Tag Archives: bullying

Review: Monster Locker by Jorge Aguirre and Andrés Vera Martínez

Monster Locker by Jorge Aguirre and Andrés Vera Martínez

Monster Locker (Monster Locker #1)
Jorge Aguirre
Illustrated by Andrés Vera Martínez
First Second
Published October 1, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Monster Locker

In this first volume of a thrilling middle grade graphic novel series, a sixth-grader named Pablo discovers his locker is a portal to the realm of monsters!

For hundreds of years, something in the basement of Glenfield Middle School has waited for its chance to open a portal into the realm of monsters. Now its time has come, and the school is going to need a hero. Pablo Ortiz . . . isn’t that guy. All he wants to do is lie low and get through middle school in one piece. So when Pablo accidentally opens the portal and summons a vengeful Aztec goddess, he’ll need the butt-kicking skills of his new friends and the wisdom passed down by his abuela to take her on.

My Review

I enjoyed Call Me Iggy by Jorge Aguirre, so when this one arrived in my mailbox, I was already looking forward to reading it. The concept is fun: a locker that is actually a portal to the monster world and summons Nahua monsters, and only three middle school students can stop them from taking over the world.

Pablo is very much an underdog. He worries about bullies and feels isolated. He has an interesting relationship with his grandmother, who seems to have one foot in the here and now and the other in the days of her Mexican childhood.

The story deftly weaves together modern characters with Nahuatl words and phrases, along with Aztec deities and monsters. Pablo and his two new friends, Takashi and Maggie, stand at the center of the story, with the fate of the whole world resting on their middle school shoulders.

The plotline requires some willing suspension of disbelief, but it rewards readers with quirky characters, oddball humor, and action-packed monster battles. This is a fun one to check out if you’re looking for a fall title that fits the feel of the Halloween season but could be enjoyed year round.

Content Notes in Monster Locker

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Pablo and his family are Nahua and American. Takashi is Japanese American and possibly also Jewish. (He uses Yiddish words.) Maggie is Jamaican American.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Pablo accidentally opens a portal to the monster world and summons the Aztec goddess Coatlique. She demands tribute and releases monsters into Pablo’s school, causing havoc.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Battles between monsters and humans.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

I’m sharing this post as a part of a weekly round-up of middle-grade posts called Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday. Check out other blogs with posts about middle-grade books today on Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays at Always in the Middle with Greg Pattridge.

Review: Love is in the Hair by Gemma Cary

Love is in the Hair
Gemma Cary
Delacorte Press
Published August 27, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Love is in the Hair

A feminist coming-of-age comedy that follows the endless humiliations, unrequited obsessions, and all-consuming friendships of fifteen-year-old Evia Birtwhistle as she leads a body hair positive revolution at her school.

Fifteen-year-old Evia Birtwhistle can’t seem to catch a break. At home, she must deal with her free-spirited mom, and at school she’s the target of ridicule for stating basic truths: like that girls have body hair!

When her BFF Frankie—who has facial hair due to her PCOS—becomes the target of school bullies, Evia decides that enough is enough and creates the ‘Hairy Girls’ Club.’

Leading a feminist movement at school is not easy. Boys often look at Evia like she’s a total weirdo, and the self-proclaimed ‘smoothalicious’ girls start their own campaign in retaliation. As Evia struggles with feeling strong enough to lead, and questions how to be a good friend to Frankie, she falls back on the best thing she has—hope. Her message is simple: We CAN make this world a more accepting, less judgmental place for girls to live in…one hairy leg at a time!

My Review

This book delivers on its promises. It’s funny and deftly explores societal ideas about body hair as well as the reasons why someone would want to raise awareness and challenge norms versus wanting the choice to blend in with others.

I like Evia’s group of friends, especially Frankie, though she doesn’t appear a lot in the story. Frankie challenges Evia to explore nuances and understand that people may feel differently than she does about their bodies and to accept that. Her other friends, Karima and Lowri, round out the group.

Evia also has a crush on her friend’s older brother. I thought the way that played out in the book also showed a lot of depth and rang true as an experience from those early high school days. Evia is fifteen in the story, and Cary definitely nails that moment in adolescence in the way she writes about characters and relationships.

