Lady Sabine is harboring a skin blemish, one, that if revealed, could cause her to be branded as a witch, put her life in danger, and damage her chances of making a good marriage. After all, what nobleman would want to marry a woman so flawed?

Sir Bennet is returning home to protect his family from an imminent attack by neighboring lords who seek repayment of debts. Without fortune or means to pay those debts, Sir Bennet realizes his only option is to make a marriage match with a wealthy noblewoman. As a man of honor, he loathes the idea of courting a woman for her money, but with time running out for his family’s safety, what other choice does he have?

As Lady Sabine and Sir Bennet are thrust together under dangerous circumstances, will they both be able to learn to trust each other enough to share their deepest secrets? Or will those secrets ultimately lead to their demise?

My Review
Confession: this is totally not my preferred genre, but I’ve ended up reading this series because it’s the type of book my daughter enjoys.

As with An Uncertain Choice, the story follows characters who must marry but dread it. I liked Sabine’s character and the way her interest in art drives her and Sir Bennet together. The scenes from Sir Bennet’s perspective weren’t my favorite. He spent a lot of time agonizing over Sabine’s feelings and his own, which felt a little overly girly to me (not that men can’t be sensitive) and seemed similar to the voice in scenes from Sabine’s point-of-view.

While the characters are young—I think Sabine is seventeen—I would describe the story more as an adult romance with young adult crossover appeal. (As I mentioned, my daughter loves this kind of story right now.) It does make a great romance for younger readers who want that happily-ever-after story without the sexual tension or graphic descriptions.

On the whole, I enjoyed reading the story of Sabine and Sir Bennet in For Love and Honor (though I’m still team Derrick!) and think it will appeal to early young adult or late middle grade readers looking for a light, clean medieval romance.

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Cultural Elements
All characters appear to be white.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief kissing between a man and woman. Some descriptions of wanting to kiss.

Spiritual Content
References to prayer. Bennet values Christian artifacts and artwork as holy things because of his faith and what they represent.

Violent Content
A couple battle scenes in which soldiers become injured. Men attempt to burn a woman at the stake after accusing her of being a witch. A man throws a woman into a lake to prove she’s a witch.

Drug Content
Bennett and Sabine occasionally drink ale or wine, usually with a meal.

Review: Everless by Sara Holland

Sara Holland
Published on January 2, 2018

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About Everless
In the kingdom of Sempera, time is currency—extracted from blood, bound to iron, and consumed to add time to one’s own lifespan. The rich aristocracy, like the Gerlings, tax the poor to the hilt, extending their own lives by centuries.

No one resents the Gerlings more than Jules Ember. A decade ago, she and her father were servants at Everless, the Gerlings’ palatial estate, until a fateful accident forced them to flee in the dead of night. When Jules discovers that her father is dying, she knows that she must return to Everless to earn more time for him before she loses him forever.

But going back to Everless brings more danger—and temptation—than Jules could have ever imagined. Soon she’s caught in a tangle of violent secrets and finds her heart torn between two people she thought she’d never see again. Her decisions have the power to change her fate—and the fate of time itself.

My Review
I love the concept of the story—the idea that time and blood are connected and you have the choice (or are pressed to) spend from your allotted lifespan to purchase things. This premise set up some interesting stakes straight from the opening of the story. And Jules is immediately a likeable character since what she wants most is to save the person dearest to her, at any cost to herself.

I wasn’t impressed with her infatuation with Rowan Gerling. Yeah, okay, they were childhood playmates, but what’s admirable about him besides his good looks? I kind of kept waiting for the shoe to drop and for Jules to discover some deep fault in him. I liked the other characters, though, from the stable hand Jules recognizes from her past to her best friend in the village even to Ina Gold.

In terms of the plot, I felt like there were a couple threads that got dropped, or else where I missed their connection to the larger story. Jules carries a drawing that belonged to her father which she believes must be her mother. At one point she seems to realize the drawing’s significance, but never shares what that significance is. And it never comes up again as the story resolves.

Everless does have some interesting twists, though, and those kept me reading for sure. I needed to know what was going on with Rowan’s big, scowling brother Liam, and to understand Jules’s connection with the sorceress. All those questions had me charging through the tale all the way to the end.

