Category Archives: Young Adult/Teen 12-18

Review: All Better Now by Neal Shusterman

All Better Now by Neal Shusterman

All Better Now
Neal Shusterman
Simon & Schuster
Published February 4, 2025

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About All Better Now

From New York Times bestselling author Neal Shusterman comes a young adult thriller about a world where happiness becomes contagious and the teens caught in the conspiracy by the powers that be to bring back discontent.

An unprecedented condition is on the rise. It behaves like a virus, with the first symptom being a fever, but those who contract it experience long-term effects no one has ever seen utter contentment. Soon after infection, people find the stress, depression, greed, and other negative feelings that used to weigh them down are gone.

Almost everyone revels in this mass unburdening. But people in power—who depend on malcontents tuning into their broadcasts, prey on the insecure to sell their products, and convince people they need more, new, faster, better everything—know this new state of being is bad for business. Soon, campaigns start up convincing people that being happy all the time is dangerous. There’s even a vaccine developed to rid people of their inner peace and get them back to normal because, surely, without anger or jealousy as motivators, productivity will grind to a halt and the world will be thrown into chaos.

It’s nearly impossible to determine the truth when everyone with a platform is pushing their own agendas, and two teens from very different backgrounds who’ve had their lives upended in different ways by the virus find themselves enmeshed in the center of a dangerous power play. Can they reveal the truth?

My Review

I really struggled with this book. There are some thought-provoking elements, for sure. But it feels a little bit like a slap in the face to anyone who lost someone they loved during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially to someone who ignored safety measures to prevent further infections. Maybe it’s just too much too soon?

The story is about a pandemic that kills 1 in 25 people who contract the virus. The remaining survivors become altruistic to the point that they will harm themselves trying to help others (i.e., die trying to rescue people from a fire).

Interesting Thought Experiment?

Throughout the story, the characters explore whether the virus is a gift to humanity or a curse. Widespread infection threatens the system of capitalism because people stop wanting to buy and own things. They simply want to share and help others. The story’s villains (including a character who seems to be a stand-in for a certain tech billionaire) want to stop the virus at any cost. The heroes… maybe want to spread the virus everywhere? For the good of humanity? The 4% of people who die are an acceptable loss? It’s okay to spread the virus, knowing it will kill people?

I just. This is an interesting thought experiment, I guess. What if a virus made people happy? What if a virus made people stop chronically consuming products and instead chronically want to help one another? It’s an interesting idea.

The idea gets mired in its execution, though. This soon after a global pandemic, I’m not ready for a story that glorifies a hero who purposely spreads a deadly virus to save the world from capitalism. Perhaps because some of the loudest voices in our government right now are saying that it’s okay for the most vulnerable among us to suffer for the “greater good.”

The Altruism Virus Doesn’t Cure Homophobia

Yeah, so this is mentioned in the content below, but I wanted to include it here as well because, honestly, what is this about??

A couple of the main characters find this safe house in which they, despite being strangers, are welcomed by a woman running a commune. She’s a Christian and makes that pretty clear, which, cool. Okay. Then we meet her son, who is gay, and he tells the main characters that his mom is still homophobic. He’s like, yeah, the virus made her care about everyone else, but it left her homophobia intact.

I’m just. Like. Are we supposed to take from that conversation that homophobia isn’t wrong? That’s not one of humanity’s ills that altruism would fix?

Yeah, no. Not cool, friends.


Who would enjoy this book? Hmm. If your interest in the thought experiment idea outweighs concerns about the ethics of the plot, I think you could enjoy this book. I think other books by Neal Shusterman have challenged ethical ideas before, so fans of the Unwind series may be more inclined to see and understand what he’s doing here. I have only read the first book in that series, so that’s just a guess.

I will not be continuing with this series.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
A few F-bombs and some other profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between characters and references to more. A character uses a double entendre to hint that she and another character have been intimate.

At one point, a character kisses another character with a crush on him as a gesture of thanks or pity or something. It’s uncomfy.