Overall, this book is well-positioned to reach readers aging out of middle grade and preparing for their own high school journeys. Give this book to readers looking for a smart, funny book about challenging societal norms and speaking up for yourself.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Frankie has PCOS. Two of Evia’s other friends are lesbians.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used very infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
A kiss between a boy and girl. Someone posts sexually explicit images on Evia’s social media account.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
A group of girls bullies another girl. They make a social media video showing them pinning down another girl and cruelly cutting her hair on one side of her head close to the scalp.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Your Letter by Hyeon A. Cho

Your Letter
Hyeon A. Cho
Yen Press
Published July 23, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Your Letter

When middle schooler Sori Lee stood up for her friend against their entire class, she never expected to become their new target―but that’s exactly what happens. So, when her friend decides to transfer schools, Sori decides to wipe the slate clean and does the same. Luckily, someone seems to be looking out for her this time, and on her first day, she finds a mysterious letter taped to the bottom of her desk inviting her on a scavenger hunt!

Sori follows the trail of clues to try and uncover the identity of her benefactor, and as she explores all the curious and wonderful people and places around the school, begins to open her heart once more…

My Review

This is such a sweet story. It starts off with a scene that shows kids bullying a student. The main character, Sori, stands up to the bullies and tells them to stop. She then becomes a target herself. I’m not sure how much this happens in real life, but I know it’s the big fear with bullying. I have seen statistics that indicate bullying is more likely to stop if someone speaks up, but more likely doesn’t mean always.

One of the things I like about the illustrations is the way that they call attention to or mute certain details. For example, when Sori feels like other students are whispering about her, their faces are shadowed and drawn blank, except for open mouths. It highlights that feeling of being isolated and alone, of things happening that you can’t do anything about.

When Sori reaches her new school, she finds letters in her new desk that send her on a scavenger hunt and across the path of another lonely person. I liked the way the relationship between the two loners developed. There’s one section that shows a flashback about the other student that was cool.

The letters connect the characters in more ways than their school attendance, too. The story creates a circle, leading back to a relationship that happened before the story began. It’s super sweet.

If you’re looking for an uplifting, cozy story, this one delivers a lot of warm feelings and celebrates friendship and the positive impact we have on one another’s lives.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Your Letters takes place in Korea. Characters are Korean.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used briefly in one scene.

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
While Sori follows directions from an anonymous letter, she is transported to a room with a familiar person in it.

Violent Content
The opening scene shows kids bullying others, making fun of, and laughing at them.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Review: Fake Chinese Sounds by Jing Jing Tsong

Fake Chinese Sounds
Jing Jing Tsong
Published April 30, 2024

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Fake Chinese Sounds

A middle-grade graphic novel about a Taiwanese American girl navigating identity, bullying, and the messy process of learning to be comfortable in her skin.

Between homework, studying, and Chinese school, Měi Yīng’s summer is shaping up to be a boring one. Her only bright spots are practice with her soccer team, the Divas, and the time spent with her năi nai, who is visiting from Taiwan. Although Měi Yīng’s Mandarin isn’t the best and Năi Nai doesn’t speak English, they find other ways to connect, like cooking guōtiē together and doing tai chi in the mornings.

By the end of the summer, Měi Yīng is sad to see Năi Nai go—she’s the com­plete opposite of Měi Yīng’s serious professor mother—but excited to start fifth grade. Until new kid Sid starts making her the butt of racist jokes. Her best friend, Kirra, says to ignore him, but does everyone else’s silence about the harassment mean they’re also ignoring Sid . . . or her? As Sid’s bullying fuels Měi Yīng’s feelings of invisibility, she must learn to reclaim her identity and her voice.

My Review

One of the many reasons I wanted to read this book is that my older daughter is studying Chinese in school. I thought this book would be something we would enjoy talking about—and we did!

Since Měi Yīng attends Chinese classes on Sundays, some of the panels show her working on what appear to be homework assignments or journal entries. They contain Chinese characters positioned with context clues so that even readers unfamiliar with the language will be able to piece together what’s being said. The panels also show conversations between Měi Yīng’s mom and grandmother. Standard speech bubbles show when characters speak English to one another. When characters speak Chinese, the speech bubbles have a different background color, and the text appears in all uppercase letters. I love that this simply and visually cues readers that the characters are not speaking those lines in English.

