Monthly Wrap-Up for August 2016

aug2016_wrapThe month of August screamed past, packed with the final days of summer, a last-minute vacation, and the start of a new school year. My family spent a long weekend in Hendersonville, NC, which was lovely! And I was able to attend Read Up Greenville and meet some awesome authors. You can read about my experience and see my book haul here.

Here at The Story Sanctuary, things were bustling, too, with lots of reviews and book news. Here’s a quick look at what you may have missed:

Dreadlands by Jaimie Engle

Dreadlands: Wolf Moon by Jaimie Engle

Review | Amazon | Continue reading

Top Ten Books On My Wish List

TTT Books on My Wish ListTop Ten Tuesday: Books On My Wish List

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is which books top our wish lists (because every review blogger has one miles long, I’m sure).

So here’s a funny story. I was cleaning off the top of the dresser yesterday (It’s been a while, but let’s not talk about that.) and I totally struck gold. I found A BARNES & NOBLE GIFT CARD. Unused. For forty dollars!

Which of course translates into only one thing: book shopping!

My book wish list is ridiculously long and full of loads of books I am pining for, but here are the books which … Continue reading

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2016

july2016_2July 2016

Summertime flies. In our county, we’re just two weeks away from school starting up again. Already, back-to-school gear is everywhere in stores. It’s hard to believe that the summer is almost over. I feel like only a few weeks ago school was ending. But alas.

This past month, I posted a couple of lists– one about underrated books and one about books that made me dream about new hobbies. In fact, one of my reviews (Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet) came from another blogger’s list of underrated books.

As far as reviews, it was a busy month! Here’s a quick note on each book I reviewed.

Paper Wishes by Lois Sepahban

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

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Top Ten Underrated Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme lists underrated books, or books with fewer than two thousand ratings on Goodreads. I’ve talked about a lot of these books before. Some are indie or small press novels. Others remain largely undiscovered for reasons I can’t quite figure. All are books I would happily pick up and read all over again.

Top Ten Underrated BooksTop Ten Underrated Books

Glass Girl by Laura Anderson Kurke

You know when you find one of those books where the writing itself is as beautiful as the story? Glass Girl is like that to me. Big emotions, great characters, and a totally swoon-worthy romance. … Continue reading

Top Ten Middle Grade Reads


Top Ten Middle Grade Reads (2015-2016)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today, my spin on the topic is this: middle grade reads. As the parent of an enthusiastic middle grade reader, I’m always looking for books that will spark conversations, explore interesting ideas, or generate all those deep emotions as only a well-written book can. Here are the best of the middle grade books I’ve read in the last couple of years.

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved the way the author used information … Continue reading

Upcoming Reviews: June 2016


June 2016

It’s summer time again, and here in FL, kids are already out of school. (We’ll be crying the second week of August when we have to go back and all you northerners have weeks left of summer fun.) We’ve got lots of things planned, including the obligatory beach days, and hopefully a bit of butterfly gardening. Plus, of course, lots of reading time.

Here’s a list of books you can expect to see reviewed on The Story Sanctuary over the next several weeks. Some of these have been on my list for quite some time, and I’m excited to have a chance to finally read them. I’ve been trying to work in more of the Christian … Continue reading