Category Archives: Fantasy

Review: Gates of Paradise by Melissa De La Cruz

Gates of Paradise
Melissa De La Cruz
Published January 15, 2013

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Through her mother’s shared memories, half-angel, half-human Schuyler knows her destiny is to serve as the guardian of the Gate of Paradise, to protect it from Lucifer and the armies of Hell. What she doesn’t know is Lucifer has already set a plot in motion to overrun the gate and take back Paradise, and to succeed, he has employed his most cunning weapons: the twins, Jack and Mimi. Though the twins had returned to Hell as covert agents of Heaven, Jack and Mimi soon discover that fooling the Prince of Darkness isn’t as simple as they’d believed. When Lucifer tasks the twins with killing their lovers, Jack and Mimi’s tight bond begins to fragment. Only a powerful weapon can stop Lucifer from destroying the gate and taking what should never be his.

The final chapter in the Blue Bloods series, Gates of Paradise brings a large cast of characters to the stage, many of whom have more than one name, depending on where they are (heaven, earth or hell) and who addresses them. Readers may find this confusing. The story world, which will be well-known to readers of the series, may further mystify readers joining the tale in this last novel. Angels on earth become vampires, who possibly thirst for human blood.

While these references and name changes don’t directly impede the reader’s enjoyment of the plot, it does sometimes become difficult to keep track of who is who. A character glossary would have helped tremendously. Still, it cannot be overlooked that De La Cruz weaves an intense story of passion and sacrifice, and spins together past and present in the high-energy conclusion of her best-selling series.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Moderate to Severe.

Sexual Content
References to promiscuous behavior and a few sex scenes.

Spiritual Content
While the characters are identified as angels or demons, these labels don’t follow the Christian understanding. A character who lives in Hell and serves Lucifer or belongs to his army is a demon. Heavenly angels and their allegiance is implied, but very vague. While on earth, these beings become vampires, regardless of their origin.

Some battle violence. Usually brief.

Drug Content
Several scenes depicting parties where characters consume alcohol.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Sneak Peek: Dragonwitch by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Bethany House
Published July 15, 2013

 Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

The Twelve came to the doors of Omeztli Tower and their voices carried from the ground to our high perch above.

“Cren Cru commands. Send us your firstborn.”

I clutched Tlanextu’s arm in terror. I could not bear to lose him! He took my hand and held me gently.

Then we saw a powerful form rising up from Itonatiu Tower. It was Citlalu, our father. He flew across the city, his wings like a griffin’s, like a roc’s, blocking the sunlight from view they were so vast! He landed before us, and I shivered with fear and love at the sight of him, for he was King. A true King. Not like the foolish little kings we see nowadays wearing crowns, waving swords and scepters, ruling by feeble kinship-rights. He was King of Etalpalli, bound to the realm by his own blood, by the beat of his heart. He was strong as the nation itself, stronger, I thought. The pinions of his wings were like daggers, like swords, and he shouted down to the Twelve below:

 “Be gone, back to your master! You will take none of mine into that Mound, not while I have life yet coursing through my veins!”

His voice shook the foundations of Etalpalli. I thought the Twelve would run, would scream with terror, would flee the storm of his gaze.

They did not. They merely turned and retraced their path to the Mound and the concentric circles of bronze.

But the next day, they returned. Once more they called up to the heights of Omeztli: “Cren Cru commands. Send us your firstborn.”

Once more, my father denied them.

About Anne Elisabeth Stengl

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Anne Elisabeth Stengl is the author of the award-winning Tales of Goldstone Wood series, adventure fantasies told in the classic Fairy Tale style. She makes her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband, Rohan, a passel of cats, and one long-suffering dog. When she’s not writing, she enjoys Shakespeare, opera, and tea, and studies piano, painting, and pastry baking. She studied illustration at Grace College and English literature at Campbell University.


Tour Schedule

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about the Goldstone Wood series with reviews, interviews, giveaways and more on these other great blogs. Be sure to visit the Tales of Goldstone Wood blog for a chance to win the first five Goldstone Wood novels!