The pages in which Năi Nai teaches Měi Yīng Chinese words are also cleverly done. The panels set up the idea that Měi Yīng’s grandmother is teaching her the Chinese words for things. Then, a page shows Měi Yīng in its center, with the things around her labeled with Chinese characters and pinyin (phonetic spelling of the characters) for the objects around her.

I loved that. It’s so immersive, and it perfectly captures that experience. Měi Yīng’s relationship with Năi Nai is also super cool. They practice tai chi and cook together and develop a connection wholly different than Měi Yīng’s relationship with her mother, who is more buttoned up and stoic.

The other theme the story focuses on is bullying. Měi Yīng overhears people making fun of the way her mom and grandmother speak. Then, a classmate begins regularly harassing her. People tell Měi Yīng to ignore the cruel comments, which leaves her feeling as though her friends are ignoring how those statements affect her.

The author presented this aspect of the story really well, too. It was easy to see how deeply the racist comments affected Měi Yīng, and how betrayed she felt when her friends didn’t speak up. Eventually, Měi Yīng does find a way to resolve the conflict, but it doesn’t happen easily.

Měi Yīng also plays soccer. While the story isn’t about her prowess on the field, her role on the team and performance in the games does impact the story. I liked that the author included sports as a part of Měi Yīng’s interests.

All in all, this is such a smart book! I love how accessible it makes speaking Chinese, and the character relationships and conflicts play out in believable and engaging ways. I highly recommend this for readers who enjoy graphic novels about fitting in, playing sports, learning another language, or family relationships.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Měi Yīng is Taiwanese American.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Some racist comments directed at or about Měi Yīng and her family.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays

I’m sharing this post as a part of a weekly round-up of middle-grade posts called Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays. Check out other blogs posting about middle-grade books today on Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays at Always in the Middle with Greg Pattridge.

Review: I’ll Stop the World by Lauren Thoman

I’ll Stop the World
Lauren Thoman
Mindy’s Book Studio
Published April 1, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About I’ll Stop the World

The end and the beginning become one in a heart-pounding coming-of-age mystery about the power of friendship, fate, and inexplicable second chances.

Is it the right place at the wrong time? Or the wrong place at the right time?

Trapped in a dead-end town, Justin Warren has had his life defined by the suspicious deaths of his grandparents. The unsolved crime happened long before Justin was born, but the ripple effects are still felt after thirty-eight years. Justin always knew he wouldn’t have much of a future. He just never imagined that his life might take him backward.

In a cosmic twist of fate, Justin’s choices send him crashing into the path of determined optimist Rose Yin. Justin and Rose live in the same town and attend the same school, but have never met―because Rose lives in 1985. Justin won’t be born for another twenty years. And his grandparents are still alive―for now.

In a series of events that reverberate through multiple lifetimes, Justin and Rose have a week to get Justin unstuck in time and put each of them in control of their futures―by solving a murder that hasn’t even happened yet.

CW: I’LL STOP THE WORLD contains depictions of emotional abuse, alcoholism and excessive drinking, underage drinking, smoking, racism, discussions of homophobia, and violent bullying.

My Review

I picked up this book for its Back to the Future vibes, and definitely found myself intrigued by the premise. I’ve enjoyed other books set in the 1980s and even another 1980s time-travel one called SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND. (Another book title that gets a song stuck in my head.)

What I Expected

I thought from the back cover copy that this book would be a romance with scenes alternating between the points of view of Rose and Justin. And the book does have a lot of scenes from their perspectives. There’s obviously some attraction between them, but the story never really centers a romance between the two of them.

I liked that the time-travel component does have a puzzle to it, and it’s not easy for Rose and Justin to solve. It’s a scavenger hunt mystery, where they unearth clues all along the way but only realize how those clues fit together at a critical moment in the story.

Not What I Expected

One of the things I did not expect about this book, though, is the number of point-of-view characters it contains. There are at least seven different characters with scenes from their points of view. Some only have a few scenes, but others, like Rose’s sister, appear more regularly.