Spiritual Content
There are some references to spirituality. One character’s mom is a Christian, and though the virus has left her altruistic and welcoming to strangers, she remains homophobic. That’s ick.

Some recoverees deeply revere one person whom they treat as a movement leader. This person behaves like a prophet and directs the actions of others.

Violent Content
References to homophobia.

Medical experimentation on human subjects. (Subjects are prisoners who are promised freedom in exchange for volunteering for the experiment, but it’s implied that many are murdered or do not survive the experiments.) One scene shows the experimentation and its (torturous) effects on a person.

Someone infects others with a deadly virus on purpose, believing they’re doing a righteous thing.

Drug Content
References to alcoholism.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: March: Book One by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell

March: Book One
John Lewis and Andrew Aydin
Illustrated by Nate Powell
Top Shelf Productions
Published August 14, 2013

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About March: Book One

March is a vivid first-hand account of John Lewis’ lifelong struggle for civil and human rights, meditating in the modern age on the distance traveled since the days of Jim Crow and segregation. Rooted in Lewis’ personal story, it also reflects on the highs and lows of the broader civil rights movement.

Book One spans John Lewis’ youth in rural Alabama, his life-changing meeting with Martin Luther King, Jr., the birth of the Nashville Student Movement, and their battle to tear down segregation through nonviolent lunch counter sit-ins, building to a stunning climax on the steps of City Hall.

Many years ago, John Lewis and other student activists drew inspiration from the 1950s comic book Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story. Now, his own comics bring those days to life for a new audience, testifying to a movement whose echoes will be heard for generations.

My Review

This book has been on my TBR list for a long time. I love that it brings some of the history of the Civil Rights Movement to readers who enjoy a graphic novel format. The visuals also help make the events more real. I found it easy to imagine the real-life events unfolding from the static images on the page.

This part of the series highlights the beginning of the Nashville Student Movement, which was referenced in King: A Life, the biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that I read earlier this year. Reading these two books in such close proximity helped create a broader understanding of the Civil Rights Movement, the different groups involved, and the overall timeline of events.

There are several pages on which the text shows people using the “N” word against Black people. It never stops being shocking and awful. But it does highlight the great need for change that we faced (and still face) as a nation.

I’m excited to continue reading this series and to learn more about John Lewis’ life.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 13 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Some panels show people using the “N” word to describe Black people.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
References to church.

Violent Content
Use of the N-word. Scenes show marching and sit-in protests. A few show violent responses to protestors, such as tear gas, physically dragging them away, and dumping food on them.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. All opinions are my own.

25 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Winter 2025

25 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Winter 2025

Now that the season is practically half over, I’m finally ready to post my list of my 25 most-anticipated YA books coming out in winter 2025. I’ve had my eye on some of these books since early last year. Others were recent discoveries. The list spans various genres from historical to fantasy to contemporary and even a few horror novels.

I’d love to know if any of these books are on your reading list, so be sure to comment below if they are or if you’ve read them already. Let me know if I’ve left off any sure winners you’re looking forward to reading this season, too!

Note: This post contains affiliate links that do not cost you anything but help support this blog. Thanks for using them to do your shopping.

25 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming Winter 2025

The Devourer by Alison Ames

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What you need to know: I’m a huge fan of this author, so all I had to see was her name on the cover to add this to my reading list. However, the plot about pirates seeking a missing enemy (brother) and monsters attacking ships has me deeply intrigued.

Published January 7, 2025 | My Review to Come

King: A Life by Jonathon Eig

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: If you read one book for Black History month, this would be a good one. It explores Dr. King’s life and puts many popular quotes in context. Highly recommended.

Published January 7, 2025 | My Review

After Life by Gayle Forman

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A girl who has been dead for seven years returns to her family. The people she left behind grapple with her return and the ways her death impacted them. I couldn’t put this down.

Published January 7, 2025 | My Review

The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A boy with a bit of a Holden Caulfield vibe and grieving a girl he was secretly dating for a year finds letters she wrote to him before she died. This has big emotions and complicated grief.