Medieval-style dystopian fans (think The Selection by Kiera Cass) do not want to miss this one. If you’re a fan of Nadine Brandes’s A Time to Die, or The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, you will love the strong heroine, time-centered story, and forbidden magic elements of Everless.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cultural Elements
No real racial descriptions. All characters appear straight.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Brief, mild profanity used very rarely.

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief kissing between a boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
A sorceress created a system in which time and iron and blood are bound. So that one’s time (lifespan) can be traded as currency for goods and services, like rent or food.

Violent Content
To extract time, a specially trained person cuts one’s palm and captures the blood in a vial. Time-letting is used as a punishment for a woman who’s accused of a grave crime.

Drug Content
Jules, the princess and another handmaiden go to a tavern and drink alcohol as a last night out before the princess marries.

Review: The Forgetting by Sharon Cameron

The Forgetting
Sharon Cameron
Scholastic Press
Published on September 16th, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble Goodreads

About The Forgetting

What isn’t written, isn’t remembered. Even your crimes.

Nadia lives in the city of Canaan, where life is safe and structured, hemmed in by white stone walls and no memory of what came before. But every twelve years the city descends into the bloody chaos of the Forgetting, a day of no remorse, when each person’s memories – of parents, children, love, life, and self – are lost. Unless they have been written.

In Canaan, your book is your truth and your identity, and Nadia knows exactly who hasn’t written the truth. Because Nadia is the only person in Canaan who has never forgotten.

But when Nadia begins to use her memories to solve the mysteries of Canaan, she discovers truths about herself and Gray, the handsome glassblower, that will change her world forever. As the anarchy of the Forgetting approaches, Nadia and Gray must stop an unseen enemy that threatens both their city and their own existence – before the people can forget the truth. And before Gray can forget her.

My Review

The characters were well-developed, and fit together like pieces in a puzzle. Nadia especially was a unique heroine–she stood out from the crowd of cookie-cutter YA heroines, and made herself heard. I really liked her style of character. It was refreshing. Gray, on the other hand, was a little bit cliche in his “I’m a player but I love only you” style of character, but I liked him anyway. (It seems that everyone can’t help but like Gray.) Liliya–vindictive, nasty Liliya–was sympathetic, even though she made herself disliked from the beginning. And Genivee was an adorable little cinnamon roll.

One issue I had with the characters: Eshan. He wasn’t well-developed, so I was slightly annoyed at how much emphasis was placed on him, even though he didn’t contribute much other than being a plot device to get the main characters together. Also, I wasn’t comfortable with the fact that the author made him (minor spoiler) gay. I felt like it was unnecessary, and thrown in just for show, especially since his character was so little developed.

The plot was engrossing. I was continually mystified as it progressed, and was only able to say”Aha! So that’s explains it,” at the very end. Sharon Cameron did an excellent job in layering her plot, and I’m sure you all will enjoy it. Note: I had problems with her other book, Rook, because of the intense romance and…ahem…the stuff it led to. She did a lot better in this book, but there was still a good bit of romantic stuff. See the content guide below for details.

The world-building in this one was excellent as well. It developed along with the story, and surprised me a lot. I’m not going to say anymore because of spoilers–you’ll just have to read it for yourself.

Overall: I immensely enjoyed this read. It was complex, and developed layer upon layer, so you felt like you were there, discovering and learning along with the characters. The style of writing, atmosphere, and overall feel of the book reminded me a lot of Matched by Ally Condie, but slightly darker. I can’t really put my finger on what it was, but I kept thinking about how similar it felt while I was reading it. Fans of Ally Condie and Ashley Bogner will love diving into this book. 5 out of 5 stars!

Recommended for Ages
 14 and up

Cultural Elements
One character is revealed to be gay. 

Profanity/Crude Language Content
None that I can recall.

Romance/Sexual Content
Heavy kissing and embracing, semi-detailed. Characters almost lose control and go ‘all the way,’ but it doesn’t get beyond kissing and embracing on a bed. Some mentions of unwanted/unexpected pregnancies. Mention of ‘dalliances.’

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
There is a lot of violence in this one. Torture, beatings, attacks, blood, wounds, burns by acid, etc. Not overly gory, but not good for sensitive readers either.

Drug Content
Trees in and around Canaan produce flowers, the pollen of which causes people to forget their pasts.