All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: The Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander

The Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn AlexanderThe Lost Princess (The Kingdom of Cymmera #2)
Dani-Lyn Alexander
Lyrical Press
Published: 10/13/15

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Ryleigh’s boyfriend is from another dimension. Literally. Jackson, the newly crowned king of Cymmera wants her to leave the human world behind and join him in ruling his kingdom. Torn between what could be her destiny and her love for her younger sister still in the human world, Ryleigh isn’t sure what to do. Then an important Cymmeran relic disappears. Ryleigh sets out to find the missing stone and stumbles onto a treasonous plot that could destroy Jackson’s fragile kingdom. She must find a way to warn him before the betrayal can be carried out.

There’s an old writing saying about beginning a story in the middle. Alexander was paying attention. The very first chapter of The Lost Princess is jam-packed with action and conflict. I haven’t read the first book in the Kingdom of Cymmera series, so I was a little nervous about being able to follow the story. For the most part, though, it was easy to figure out what was going on and why it was significant.

Once the story shifts into the Cymmeran realm, the action stays high but the conflict becomes more organized. Jackson’s motivations are clear and powerful. And though Ryleigh gets herself into a bit of trouble, she’s far from a helpless maiden. Most of the story centers around these two characters. I found myself wishing for more information about Dakota, Jackson’s best friend, and Mia, Ryleigh’s little sister.

One thing that did slow the story down for me was the sheer number of adjectives in each sentence. Sometimes the descriptions heightened the emotional impact of a scene, but at other times it almost made moments seem cheesy or melodramatic. I think the story would have been stronger by tightening things up, especially in those intense moments.

Over all, this wasn’t my favorite. The things I liked about it – the strong heroine, worthy hero, fantasy landscape – can be found in other stories where the narrative is better executed. Readers looking for high action and fierce romantic tension may find this story to be a good fit, though, as Alexander delivers on both counts.

Language Content
No profanity.

Sexual Content
Jackson tries his best to keep the smooching to a minimum. Prolonged kissing begins a ritual that will bind Ryleigh to him forever, and he wants to wait until she’s ready to make that choice. However, there’s a lot of sexual tension between the two. A lot of references to their feelings for each other via physical experiences – an aching need to be together, that sort of thing.

At one point, though, the kissing does get a bit carried away, and while the two are still clothed, they are lying down together and the imagery is pretty sexual.

Spiritual Content
Jackson and his people live in an alternate realm to the human world. Some of his people are part of a league called Death Dealers, who venture into the human world to kill certain targets and bring them back to their own kingdom to live. They use portals to travel from one place or dimension to another.

Elijah, a prophet has visions that he reveals to the Cymmeran leadership. They follow his directions. It’s unclear if this is supposed to be a supernatural gift or a religious experience for the prophet. The evil king has a prophet/sorcerer of his own as well. Ryleigh finds a spirit animal who remains at her side as a protector throughout the story.

Battle imagery. References to torture. A prisoner is pretty severely brutalized. A prince exacts revenge on an old enemy by stabbing him in the temple.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Review: Never Said by Carol Lynch Williams

Never Said
Carol Lynch Williams

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

In the midst of her devastation over a break-up, Sarah realizes something isn’t right with her twin. Annie has been withdrawing from the family for some time, but her behavior seems to be escalating. She chops off her hair, gains weight, and gives up the beauty pageants she once lived for. Though shy and socially anxious Sarah has always been jealous of the way her parents favor Annie, she begins to worry about her sister. Sarah pushes toward her sister, and finds that in return, Annie reluctantly opens up to her.

The writing style was the first thing that captured me in this story. The voice is strong, conveying Sarah’s inner agony and Annie’s mounting frustration with aching clarity. There was one moment at the beginning where I felt like the story was a bit repetitive in describing Sarah’s reaction to her family’s interactions. Other than that, things moved forward at a great pace, and I tore through the story in one sitting of just a few hours.

Annie’s weight gain dramatically changes the way the other students interact with her. While Annie feels that her new look is a shield against unwanted male attention, she also endures some hateful behavior from other kids. The exploration of body image and how weight affects the way others perceive us is important. Williams doesn’t shy away from the sad reality there. Annie eventually decides to return to her old look, and while I get it, I found myself wishing somehow that there had been a bigger pause, a bigger moment to say that it really doesn’t/shouldn’t matter what her weight is. Returning to her slimmer figure doesn’t increase her actual value, though it functioned as an indicator of Annie’s rising sense of her own value – she’d been hiding behind those extra pounds and shedding them would be like facing an enemy head-on. It showed real courage.

