All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: Running for Shelter by Suzette Sheft

Running for Shelter by Suzette Sheft

Running for Shelter
Suzette Sheft
Published November 9, 2022

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About Running for Shelter

Vienna, late 1930s. Bright, red-headed Inge Eisenger leads a privileged life with her glamorous, distant mother. When forced to flee from Nazi-occupied Austria to Switzerland, Inge sees her young life turned upside down. She hopes to finally connect with her mother during their escape, but her mother soon abandons her. Vulnerable and alone, Inge makes her way to Paris before reuniting with her grandmother in Central France. But even there, Inge endures one hardship after another—all while her grandmother keeps a family secret that, if revealed, could result in their whole family’s demise.

RUNNING FOR SHELTER is written by Inge’s 15-year-old granddaughter, Suzette Sheft. The gripping, true story offers a window through which young adult readers can witness the challenges of growing up during the Holocaust. As this important chapter of history fades from living memory, Inge’s tale offers hope to a new generation who must also cultivate courage and determination in the face of personal and political challenges.

My Review

I love that the author chose this way to honor her dad, who passed away when she was thirteen, but whose interest in family history inspired her own. And to honor her grandmother, whose life story this book is based upon. What a cool tribute to them both.

Each chapter begins with a date, helping to anchor the reader in the timeline of not only the story, but also in history. The story begins in 1937 and ends in 1946, so it covers almost a decade, which is pretty much half of Inge’s life at that point.

So many people were part of Inge’s journey through the war. It was cool seeing the way communities pulled together and/or went into survival mode as war threatened them. Some scenes felt really filled out, and it was easy to imagine myself in them. Others seemed to move more quickly and left me with questions.

I was a little bit confused by the marketing of the book. It didn’t read like a nonfiction title or list sources in the way I would have expected, but the subtitle flags the story as true. The publisher lists it as a novel based on a true story, which is what it felt like reading it.

On the whole, I thought this was an intense story about a young Jewish girl’s struggle for survival in Europe during World War II. I hadn’t read anything deeply similar to Inge’s experience, so I’m glad to have broadened my understanding of that period of history.

Content Notes for Running for Shelter

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Inge Eisenger is Jewish and Austrian.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
A man hired to transport Inge to France rapes her. It’s not described on scene, but the lead up is pretty harrowing.

Spiritual Content
For a long time, Inge does not know she’s Jewish as she was raised by a nonpracticing mother.

Violent Content
See sexual content. Inge learns a friend was killed by a German bomb.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of RUNNING FOR SHELTER in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began by Art Spiegelman

Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began
Art Spiegelman
Pantheon Books
Published September 1992 (originally published in 1991)

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About Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began

Acclaimed as a quiet triumph and a brutally moving work of art, the first volume of Art Spieglman’s MAUS introduced readers to Vladek Spiegleman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Europe, and his son, a cartoonist trying to come to terms with his father, his father’s terrifying story, and History itself. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), succeeds perfectly in shocking us out of any lingering sense of familiarity with the events described, approaching, as it does, the unspeakable through the diminutive.

This second volume, subtitled AND HERE MY TROUBLES BEGAN, moves us from the barracks of Auschwitz to the bungalows of the Catskills. Genuinely tragic and comic by turns, it attains a complexity of theme and a precision of thought new to comics and rare in any medium. MAUS ties together two powerful stories: Vladek’s harrowing tale of survival against all odds, delineating the paradox of daily life in the death camps, and the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father. At every level this is the ultimate survivor’s tale – and that too of the children who somehow survive even the survivors.

My Review

I finished reading this book weeks ago, but I knew it was going to take some time to digest before I was ready to write up my review. MAUS covers a heavy topic, not only because the book introduces us to a man who survived the Holocaust and his son’s relationship with him, but also because at least one school district banned the book last year.

If you’ve followed my blog long, you probably already know my feelings about book banning— I’m generally against it. I read the article about the decision to ban MAUS and the comments by the decision-makers who decided to ban it. Mainly, they were concerned about nudity and violence.

