All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Everblue by Brenda Pandos

Everblue by Brenda PandosEverblue (Mer Tales #1)
Brenda Pandos
Obsidian Mountain Publishing
Published March 22, 2012

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When Ashlynn’s best friend disappears with her family, she worries that it has something to do with a family secret. And it does. Only, Ash thinks the family secret is that Tatchi’s dad is an alcoholic… the real secret is: she’s a mermaid, one of the Mer people. So is her hot twin brother, Fin, whom Ash can’t help drooling over.

Just when he has a chance to connect with the beautiful and forbidden Ashlynn, Fin is forced to return to Natatoria, the home of the Mer people, with his family. What at first seems like a quick meeting quickly explodes into house arrest and disfavor with the king’s bratty son. Just great.

But even beneath the sea, Ashlynn’s cries for help reach Fin and nothing will stop him from saving her. If he saves her, he will creates a bond that only death can break.

In a refreshingly chaste but passionate romance, Pandos introduces a mermaid story with a sort of role-reversal: this time, the Mer man is hopelessly in love with a human girl. Some elements of the Mer world were clever – the fact that the Mer people transformed at night and could only be human during the day, for instance; the sealing of a lifelong commitment by a single kiss.

Some elements of the plot seemed a bit more contrived: the romance between Ash and Fin is a given from page one and doesn’t really deepen in a relationship sense. Why does she like him? Because he’s hot. Why does he like her? Because she’s innocent and forbidden. That’s as true at the beginning as it is at the end. There’s not a lot of growth there.

Fans of tales of mermaids will probably still enjoy this story for its exploration of undersea lore. New readers to this vein of fantasy may also be interested in the series The Syrena Legacy by Anna Banks.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Sexual Content
Ashlynn worries about going to a dance with a boy from school and what he’ll expect from her that night. He is a perfect gentleman.

Spiritual Content
Ashlynn’s family are church-going people and her mother prays with her when she’s upset.

Battles between Mer people. There’s very little description of injuries.

Drug Content


Review: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2)
Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Published February 5, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When Scarlet’s grandmother goes missing, the police quickly dismiss her absence as a crazy old lady who has run away of her own free will. Scarlet knows different. Grandma would never just disappear like this. Following a trail of clues leads her to a mysterious street fighter called Wolf who claims to be a former member of an elite, deadly gang who may be responsible for Grandma’s disappearance. With Wolf’s reluctant help, Scarlet sets out to rescue her Grandma.

Cinder’s newly awakened Lunar powers enable her to escape from prison and the execution Queen Levana has planned for her. She should meet her friend and ally, Dr. Erland in Africa, but before she faces a future with no choices, she yearns to uncover the truth of her past.

Meyer continues the delightful dystopian fairytale world in this second book. This story features characters from the beloved tale of Red Riding Hood in addition the familiar favorites from the series opener, Cinder. Still every bit as imaginative and fun as its predecessor, Scarlet layers political intrigue upon wisps of romance. The story world remains strong and unique – a sort of sci-fi fairytale atmosphere seasoned with fabulous characters and snappy dialogue. Despite the complexity of the story, the language and romance are very clean. This would be a great series for kids who’ve outgrown fairytale retellings and are looking for something with a bit more bite.

Profanity or Crude Language Content
One instance of mild profanity.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

A man participates in forbidden fight matches. It’s clear he could kill his opponent. Few graphic details. A man briefly describes being tortured. A girl examines wounds caused by torture. A wolf-like man attacks a young woman and another of his kind. Some graphic details.

Drug Content
A girl delivers groceries to a bar in which men are drinking beer.



Review: The Map to Everywhere by Carrie Ryan and John Park Davis

The Map to Everywhere
Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis
Little, Brown Books For Young Readers
Published November 4, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Master Thief Fin is used to being forgettable. Moments after meeting him, no one remembers who he is. Until he meets Marrill, that is. Danger lurks around every turn when the two are swept up in a daring quest to find the missing pieces to assemble the Map to Everywhere. Fin hopes the key will lead him to his mother. Marrill simply wants to escape the fickle Pirate Stream and get back to her blessedly normal Arizona home. In order to find the map, they’ll have to outsmart a treacherous villain who sees the future and keep him from using it to end the world.

As a fan of an earlier series by Carrie Ryan, I looked forward to reading this book. Since her other book, The Forest of Hands and Teeth was more of a dystopian zombie story – super well-done, by the way – I wasn’t sure what to expect from this very different tale.