Published January 7, 2025 | My Review

Breath of the Dragon (Breathmarked #1) by Shannon Lee and Fonda Lee

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What you need to know: A novel based on teachings by Bruce Lee. A young man enters a contest that will name the nation’s leader in martial arts. Political intrigue, magic, and romance weave through the intricate fantasy world crafted here.

Published January 7, 2025 | My Review

Liar’s Kingdom by Christine Calella

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: Ell didn’t attend the ball, but when the Prince’s mystery love’s shoe fits her foot, she jumps at the chance to escape an abusive family. When she discovers a plot to harm the prince, she vows to stop it, even if it exposes her true identity. Cinderella as you’ve never seen her before! This was a really fun read.

Published January 14, 2025 | My Review

A Dangerous Idea: The Scopes Trial, the Original Fight Over Science in Schools by Debbie Levy

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A timely, carefully researched walk through the Scopes Trial and its impact on school curriculum. The parallels between this moment in history and conflicts over teaching science and history in school will be impossible to ignore.

Published January 14, 2025 | My Review

Bingsu for Two by Sujin Witherspoon

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: An enemies-to-lovers romcom about two people trying to save a family-owned Korean coffee shop. An inclusive cast filled with great friendships and fun moments. A charming, romantic read.

Published January 14, 2025 | My Review

Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A girl uses the mistakes in her dating history to make herself the perfect girlfriend and perhaps get revenge on the boy who broke her heart. A debut rom-com that looks smart and funny.

Published January 14, 2025 | My Review to Come

True Gretch: Lessons for Anyone Who Wants to Make a Difference (Young Adult Edition) by Gretchen Whitmer

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: Key wisdom from the governor who survived a kidnapping plot and led her state through a global pandemic for teen who want to make a difference. Funny and insightful.

Published January 28, 2025 | My Review to Come

Carving Shadows into Gold by Brigid Kemmerer

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: The second book in the Forging Silver into Stars series follows the now nineteen-year-old Tycho as he seeks to preserve peace between two kingdoms as the courier to the king. Cursebreakers fans will love revisiting the familiar cast of characters and the romantic developments.

Published January 28, 2025 | My Review

Needy Little Things by Channelle Desamours

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A girl who can sense tangible things people need uses her ability to find her missing best friend– though the ability may place her in the same danger her friend was in. A debut speculative mystery that explores justice, friendship, and family.

Published February 4, 2025 | My Review

The Underwood Tapes by Amanda DeWitt

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A girl running from grief over her mom’s death realizes she can communicate with a boy who lived thirty years earlier through voice recordings. Explores the ripple effects of unresolved grief. Grab your tissues for this one!

Published February 4, 2025 | My Review

All Better Now by Neal Shusterman

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: What if there was a deadly pandemic that… made you happy? Shusterman brings a whole different spin on a pandemic and explores the meaning of and happiness and what price people are willing to pay for it in this fascinating novel.

Published February 4, 2025 | My Review

Why On Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology by Vania Stoyanova and Rosiee Thor

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: An absolutely adorable story collection in which each story connects through characters and/or events. I loved every single page. Favorite anthology so far. If you need some humor and hope in your life, grab this one!

Published February 4, 2025 | My Review

A Traitorous Heart by Eric Cotter

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A historical romance set in the late 1500s French court featuring a secret society of spies, forbidden love, and political intrigue. Sounds irresistible to me.

Published February 11, 2025 | My Review

The Six: The Untold Story of America’s First Women Astronauts by Loren Grush with Rebecca Stefoff

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: History prominently remembers Sally Ride, but what about the other five women at her side, helping to blaze the trail for female astronauts? This timely book reveals their stories.

Published February 11, 2025 | My Review

I am the Cage by Allison Sweet Grant

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: After a massive snowstorm, a girl who has shut out the world reaches out for help. Contains flashbacks to childhood trauma, haunting poetry, and a sense of hope and possibility for the future. If the blurbs for this one are any indication, it is too good to miss.