The resolution was a bit quick. All the way through the story Annie hints that she has a secret. It smells like sexual abuse, but we don’t find out what it is until the big reveal maybe three-quarters of the way through the story. Once this comes out, Sarah takes some action to protect her sister. Following this, we get kind of a summary of how everyone responded and what happened after that (visit spoiler section if you want to know more.) I felt like some of that was a bit rushed and didn’t allow me a chance to soak in the characters’ emotions in what was a really big moment.

I loved watching the sisters’ relationship develop. As a girl with two sisters, one close enough in age that we were often mistaken for twins, the tug-of-war Annie and Sarah experienced in terms of establishing their own identities and finding ways to connect despite their differences and pressure from parents or friends felt extremely real.

As I read, I found myself looking for the spiritual tie-in. Though this is a Zondervan book, there was not really any link that I could see to pursuing a Christian faith or even searching out questions about whether God is real or anything like that. I found it a bit puzzling, to be honest.

Language Content

Sexual Content
Sarah recalls time spent with her boyfriend snuggling in his bed (clothed), kissing, and sneaking in/out of each other’s rooms. (see below for additional content which includes spoilers.)

Spiritual Content

Shocked? Me too. Despite the fact that Zondervan is a Christian publisher… I can’t remember faith really playing any sort of role whatsoever in the story.


Drug Content

SPOILER (select the text below to read…)
Sexual content continued… Annie reveals that she’s no longer a virgin and that she’s had sex with a married man, even after she told him no. It’s a quick conversation and there’s not a lot of follow-up information.

While I appreciate that we weren’t dragged through the gory details of Annie’s relationship, I kind of felt like the resolution of this information, which the whole story has been building up to, was too quick and too many things were left unsaid. We have enough infer that it’s a bad relationship from the brief information Annie reveals, and there’s a brief wrap-up letting us know that this guy isn’t going to get off scot-free. I just felt like it needed to be a bigger moment. I wanted to really feel Annie’s parents realize what’s been happening and see them respond to her with all the shock, horror, and protection, rather than just have Sarah tell us that was so.


Review: Shades of Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

Shades of Doon
Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon
Blink YA/Zondervan
Published: September 1, 2015

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

As Vee embraces her role as Doon’s Queen, she looks forward to the day she and Jamie will be able to rule together. Her best friend Kenna still searches for her own place in the kingdom. Just as Kenna begins to feel she’s found her niche, a dark force boots both girls from their beloved land and drops them back in the real world. As if facing the shock of their old, broken lives wasn’t enough, all signs indicate that this is just the beginning of a new threat. Together with the MacCrae boys, they’ll have to face an old enemy once again, one who’s determined to have the rule of Doon for herself.

Vee and Kenna are very different, but their friendship makes them each stronger. I liked the dynamics between them, where Kenna kept Vee from taking herself too seriously and Vee kept Kenna from losing faith in herself. The circle of friends and advisers added interest, too. I definitely wanted to know more about each of them. I haven’t read either of the earlier books in this series, so I may have to do that in the hopes that some of these other characters get a little more stage time.

I also really enjoyed the references to musicals and theater that were sprinkled throughout the story. Though I’m far from a theater buff, I picked up on several of them, and it felt like being in on a joke or something. I thought it was a nice touch.

While I found myself captured by the idyllic landscape of the story, I felt like it lost tension in a couple of places. One is after the girls are booted out of Doon, which is resolved in a snap once the boys arrive. The other is following an attack by an unknown enemy. The attack ends and everyone kind of dusts themselves off and moves on. I was like, wait, what?! Is the enemy still out there? What’s going on?? But… no one else really seemed too worried. So that was a little confusing.

There was also quite a bit of kissing in this story. Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for a bit of smooching, especially when I’ve been rooting for the romance to finally blossom for the entire story. This was more like, the couple has already fallen in love and it’s kind of just happily ever after on rinse and repeat. I would have liked to see more tension or conflict between the couples to keep me guessing and hoping. However, if I’d been a reader from the very beginning of the series, I might still be happy-sighing every time a well-earned lip-smack happens. So it could just be me. And the authors take things up a notch toward the end, definitely creating some anticipation for the next book.