There are also multiple timelines represented in the book, which makes sense since it’s a time-travel story. In the beginning, the most recent scenes chronologically were told in the present tense, while the scenes in the 1980s were told in the past tense. I expected the last scene, which returns to the present again, to be told in the present tense, so it was a little unexpected that it was in the past tense again.

I also didn’t expect a romance plot centered around Rose’s sister Lisa. I liked that the story explored what it was like for her to navigate her feelings for her friend and find the courage to speak up about her identity.


Overall, I think there’s a lot to love about this book. It’s got a diverse cast of characters and explores different kinds of relationships and complex characters. I love the 1980s time travel and 80s music vibes. I do wish that a few of the peripheral scenes from some of the minor characters had been trimmed in favor of having Rose or Justin discover information in an active way, but I still enjoyed the story with its broad cast of characters.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Lisa and Charlene are lesbians and in a secret romance with each other. Lisa is also Black. Rose is Asian American. References to sex, specifically that a boy and girl aren’t having it.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used somewhat frequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between two girls.

Spiritual Content
Justin inexplicably travels back in time to 1985.

Violent Content
Some scenes show a parent/guardian saying hateful or abusive things to their child. A few scenes show a group of kids bullying another child. In a couple of scenes, the kids beat up another kid. In one scene, they make a boy eat something they’ve dropped into a toilet.

Drug Content
A couple of adult characters are alcoholics. Justin drinks alcohol at a party and tries to drive himself home while intoxicated. Two adults take a drink of alcohol to celebrate something.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of I’LL STOP THE WORLD in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Hidden Truths by Elly Swartz

Hidden Truths
Elly Swartz
Delacorte Press
Published October 31, 2023

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About Hidden Truths

How far would you go to keep a promise? Told from alternating points of view, Hidden Truths is a story of changing friendships, the lies we tell, the secrets we keep, and the healing power of forgiveness.

Dani and Eric have been best friends since Dani moved next door in second grade. They bond over donuts, comic books, and camping on the Cape.

Until one summer when everything changes.

Did Eric cause the accident that leaves Dani unable to do the one thing in the world she most cares about? The question plagues him, and he will do anything to get answers about the explosion that injured her. But Dani is hurting too much to want Eric to pursue the truth–she just wants to shut him out and move on. Besides, Eric has a history of dropping things he starts. Eric knows that and is determined that this will be the one time he follows through.

But what if his pursuit brings him into direct conflict with another friend? Where does Eric’s loyalty really lie?

My Review

I’m trying to remember if I’ve read other contemporary middle grade books with multiple viewpoints in them, but I can’t think of any, besides maybe some of the Babysitter’s Club books? I’m sure there are others, but my mind is a blank right now.

At any rate, I found the back-and-forth points of view a cool addition to this book. It allows us to get two very different perspectives on what happened at the campsite. We also watch two characters process the same event very differently. Dani grieves over her injuries and fears about her recovery and what it all means to her daily life.

Eric has a more internal struggle. He wrestles with guilt over questions about whether he caused the accident and what to do about it if he did. He also faces ostracization and bullying at school as other students hear rumors about his possible culpability.

I really like the structure of this book and the fact that it addresses trauma without making the book feel dark and scary. Eric and Dani seem like ordinary kids who happen to go through something terrible and need to figure out how to navigate life on the other side. It’s super relatable and easy to read.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Eric is Jewish. Dani appears white. It isn’t labeled, but there are implications that Eric could have ADHD. It’s not labeled, but a few characters make comments about it. After her accident, Dani is a wheelchair user and does not have the ability to use her right arm due to nerve damage. She also has a broken leg.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
Eric holds hands with a girl briefly. She kisses him on the cheek.

Spiritual Content
Eric visits a chapel in the hospital and briefly compares it to his experience at his Temple. Eric prays and tries to bargain with God throughout the story, asking for God’s help to make sure Dani is okay and recovers quickly.

Violent Content
Eric witnesses an explosion and runs into a fire to save his friend, who is pinned under some cabinets. It’s a brief scene that he doesn’t revisit often. Students at school bully Eric. They say cruel things, and one boy slams his shoulder into Eric’s and knocks his books to the ground as he walks down the hall.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but which help support this blog. I received a free copy of HIDDEN TRUTHS in exchange for my honest review.