Review: Start Here by Trish Doller

Start Here by Trish Doller shows a pile of polaroid photos of a sailing trip and one of two girls.

Start Here
Trish Doller
Simon Pulse
Published August 13, 2019

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About Start Here

Two teens go on a life-changing sailing trip as they deal with the grief of losing their best friend in this heartwrenching, hopeful novel from the author of Something Like Normal and In a Perfect World.

Willa and Taylor were supposed to spend the summer after high school sailing from Ohio to Key West with their best friend, … Continue reading

Review: The Heir of Ariad by Niki Florica

The Heir of Ariad
Niki Florica
Elm Hill Publishing
Published August 13, 2019

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About The Heir of Ariad

The weight of a vanished father’s legacy and the secrets of the past have forced Kyrian to carve a place among his people at the price of his own sweat and blood. Ariad is withering. The Skies seem a strange place to die of thirst, but no one can fetch the Rains against … Continue reading

Review: How We Became Wicked by Alexander Yates

How We Became Wicked by Alexander Yates cover shows a large silhouette of an insect and tiny outlines of people standing at a shoreline where the insect's wings would be.

How We Became Wicked
Alexander Yates
Atheneum Books/Caitlyn Dlouhy Books
Published June 23, 2019

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A plague, called Wicked, is pulsing through the world; and in its wake, it’s dividing the population into thirds:

The WICKED: Already infected by the droves of Singers, the ultraviolet mosquito-like insects who carry the … Continue reading

Review: Impossible Music by Sean Williams

Impossible Music by Sean Williams cover shows a silhouette of a boy with an ear bud cord wrapped around his face and wrists.

Impossible Music
Sean Williams
Clarion Books
Published July 2, 2019

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Before the stroke that left him deaf, music was Simon’s life. Now, his band breaks up and even his future college career studying musical composition is in jeopardy. How can a deaf student study music?

The only bright spot in all of it is a fierce girl Simon meets at Auslan class, where he learns sign language to communicate. … Continue reading

Review: Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim cover shows a girl holding magic scissors and a bolt of fabric with a hawk behind her

Spin the Dawn
Elizabeth Lim
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers
Published July 9, 2019

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Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping YA fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the … Continue reading

Review: Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg

Past Perfect Life by Elizabeth Eulberg cover shows three red houses in a vertical line, the top intact, second beginning to crumble and the third breaking apart.

Past Perfect Life
Elizabeth Eulberg
Bloomsbury YA
Published July 9, 2019

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Small-town Wisconsin high school senior Allison Smith loves her life the way it is-spending quality time with her widowed father and her tight-knit circle of friends, including best friend Marian and maybe-more-than-friends Neil. Sure she is … Continue reading