July 14 – Day 1

Rebecca’s Book Blog – Interview

Jennette Mbewe – Sneak Peek

Bluerose’s Heart – Top Tens List

The Wordsmith’s Shelf – Sneak Peek

The Wonderings of One Person – Guest Post

Seasons of Humility – Interview

Worthy 2 Read – Guest Post

The Endless Road – Interview

Tea and Bree – Interview/Sneak Peek

JoJo’s Corner – Interview

July 15 – Day 2

Letters to the Cosmos – Guest Post

The Writer of Dream Things – Character Interview

The Sassy Sister – Sneak Peek

Makai Queen – Interview

JoJo’s Corner – Sneak Peek

Crafty Booksheeps – Interview

Young Adult Books – Sneak Peek

Darling Diaries – Interview

Blooming with Books – Interview/Sneak Peek


July 16 – Day 3

The Writer’s Window – Character Interview

Penning Praises – Guest Post

Crimilia – Interview

Rachel Herriman – Guest Post

Rina’s Reading – Top Tens List

JoJo’s Corner – Guest Post

Living On Literary Lane – Interview

Onto Her Bookshelf – Interview

An Ink-Made Maiden – Interview

July 16 Evening

Blog Tour Finale and Prize Awarded back at the Tales of Goldstone Wood!



Review: Unleashed by Jennifer Hartz

Unleashed (Heroes of the Horde #1)
Jennifer Hartz
Desert Breeze
Published May 20, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

After hearing a legend about a man who conquers demons and receives great power, six teens return to the site of the story and poke around. They flee following an accident, but over the next several hours, each begins to manifest a special ability.

Though the group is at first undecided on what to do with their new gifts, the team quickly realizes having these abilities makes them a target for a host of demons. They work together, using seeing gifts to sense demons and attack abilities to defeat them.

The fighting only gets harder as with each battle the demons seem to learn new ways to attack. Where are they coming from? The team must find out and must stop these demons before they are completely overrun.

Unleashed is a fun superhero team story in which each member takes turns narrating. While the opportunity to be inside each character’s head is great, some of the characters’ emotional landscapes leave few surprises. One fills readers in right away about his anger toward his dad and its sources. The peripheral characters are often one-dimensional as well. Despite this, young readers may find the intense battles against demonic hosts and romantic entanglements between the characters to be enjoyable and entertaining.

Jennifer Hartz has chosen to donate a portion of her royalties for this novel to The A21 Campaign, a group which fights human trafficking and the sex-slave industry. Visit the author’s web site for additional information.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild. Contains some crude language but not profanity.

Sexual Content
One boy fondles a girl he’s dating. References to the fact that characters are having sex without descriptive details.

Spiritual Content
While there are some references to Christian theology on demons and one character uses scripture to fight them, much of the battle strategy is physical, and only one character is described as having a relationship with God. The others do not even seem to question the spiritual implications of demons’ existence or how that might affect personal beliefs.

Character use superpowers to physically battle demons. Demons defend themselves by biting. Few graphic details.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Domination by Jon S. Lewis

Jon S. Lewis
Thomas Nelson
Published April 16, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

As the terrible alien Thule prepare to invade earth and destroy its inhabitants, humanity’s hope hangs on sixteen-year-old Colt McAllister and an ancient prophesy. According to the prophesy, a Betrayer will rise and defeat the Thule race. In an attempt to create a super-soldier and give humanity an advantage against the monsters, scientists injected infants with Thule blood. Colt is the only survivor, and the full effects of the experiment are yet unknown.

As Colt prepares to counter the Thule invasion, strange things begin to happen to him physically. Could his Thule blood be taking over? He fights for control of himself, even offering to submit to restraint. His commanding officers need him too desperately, both as a soldier and a messenger of hope to all humanity. Colt struggles to maintain a grueling schedule, and he and his friends frantically search for clues to when and where the Thule invasion will begin. Even if they discover the location of the battle, humans are outmatched by the large, fierce aliens. Colt knows it’s on his shoulders, but does he really have what it takes to save the world?

In the final installment of the C.H.A.O.S. trilogy, Lewis delivers a fast-paced sci-fi tale reminiscent of the Halo game series. Fans of the movie Independence Day may also enjoy this story.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Sexual Content
Colt struggles with his feelings of attraction to one of his teammates despite his love for another girl.

Spiritual Content
Colt feels overwhelmed at the idea that humanity’s fate may rest with his ability to fight. Again and again he thinks of a scripture reminding him that God is a refuge and help in time of trouble.

Battle violence. Some brief details are given.

Drug Content

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Review: Moonblood by Anne Elisabeth Stengl

Anne Elisabeth Stengl
Bethany House
Published April 1, 2012

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Prince Lionheart returns to his ruined kingdom and struggles to reclaim the trust of his people. But when the people demand the death of Lionheart’s only loyal friend Rose Red, he banishes her instead to the treacherous Goldstone Wood, filled with deadly magical creatures.