Published February 18, 2025 | My Review

Banned Together: Our Fight for Readers Rights edited by Ashley Hope Pérez

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A powerful anthology that explores the impact of book bans through fiction, essays, graphic narratives, memoir, and poetry from fifteen acclaimed authors.

Published March 4, 2025 | My Review

Divining the Leaves by Shveta Thakrar

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: Hindu and Buddhist folklore abound in this beautiful contemporary fantasy about a magical forest that may destroy the future and the once-friends who can save it.

Published March 4, 2025 | My Review to Come

They Bloom at Night by Trang Thanh Tran

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: After a catastrophic hurricane submerges a town, the wildlife mutates, and a monster tries to drown the remaining townsfolk until a girl is tasked with saving them. Looks inescapably haunting.

Published March 4, 2025 | My Review to Come

How to Survive a Slasher by Justine Pucella Winans

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: I’m not usually a fan of slasher stories, but I’m always intrigued by the ones that turn the tropes on their heads. A mysterious manuscript predicts new murders in a town that is no stranger to massacres. CJ vows to save the first girl slated to die, but in doing so becomes the story’s new lead.

Published March 11, 2025 | My Review to Come

What Wakes the Bells by Elle Tesch

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: Bells awake a monster in a sentient city, and Mina has to decide how far she’s willing to go to stop the evil in this gothic fantasy. Something about this reminds me of Where the Dark Stands Still by A.B. Poranek, which I loved.

Published March 11, 2025 | My Review to Come

The Deathly Grimm by Kathryn Purdie

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: In the conclusion to the Forest Grimm duology, Clara and Axel must return to the forest to find out why villagers continue to disappear. Monsters, riddles, and more dark fairytale-ish things abound. I cannot wait for this one!

Published March 25, 2025 | My Review to Come

The Fragments That Remain by Mackenzie Angeconeb

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

What you need to know: A bereft sibling writes letters to her brother exploring her identity. She discovers a cache of secret poetry from her brother and reads it to try to make sense of his death. Looks heartfelt and poignant.

Published March 29, 2025 | My Review to Come

What YA Books Coming Winter 2025 are you most looking forward to reading?

Are you looking forward to any of the books on my list? Have you had a chance to read any of them yet? What else needs to be on my reading list this season? Leave a comment and let me know!

Review: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Maya Angelou
Random House
Published April 21, 2009 (Orig. 1969)

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Here is a book as joyous and painful, as mysterious and memorable, as childhood itself. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings captures the longing of lonely children, the brute insult of bigotry, and the wonder of words that can make the world right. Maya Angelou’s debut memoir is a modern American classic beloved worldwide.
Sent by their mother to live with their devout, self-sufficient grandmother in a small Southern town, Maya and her brother, Bailey, endure the ache of abandonment and the prejudice of the local “powhitetrash.” At eight years old and back at her mother’s side in St. Louis, Maya is attacked by a man many times her age—and has to live with the consequences for a lifetime. Years later, in San Francisco, Maya learns that love for herself, the kindness of others, her own strong spirit, and the ideas of great authors (“I met and fell in love with William Shakespeare”) will allow her to be free instead of imprisoned.
Poetic and powerful, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings will touch hearts and change minds for as long as people read.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings liberates the reader into life simply because Maya Angelou confronts her own life with such a moving wonder, such a luminous dignity.”—James Baldwin

Thoughts About Reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

As I read this book, I thought back through my English literature education. Other than at least one poem by Langston Hughes in seventh grade, I can’t remember specifically reading any Black authors. It’s possible we read poetry by Maya Angelou. I especially do not remember ever reading about life in segregated America from a Black perspective, which seems like a huge thing when I think about it.

It is honestly a little bit alarming to me that I’m this old and just now reading I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings for the first time. I’ve read a pathetically small amount of classic literature by Black authors and/or authors of color in general. This is a problem I’m working to fix.

My Review

I love the way the author describes things. Some of the descriptions are pure poetry. Others vividly recount a moment or experience with such specificity that I felt like I was there witnessing the scene.