So the nudity concern seems a bit wild to me because the characters are… mice. One page shows illustrations of naked characters. It’s because they are prisoners who’ve been stripped and forced to line up for uniforms. The drawings aren’t super detailed. There are basically U shapes for masculine private parts. Anyway.

In terms of the story– I’ve read other books about the Holocaust before. I’m not sure it ever gets less horrifying– nor should it. But there’s really something unique about reading a visual representation of the story and one that’s expressed with animal faces (mice for the Jews and cats for the Nazis). I couldn’t help but feel shocked and moved by the story.

Another thing that really impacted me was the juxtaposition of Vladek’s first-person narrative about his survival of the Holocaust next to the challenges his son Art faces in trying to navigate a relationship with him.

Should Maus Be Banned?

In terms of the violence portrayed in the book. So. I’m not a historical expert. But. The Holocaust was violent. Cruel. Shockingly awful. While I think, yeah, we don’t need to present every horror to kids in school learning the history, I don’t think it’s possible to learn about the Holocaust without some exposure to violence. MAUS II has scenes that I would categorize as violent. They’re brief. But they’re there. I didn’t read anything personally that left me feeling that readers ages twelve to fourteen should be banned from exposure to it.

I’m a little bit embarrassed that it took me so many years to read both volumes of MAUS. I am really glad I read them, though. I think they’re incredibly important stories and very well-told.

Content Notes

Content warning for genocide, brief nudity, and violence.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Major characters are Jewish. Vladek Spiegelman is a Holocaust survivor who recounts his experiences in Auschwitz and other camps.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used very infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Brief nudity in a scene that shows male prisoners after they’ve been forced to strip and line up to receive prison uniforms. The drawings are specific enough to indicate that prisoners are male without being overly precise.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
References to torture and abuse of prisoners. Reference to execution of prisoners in gas chambers or by burning or shooting them.

Drug Content

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Review: Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History by Art Spiegelman

Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History
Art Spiegelman
Pantheon Books
Published November 1, 1991 (Originally published in 1986)

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About Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History

The first installment of the Pulitzer Prize-winning graphic novel acclaimed as “the most affecting and successful narrative ever done about the Holocaust” (Wall Street Journal) and “the first masterpiece in comic book history” (The New Yorker).

A brutally moving work of art—widely hailed as the greatest graphic novel ever written—Maus recounts the chilling experiences of the author’s father during the Holocaust, with Jews drawn as wide-eyed mice and Nazis as menacing cats.

Maus is a haunting tale within a tale, weaving the author’s account of his tortured relationship with his aging father into an astonishing retelling of one of history’s most unspeakable tragedies. It is an unforgettable story of survival and a disarming look at the legacy of trauma.

My Review – Content Warning for Mentions of Suicide and Genocide

I remember a friend of mine reading this book in late elementary school. Our teacher commented on it and what an amazing book it was. Many of us hadn’t read it, so she had him explain what it was about.

But it wasn’t until this year, after a Tennessee school board banned the book for use in eighth grade curriculum that I decided it was long past time for me to read it. Honestly, I should have read this book long before now, and it makes me want to go back and read NIGHT by Elie Wiesel and his other books.

Maus, Banned from Eighth Grade Curriculum

First, I want to speak to the book ban. The school board banned the book from use in eighth grade curriculum because they said it contained profanity, nudity, and suicide. I’m not sure from the article that I read whether the curriculum used both books or just one of the two volumes. This review is focused on volume one, which tells the story of Vladek Spiegelman’s life in the late 1930s and early 1940s until he and his wife were captured and sent to Auschwitz.

In the first volume, I counted two swear words. There was one frame that showed a vague drawing of the top of a woman’s head and part of her torso as she’s lying in a tub, dead. We understand a dark shape on the floor to be blood. In other frames, Artie learns that his mother has committed suicide, and also that he deeply struggles with her death– as anyone would.