This novel is light and playful, full of mischief and warmth. The use of the Pirate Stream was particularly clever, I thought, and added a sense of unpredictability to the story but also made it feel connected to our own world. The unlikely friendship that develops between Fin and Marrill is really charming.

The wordplay is fun and quirky. Fans of Andrew Peterson’s Wingfeather Saga will enjoy this book. Because of the light content, it’s a great read for older elementary school-aged readers.

Profanity and Crude Language Content

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Brief battle scenes. Nothing graphic or gross.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.



Book Trailer Reveal: Hunter by Renee Donne

Anaiah Press is proud to present the trailer reveal for YA novel HUNTER by Renee Donne.

Moving across the country isn’t Hunter’s ideal start to her Junior year of high school. She has no friends to hang out with, no beaches to lounge on, and she’s living just a few miles from the secluded hiking trail where her father died when she was a baby.

Living in Wyoming isn’t all bad, though, thanks to Logan, the handsome veterinary assistant at the animal clinic where she lands an after school job. And he seems just as interested in her as she is in him.

As Hunter begins to settle into her new home, she learns more about the circumstances surrounding her father’s tragic death, and it may not have been the accident everyone believes. Something dangerous lurks in the woods, and Hunter might be the next victim.

Release Date: June 9, 2015

Add HUNTER to Goodreads!

And now for the trailer…

About the Author

Renee Donne is a native Floridian with a penchant for writing books with a western theme. In her head she’s a world traveler and an amateur chef. In real life, she’s a hometown girl with an affinity for fine wine and good friends. Her favorite place to write is sitting on her veranda, overlooking the beach.


Review: A Different Me by Deborah Blumenthal

A Different Me
Deborah Blumenthal
Albert Whitman & Company
Published October 14, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Allie has only one wish for her birthday this year. She wants surgery to fix everything wrong with her. Specifically, to correct the huge problem in the middle of her face: her nose.

Through an online forum, she meets two girls also waiting for nose jobs. Together they form a sisterhood, sharing insecurities, secret hopes and dreams, and crossing off the days until their procedures.

Then a mentoring project challenges Allie to look past her initial perceptions of people. She learns that there’s more to a person than the way they look, how they dress. And she’s forced to reevaluate everything she thought she knew about herself – and everything she thought would make her happy.

Blumenthal explores the world of insecurities swirling through high school hallways, exposing them with surgical precision. Each character is presented in layers, complexities deepening as Allie gets to know him or her. She’s moved by compassion for the hurts and fears others face, and through them begins to face her own. In a world that prizes the perfect exterior, A Different Me is a breath of fresh air, a trumpeting voice bringing us back to the core truth that beauty is borne of kindness, compassion and sincerity. It’s a great story and a lesson we all need to hold dear.

Profanity or Crude Language Content
Moderate profanity, mild frequency.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content


Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Zac and Mia by A J Betts

Zac and Mia
A J Betts
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children’s Book Group
Published July 24, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Trapped in the ICU at a hospital near Perth, Australia, Zac is desperate for any distraction. Anything that will get his mum to leave him alone for a little bit. Anything new to ponder. When the newest patient on the adult cancer ward turns out to be a surly but gorgeous girl, Zac attempts to reach out to her. Mia is all fire and fury, but Zac doesn’t give up. He remembers those early days of denial and anger. All he can do is tell her it’ll get better and hope he’s right.

The bond between the two seems dissolved when Zac is discharged, but still he can’t help thinking of her, hoping she made it through her recovery. Mia emerges in his life once more, still the angry, frightened girl. Zac’s desperate attempt to reach her changes his own life.

While a contemporary novel about two teens battling cancer probably sounds eerily similar to another popular story, Zac and Mia bears some surprises. Far from the supportive, team-oriented family one expects to surround a cancer-diagnosed protagonist, Mia’s single mom is as angry and resentful as she is. Zac’s own loving family comes with a few fabulous quirks, not least of which is the ownership of a popular olive farm and petting zoo.

I liked the off-beat nature of the narrative. Betts ignores stereotypes of kids-with-cancer stories and plows new ground. This is a story which delves deep into what it means to be a true friend to someone experiencing cancer treatment and the life-altering outcomes. It’s packed with warmth and heart, a great choice for readers who enjoyed The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E Smith.

Profanity and Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity, moderate frequency.

Sexual Content
References to sexual behavior, but no details.

Spiritual Content
Characters briefly discuss what happens after death. Zac is a pretty staunch atheist, but Mia believes there must be something more, that our souls continue after death, perhaps in heaven.


Drug Content
Brief references to teen drinking – though since the story is set in Australia, it’s legal to drink alcohol at age 18.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