I listened to the audiobook version, read by the author, which I deeply enjoyed. She sings the hymns written in the text. She reads in a way that shows off the beauty of the poetic descriptions in the text while inviting the reader into each moment.

As I mentioned above, I think this is the first book I’ve read that shows segregated life in America from a Black perspective. (The more I think about it, the more I think that should absolutely be a requirement for high school literature. Wow.) I’m not sure I will ever forget the scene in which Maya and her brother hide her uncle in a vegetable bin and pile onions and potatoes on top of him because they’ve been warned that the Klan will be riding through their town looking for someone to harm.

The author describes the people in her life really well, too. As I read, I could sense both her admiration and her frustration with her mother and grandmother. These were both strong women with different values. They protected her and wounded her, sometimes knowingly, and sometimes without meaning to do so.


I’m so glad I read this book. It’s haunting and beautiful. There are some scenes that are hard to read (see content warnings below), but I really believe books like this are important. I am looking forward to reading more of Maya Angelou’s work.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
A couple uses of the N-word as Maya heard it used. In one scene, she lists other derogatory terms she heard used.

Romance/Sexual Content
A man abuses Maya (a child) multiple times, the last time being the most violent. Descriptions are brief. It’s hard to read, but it does show the trauma and the complicated feelings and conclusions she drew from the experience as a child.

Maya worries about her body’s development. She reads about lesbianism and intersex conditions at the library and then speaks with her mom, who helps her understand that what’s happening to her body is normal development. There’s a little bit of biological description here.

One scene briefly relates Maya’s first (consensual) sexual experience. It’s not very specific except to relate how functional rather than romantic it was.

Spiritual Content
References to attending church and singing hymns. Maya’s grandmother, Mama, believes that if you’re good, God will love you.

Violent Content
Brief mentions of harm to children. Maya’s uncle threatens to burn her on the stove if she can’t answer his questions. She believes, looking back, that he never would have harmed her. Reference to a woman hitting a child’s legs with a switch if they didn’t wash properly or teachers striking the palms of students with rulers if they disobeyed.

Maya’s grandmother hits her as punishment for using the term “by the way,” which her grandmother considers swearing.

Drug Content
Several scenes reference adults smoking cigarettes.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. All opinions are my own.

Review: Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology by Vania Stoyanova and Rosiee Thor

Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology
Edited by Vania Stoyanova and Rosiee Thor
Page Street YA
Published February 4, 2025

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology

With stories from NYT bestselling and debut authors, Why on Earth uses an accidental alien invasion to explore love and identity.

What starts as a simple rescue mission for a crew of teen aliens to recover one of their own soon becomes an interstellar encounter no one will forget.

Captain Iona is organizing an impromptu retrieval for her brother, an undercover alien posing as a movie star. But her efforts go awry when a technical malfunction turns her heroic rescue into an unintentional invasion. With tales of disguised extraterrestrials stuck in theme parks, starship engineers hitchhiking to get home, and myth-inspired intergalactic sibling reunions, each story in this multi-author anthology explores the universal desire to be loved and understood, no matter where you come from. After all…aliens are just like us.

“This anthology twinkles with an adventurous spirit, quirky personalities, hope, and a sense of belonging. Stellar.”
―Kirkus Reviews

“Out of this world!”
―Scott Reintgen, New York Times bestselling author of A Door in the Dark

“Epic fun exploring themes of acceptance and the desire to connect, regardless of species, Why on Earth is an absolute blast!”
―Alechia Dow, author of The Sound of Stars

“A delightful collection of offbeat, otherworldly stories filled with heartwarming moments and loads of entertaining, imaginative writing.”
―Kimberly Jones, New York Times bestselling author of I’m Not Dying with You Tonight

“An all-star lineup of brilliant authors with stories that make you laugh, feel, and cheer.”
―Danielle Paige, New York Times bestselling author of Wish of the Wicked

“Whether it’s a story to build the world we’re beaming into, misguided crushes in the middle of an alien invasion, or the most charmingly awkward teen alien this side of the Milky Way, there will be plenty for readers to enjoy in this anthology!”
―Preeti Chhibber, author of Payal Mehta’s Romance Revenge Plot

My Review

This might be the most fun anthology that I’ve read to this point. I loved how the individual stories connected together. Each one, as the cover copy infers, explores love and identity. Some follow romantic relationships or hopes, while others explore a character’s dreams and what makes them feel they belong.