Before that section of the book, we know that Artie’s mom has died from suicide, so I felt that softened the blow that those pages and the stark emotions conveyed through Artie’s expressions, though they’re still heartbreaking.

There are some other very brief disturbing frames described in the content section below.

Why I Read MAUS

One of the things about MAUS that really stands out to me, though, is that it recounts survivors stories without only telling of their survival during the war. It also shows what Vladek’s life is like as an older man and a widower. It shows what Artie, as the child and sibling of WWII and Holocaust survivors, faces and feels and believes.

As students study the Holocaust, I can’t help but believe that learning not just numbers and facts, but real stories of lives impacted is a critical part of education. The first volume of MAUS relates what Vladek and his wife and others endured as prisoners of war, members of a Jewish Ghetto, workers in a forced labor camp, and families in hiding.

I love that we read about and learn about heroes who risked their lives to hide Jewish families during World War II. Those are great stories to read. But if we don’t also read narratives told by and about the survivors themselves, we don’t address the inhumanity and cruelty of the Holocaust.

There is no way to understand what happened to the millions of people who endured or were murdered in concentration camps like Auschwitz without encountering horror. If the ugly, brutal, unconscionable parts of history don’t make us uncomfortable, God help us.

A text like MAUS introduces those truths to readers does in tiny snapshot moments. This gives lots of time for parents and educators to answer questions and offer support as kids digest this history.

At any rate, I’m glad I read MAUS I. I am already reading the second volume and will post a detailed review as I finish it.

Content Notes

Content warning for violence against children, mentions and very brief depiction of execution. References to genocide. Mentions of suicide and also a brief depiction of suicide.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Major characters in the story are Jewish. Artie’s parents survived the Holocaust at Auschwitz.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Brief strong profanity used infrequently. (I counted two swear words as I read.)

Romance/Sexual Content
One page shows Artie and his wife asleep in bed together before a phone call wakes them up. Vague hint that Artie’s dad was sleeping with a girlfriend he had before he met Artie’s mom. No graphic details.

Spiritual Content
Artie’s dad talks about how he used to pray and was very religious.

Violent Content
Some brief but shocking descriptions of violence. One frame shows soldiers holding the legs of children next to a wall with holes in it. The narrative says Vladek heard that soldiers killed children this way when they wouldn’t stop crying. In one section, Vladek tells of a group of civilians who were marched away. He heard gunshots later, indicating that soldiers murdered the civilians.

One frame shows someone looking up at the feet of people who spoke against the government and were hanged. The narrative explains that this happened.

Artie’s dad talks about things that people did to avoid being captured and sent to Auschwitz. One panel shows a woman, Artie’s aunt, calling three children to her. The narrative states she kept poison on her at all times and poisoned herself and the three children rather than let the soldiers capture them.

In one chapter, Artie’s dad has discovered a comic that he wrote about his mother’s suicide. One panel shows his father finding his mother’s body. The comic focuses on his guilt and grief and how difficult it was to watch his father’s grief as well. It’s raw, and relates grief in a very up-close and personal way.

Artie’s dad mentions rumors they heard about Auschwitz, but before he saw it himself, he hoped the rumors were exaggerated.

Drug Content
Artie and his father smoke cigarettes together.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog.

Maus: A Survivor’s Tale: why I read the graphic novel banned in some disctricts and why it’s important. My review and content notes here.

Review: 37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939

37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939
Barbara Krasner
Kar-Ben Publishing
Published May 1, 2021

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About 37 Days at Sea: Aboard the M.S. St. Louis, 1939

In May 1939, nearly one thousand German-Jewish passengers boarded the M.S. St. Louis luxury liner bound for Cuba. They hoped to escape the dangers of Nazi Germany and find safety in Cuba. In this novel in verse, twelve-year-old Ruthie Arons is one of the refugees, traveling with her parents.