Language Content
No profanity.

Sexual Content
Lots of scenes that include kissing. There’s one moment where it gets pretty intense and the characters stop themselves from taking things further, wanting to respect the boundaries they’ve set for their relationship which include waiting to have sex until marriage.

Spiritual Content
The Protector seems to be the name the Doonians use to refer to God. They believe that some have a calling to live out their lives in the kingdom of Doon, and that calling involves being joined with a soul mate.

A witch threatens the Doonian people. No graphic details beyond an admiring description of Duncan or Jamie’s rippling muscles.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Upcoming Reviews: October 2015 Part 2

October 2015 Upcoming Reviews: Part 2

I’m not a huge fan of scary stories, but with Halloween coming soon, I figured it would be festive to include some spookier tales. This is about as wild as I get. Here’s a bit about each book and why I’m looking forward to reading it. Enjoy!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

About the book: Kady and Ezra, who were until recently girlfriend and boyfriend, must now overcome  awkward post-relationship weirdness and escape invasion, war, and plague.

Why I’m reading it: I read a sample of this story and liked the way it’s told in interview snippets and documents. I really liked those parts of These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner.

The Dredge by Jaimie M. Engle

About the book: Sean Marrok’s gift might allow him to stand up to the Regime, but he’ll have to escape them first.

Why I’m reading it: I enjoyed Jaimie Engle’s middle grade story Clifton Chase and the Arrow of Light a couple of years ago. This story sounds super different, and I’m eager to see Engle’s writing style applied to dark sci-fi in this novella which won honorable mention in the L Ron Hubbard 2013 Writers of the Future contest.

As White as Snow by Salla Simukka

About the book: A Prague getaway turns into a desperate attempt to save her sister for renowned sleuth Lumikki Andersson. She’s not actually sure this mystery girl is really her sister, but something about the girl’s desperation drives Lumikki to help her, even if it means risking her own life.

Why I’m reading it: This is one of the books I received from Children’s Literature, for whom I also write reviews. As a fan of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I’m interested to read this book, which boasts to be a sure win with fans of Stieg Larsson.

The All Powerful by J K Brown

About the book: Dark powers fuel Jason’s incredible military success and make him a target for a a ruthless Shadow mercenary. Jason teams up with powerful Elementals, but will they be ready for battle in time?

Why I’m reading it: I seem to have an interest in stories about space militia. I wouldn’t have guessed that about myself, but I’m definitely keen to find out whether Jason learns to harness his power in a good way and whether his allies are strong enough to stand against the darkness.

These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly

About the book: After her father’s death in a shooting accident, Jo and a local reporter uncover an ugly truth surrounding her father’s death and what really happened.

Why I’m reading it: I’ve been talking about this book for the longest time, and I’m finally reviewing it! Yay! It looks dark and suspenseful, and it’s got some mystery to it as the heroine explores the truth behind her father’s death. It’s a little different than my usual picks, but all the more reason to bring it on.

What’s on your reading list?

What spooky stories are on your reading list this month? What do you recommend that hasn’t made my list yet? Have you read any of these titles already, and if so, what did you think?

Upcoming Reviews: October 2015 Part 1

October Reviews at The Story Sanctuary: Part 1

This month The Story Sanctuary has a pretty diverse line-up, featuring reviews from indie authors, Christian publishers as well as some books from Netgalley’s list of YA publishing houses. Good stuff which I can’t wait to share coming this October 2015. Here’s a bit about why I chose each of these titles for review:

Never Said by Carol Lynch Williams

About the book: Sarah’s sister Anna has always been the perfect one, and then suddenly she’s not. Sarah’s own crises draw her and Anna together once again, and the walls between them crumble once again as they finally share the things they never said to one another.

Why I’m reading it: As a girl with two sisters, I have a soft spot for this type of story. The description reminds me a little bit of Just Listen by Sarah Dessen, which is one of my favorites.

Shades of Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

About the book: Best friends Vee and Kenna are finally safe and free in the kingdom of Doon, and they’re ready to make the most of it by celebrating with all their friends. All too soon a strange dark force boots the girls back into the awful reality of their former lives. To put an end to Doon’s latest threat will require all their strength and spunk.