The opening story tells about an alien captain and her crew on a rescue mission to earth to retrieve a family member the captain fears is being held captive. Each story that follows connects to the stories that came before it in some way. Some of them include the same characters. Others witness the alien ship crash or lift off.

I enjoyed every single story. The individual stories feature an inclusive cast of characters. The authors captured a sense of humanity, wonder, and what it means to be alive and connected to others. This is a great anthology for this moment in time. It’s filled with hope and humor. Definitely worth a read!

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
A few stories have some limited profanity. I think a couple have the F-bomb.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between two characters. The alien characters refer to this human experience as “a meeting of the lips,” which I found absolutely charming.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Situations of peril. People react to the news of the alien ship crashlanding on earth by worrying that an invasion is imminent. Some panic. Police and other officials yell and try to clear the street to enforce a shelter-in-place order.

A few stories contain brief homophobic or transphobic comments. Some characters are misgendered or rejected for their identities. One character has been kicked out of their home because they came out to their family.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: The Ballad of Never After by Stephanie Garber

The Ballad of Never After (Once Upon a Broken Heart #2)
Stephanie Garber
Flatiron Books
Published September 13, 2022

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The Ballad of Never After

Not every love is meant to be.

After Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, betrays her, Evangeline Fox swears she’ll never trust him again. Now that she’s discovered her own magic, Evangeline believes she can use it to restore the chance at happily ever after that Jacks stole away.

But when a new terrifying curse is revealed, Evangeline finds herself entering into a tenuous partnership with the Prince of Hearts again. Only this time, the rules have changed. Jacks isn’t the only force Evangeline needs to be wary of. In fact, he might be the only one she can trust, despite her desire to despise him.

Instead of a love spell wreaking havoc on Evangeline’s life, a murderous spell has been cast. To break it, Evangeline and Jacks will have to do battle with old friends, new foes, and a magic that plays with heads and hearts. Evangeline has always trusted her heart, but this time she’s not sure she can…

My Review

Evangeline embarks on another wild adventure, determined to break the curse over her husband, Prince Apollo. I couldn’t decide if I liked Apollo or not. I think we just don’t get enough time with him on scene and without the interference of a spell of some kind for me to figure out what kind of person he is.

Jacks, however, gets a lot of time on scene, and he’s definitely got the brooding, tortured soul thing going. I like that he and Evangeline play off one another and work well together.

This book builds a lot of sexual tension between those two. I liked that the story doesn’t stay too long in the land of miscommunication or depend too entirely on Jacks and Evangeline not saying what they mean. There are other forces at play that impact what she feels for Jacks and what she thinks he feels as well. There’s also a fair amount of back and forth between Evangeline and Apollo. She feels guilty for the bad things that have happened to him and wants to break the curses binding them together. But the longer time goes on, the more confused she is about her feelings for him.

The Ballad of Never After offers more details and lore from the lush fantasy landscape introduced in the first book in the series. We start to see how the different pieces of fairytale stories that Evangeline grew up with fit together and the connections between the people around her, all of whom need her for something. As soon as I finished this book, I started reading the series finale.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing and some strong sexual tension between two characters. At one point, a girl has injuries to her back, and someone bandages her while she is topless.

Spiritual Content
Lots of curses and a bit of fairytale magic. A few characters are vampires.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Vampires feed on or threaten to feed on humans in a few scenes. Someone continually hunts another person, intending to kill them. Two people are cursed with a mirror curse, meaning that when one is injured, the same injury appears on the other person. In one scene, someone scratches a message on their skin with a knife tip. Someone answers the message in a similar fashion. Someone stabs a girl in the chest, killing her.

Drug Content
Evangeline drinks champagne at an evening party.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. All opinions are my own.