Ruthie misses her grandmother, who had to stay behind in Breslau, and worries when her father keeps asking for his stomach pills. But when the ship is not allowed to dock in Havana as planned―and when she and her friend Wolfie discover a Nazi on board―Ruthie must take action. In the face of hopelessness, she and her fellow passengers refuse to give up on the chance for a new life.

My Review

I think I expected this story to be more focused on the fact that Ruthie and Wolfie discover a Nazi on board and figuring out how to get him removed or something. I didn’t feel like that was really a focus for the story, though. It was certainly a cause of tension, though.

The thing that sticks with me most about 37 DAYS AT SEA is the moment when the captain learns they will not be able to dock in Havana as they’d been told before. Wolfie’s dad is on shore in Cuba, waiting for him. His mother, who is on board the ship with Ruthie and Wolfie, becomes so distraught that she can’t get out of bed or stop crying. (This is one of the most intense scenes in the book.)

I think the author does a great job presenting truths about Ruthie’s situation and the events of the time while tempering them for a young audience. Because we stay within Ruthie’s point-of-view, we are a little bit shielded from some of the harsher realities.

On the whole, though, I loved that this book brings us a well-researched novel in verse about real events. I don’t know if there are other books for children on the M.S. St. Louis and her passengers, but I loved getting to read this one.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Ruthie and most other characters are Jewish refugees.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Some reference to honoring religious practices.

Violent Content
Ruthie remembers the Night of Broken Glass, in which her home was ransacked. She remembers other threats against Jewish people, including the threat to send them all to concentration camps if they return to Germany.

Drug Content

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Review: Begin Again by Emma Lord

Begin Again
Emma Lord
Wednesday Books
Published January 24, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Begin Again

As usual, Andie Rose has a plan: Transfer from community college to the hyper competitive Blue Ridge State, major in psychology, and maintain her lifelong goal of becoming an iconic self-help figure despite the nerves that have recently thrown her for a loop. All it will take is ruthless organization, hard work, and her trademark unrelenting enthusiasm to pull it all together.

But the moment Andie arrives, the rest of her plans go off the rails. Her rocky relationship with her boyfriend Connor only gets more complicated when she discovers he transferred out of Blue Ridge to her community college. Her roommate Shay needs a major, and despite Andie’s impressive track record of being The Fixer, she’s stumped on how to help. And Milo, her coffee-guzzling grump of an R.A. with seafoam green eyes, is somehow disrupting all her ideas about love and relationships one sleep-deprived wisecrack at a time.

But sometimes, when all your plans are in rubble at your feet, you find out what you’re made of. And when Andie starts to find the power of her voice as the anonymous Squire on the school’s legendary pirate radio station–the same one her mom founded, years before she passed away–Andie learns that not all the best laid plans are necessarily the right ones.

Filled with a friend group that feels like family, an empowering journey of finding your own way, and a Just Kiss Already! romance, BEGIN AGAIN is an unforgettable novel of love and starting again.

My Review

Okay, yes, it’s absolutely a Just Kiss Already! romance. Haha. I was waiting for it for what felt like ages– in a good way. I loved the close knit group of friends that forms around Andie and the way they need each other and see through each other’s masks. Also, I liked the relationship between Andie and her dad and how that unfolded. I probably cried more in those scenes than anywhere else.

There was a good balance between Andie’s past, her connections at home, and the things going on with her in the present as she formed new connections at college. Some of the big scenes didn’t surprise me at all, but I never picked up this book expecting big surprises, so I was totally okay with that.

I really liked the way the romance unfolded and the tension between Andie and Milo. I loved the bagel shop, Milo’s family, the chicken coops and outdoor tours and all of those background things that added so much to the story.

All in all, BEGIN AGAIN was a super fun read. I enjoyed the romance and the fresh, fun college campus radio show setting.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Andie’s roommate Shay is Black. Two girls enter a romantic relationship with each other.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used fairly frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
A violent snowstorm strikes Andie’s college campus, and she’s injured when a tree falls in the storm.