Why I’m reading it: I’ve been meaning to read this series for quite some time. The covers of all three series books have been gorgeous, and I love the blend of modern day girls and a kingdom of fantasy.

The Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander

About the book: Ryleigh has left her home world to be with Jackson, who has just accepted rule of his father’s kingdom. Rumors of conspiracy threaten his court. Ryleigh leaves on a search for a missing relic. Jackson must find her before evil plots come to fruition.

Why I’m reading it: I can’t resist a good fantasy. This feels somewhere between Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series and possibly Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan. At least, that’s my hope.

Hopper-Hill Family by Erika Castiglioni

About the book: Piper always wanted a sibling, but she gets more than she bargained for when her cousins move in with her family.

Why I’m reading it: As a parent in a blended family, I’m always interested in books that feature characters and situations surrounding blended family issues. I’m hoping this one will be a story I can recommend to others as well as enjoy for myself.

Magic to Memphis by Julie Starr

About the book: Seventeen year-old Jessie travels to Memphis to win a music contest and finds herself caught in the sights of a killer.

Why I’m reading it: One of the elements I find most intriguing about the story is that Jessie discovers her dad made the same trek to Memphis long ago. I am a total sucker for father/son or father/daughter themes, and I’m hoping for big things from this one.



Review: On a Clear Day by Walter Dean Myers

On a Clear Day
Walter Dean Myers
Crown Books for Young Readers
Published: September 23, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Since her mother’s death, Dahlia has simply survived. On her own in a rundown apartment, she waits for a way to make her life mean more. Then two boys offer her a chance to make a difference. She joins other teen prodigies in brainstorming a strategy to take down C-8, a group of corporations that have the world in a stranglehold. But just as Dahlia and her team stumble onto something big, a big-shot terrorist comes to town. The team knows he must be stopped, but taking him on might simply be playing into the bigger plans of C-8.

I requested an ARC for this book via NetGalley but didn’t get it. Based on the description posted there and on Goodreads, I thought this story would be more like X-Men teens meets The Net (1995, Sandra Bullock, etc.) Now that I’ve read the story, I get where the blurb was going, but I’m not sure it’s the best representation of the tale itself. I wonder if revealing the fact that the narrator is a girl was thought to be off-putting to potential male readership? Pure speculation.

What I liked about the story was that it pulled a lot of different elements together. The cast of characters shows a lot of racial diversity and delivers it with authenticity. In the same way, the team Dahlia joins also shows a lot of intellectual diversity, showcasing different areas of expertise and how they bring a unique perspective to each problem the group faces. To me this also echoed the same message of value and equality about the characters’ ethnic backgrounds: we all bring value. We may not agree on things, but in order to succeed at saving the world, we have to work together and trust each other.

I expected a lot of fast-paced action and suspense, and there was definitely tension building as the story unfolded, but this is more about unique teens dialoguing together over a plan to stop the bad guys from running the show. They do make progress, but not in the ways they necessarily expected, and ultimately, they don’t accomplish their goal. I think I would have liked this book more if there had been a stronger forward push carrying the story along. The group assembles with a vague goal in mind, which keeps things a bit wishy-washy until well into the tale.

This is the first book by Myers that I’ve read, and most of the reviews I skimmed through recommend his other books over this one. Monster has been on my list for a long time, so it’s possible I’ll give that one a read and reevaluate this story again.

Language Content
Strong profanity used with moderate frequency.

Sexual Content
One reference to a man putting his hand between a waitress’s legs. It’s inappropriate and another man calls him out for it.

Spiritual Content
A priest oversees a funeral. Hard times have fallen on humanity and many have died from lost hope. Dahlia makes a comment about having craved her own death before out of a simple desire to “move to the next plane” of existence.

Groups of vigilantes and terrorists wreak havoc on the population. Dahlia’s team goes head to head with a terrorist group, exchanging fire with them. Resulting deaths and injuries are briefly described. Some soldiers are children. In one instance, a boy is caught in razor wire. Dahlia and her friends watch helplessly as the wire kills him.

Drug Content
A girl in her early twenties drinks a glass of white wine at a café. At a meeting with gang leaders, someone passes marijuana to Dahlia, who refuses to smoke it. Then a woman uses a needle to inject drugs in front of Dahlia.