Captured by her father, King Vahe, and imprisoned in the lost kingdom of Arpiar, Rose Red refuses to call for help. She waits for the Night of Moonblood and her father’s vile plans to unfold, a talking statue and lost boy with no memory for her only companions.

Lionheart pursues Rose Red, determined to rescue her and atone for his betrayal, but finding his way through the Wood is more difficult than he could have imagined and strange enemies greet him at every turn. He must defeat them all and find a kingdom no one has been able to enter in more than five hundred years if he is to reach Rose Red before it’s too late.

Author Anne Elisabeth Stengl possesses a masterful sense of story and beautifully incorporates powerful symbols seamlessly into each of her novels. In reading Moonblood one cannot help but become as lost in the story as the desperate prince in his search for his friend. Lionheart’s struggle to accept his failings and the healing of Rose Red’s wounded heart echo the deeper spiritual message that none are forgotten or without hope.

Moonblood is the third book in the Tales of Goldstone Wood series. Starflower, the fourth book in the series is a finalist for the 2013 Christy Award. Book five, Dragonwitch, will be released in the summer of 2013.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
No foul language.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Lionheart is haunted by the choices he has made which caused harm to those he cares about, but refuses to accept blame. He wants to believe he has made the only choice possible. He tries to salvage his mistakes by rescuing Rose Red, but in the end, still he cannot atone on his own. He must accept forgiveness and aid from a Higher Source.

Rose Red, still wounded by the prince’s betrayal, refuses to call for aid in her imprisonment. She too believes she can escape on her own, without help. A small bird calls to her, as God’s spirit calls to us, but she doesn’t want to trust him anymore. She learns that God’s plan doesn’t always look the way we expect, or keep us safe in ways that make sense to us.

Heroes fight a tiger and dragons. A unicorn’s horn stabs through someone. None of these events are given deeply graphic descriptions.

Drug Content


Review: The Sight by Erin Hunter

The Sight
Erin Hunter
HarperCollins Publishers
Published April 24, 2007

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Jaykit and his siblings can’t wait to be christened as apprentices when they finally reach six moons of age. Until then, though, no one will let them leave the camp, even when a dead fox and its abandoned cubs spell big trouble for the clan. Determined to help, Jaykit and his siblings sneak out of the safety of the camp, hoping to be the first to find the fox cubs and chase them from the ThunderClan territory. When the larger than expected cubs injure Jaykit, all three kittens find themselves in big trouble.

As the apprentice ceremony finally arrives and Jaykit becomes Jaypaw, he seethes under the sympathy of the other clan members. He may be blind, but he can smell much better than any other cat in the clan. He can learn to fight as fiercely as any cat, if only he could have the chance. The clan’s medicine cat, Leafpool, tries to talk Jaypaw into apprenticing as a medicine cat instead of pursuing his dreams as a warrior. With Jaypaw’s knowledge of herbs and his sensitive nose, he would make a great medicine cat. The fact that ThunderClan’s ancestors, members of StarClan, visit Jaypaw in his dreams only seems to further prove Jaypaw’s destiny as a medicine cat.

But Jaypaw’s dream of becoming a warrior does not die easily. When a rival clan invades ThunderClan’s territory, Jaypaw realizes it will be much more difficult than he thought to battle an opponent without the aid of his vision. To make matters more difficult, his litter mate, Hollypaw, has begun training as apprentice to the clan’s medicine cat. As an ancient prophecy about three powerful cats unfolds around them, Jaypaw and his siblings must find the way to harness their gifts and pursue their destinies.

This first book in the Power of Three series draws readers in to the delightful and mysterious world of cats. As the characters interact, cat lovers will recognize various gestures and body language familiar to them from their own furry friends. Jaypaw’s struggle between the glorious life he imagines as a warrior and the disappointment of being left behind to wait for the wounded as a medicine cat is a powerful journey with which readers will easily identify. Hunter’s forest world of cats is fresh and entertaining. One thing this author does not skimp on is in the number of named characters who appear in the story. Keeping track of names and various relationships can be confusing. Thankfully, a glossary of characters is included among the opening pages.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
The cats journey to the Moon Pool to commune via dreams with their ancestors, members of the StarClan.

Some animal violence. Not highly detailed. Two rival clans battle in the woods. A fox chases a kitten and bites its tail. The cats eat small animals like mice, but no eating is described in detail.

Drug Content
Herbs are used as medicine to help cure illnesses and wounds.