Drug Content
Andie and her friends drink alcohol one night after a stressful day and again at a large party.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of BEGIN AGAIN in exchange for my honest review.

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books by New Authors I Read in 2022

Top Ten Authors New to Me that I Read in 2022

2022 was a great year for me in terms of finding debut authors whose books I loved and finally trying books by authors that I’d had on my TBR for a while. For this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’m sharing the top ten best books by new authors (or new to me authors) I read in 2022.

Out of the 171 books that I agreed to review in 2022, 121 of them were authors who were new to me. That doesn’t include the backlist titles that I read, which I am not doing a good job keeping track of right now. I would guess that I’ve read a majority of new authors in backlist titles as well, including Dean Atta, Bethany C. Morris, and Alice Oseman.

So, apparently I read a lot of new authors! Of all those authors, here are the books I ranked as the best six young adult and best four middle grade titles I read in 2022 by authors new to me.

Also, a couple weeks ago I posted a list of the best books I read in 2022. Several of those were by authors who could have been on this list, but honestly I read so many great titles last year that I decided to make a fresh list without overlapping the titles I mentioned before.

Note: Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Best Books by New-to-Me Authors

It Looks Like Us by Allison Ames

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads | My Review

What you need to know: Did I mention that I’m not usually into horror? I couldn’t get enough of the Antarctic setting. The tenuous friendships disrupted by an alien or infection. Also, there’s a wildly rich, rocket launching, electric car manufacturing guy named Anton Rusk. Lol.

The Darkening by Sunya Mara

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What you need to know: A city surrounded by a powerful storm filled with magic and monsters. A reluctant prince. A failed revolutionary determined to save her people no matter the cost. I loved the writing and the story kept me on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to read more.

My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth

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What you need to know: A robotics team superstar and guy who’s good at everything. A tinkerer who only joins the team under duress and isn’t impressed by him. This was such a fun story. I loved the banter and enemies to lovers elements of this one. Total win.

Year on Fire by Julie Buxbaum

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What you need to know: This one definitely had WE WERE LIARS vibes for me. I got totally wrapped up in the characters and their connections to one another. Julie Buxbaum has other books out, and I cannot wait to read them all.

Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove by Rati Mehrotra

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What you need to know: A girl with a bond to her queen who will do anything to protect the two princes. Until she learns a secret that causes her to question every loyalty she’s ever felt. I found the cover copy of this one confusing, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I devoured it in less than twenty-four hours. Loved it.

Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults by Robin Wall Kimmerer

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What you need to know: I had heard really great things about the adult version of this book, so when I saw that there was a young adult version, I jumped at the chance to read and review it here. I loved the introspective questions, the history and ecology lessons woven together in perfect harmony.

Lotus Bloom and the Afro Revolution by Sherri Winston

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What you need to know: Another title longlisted for the National Book Award– and so deservedly! Lotus is vibrant and talented. I loved the way she heard music in everything. Great writing, and fabulous story.

Ghostcloud by Michael Mann

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What you need to know: A kidnapped boy is forced to work in a power plant. Then he discovers a ghost who may be able to help him escape. Totally fresh, fascinating story. I loved the ghostly world and relationships between characters.

The Insiders by Mark Oshiro

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What you need to know: Three friends connected by a mysterious room that appears when they most need an escape from school. I loved the characters and the way the room responded to their stories. Super great book for anyone experiencing bullying and needing an escape.

Set Me Free by Ann Clare LeZotte

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What you need to know: A Deaf girl from Martha’s Vineyard is hired to teach a young girl who cannot speak. This one went straight to my heart. I loved Mary and walking with her as she processed her own trauma and found healing through helping another girl. Fantastic historical novel.

What are the best books by new authors you’ve read lately?

Do you read a lot of books by new authors, or do you tend to stick with tried-and-true authors you know? If you read new authors, which new authors or new-to-you authors are your current favorites?

Have you read any of the books on my list? What did you think of them? Leave a comment below and let me know!