Spring 2024 Backlist Reading Check-In and Life Update

Spring 2024 Backlist Reading Update

Life Update: It’s Been Wild

Whew. It has been a tough few months, y’all. Wowza. I had to take an unplanned break from reading because things got too overwhelming. And the weird thing is, there wasn’t a gigantic, immediate crisis at any point.

My kids hit some big milestones and needed extra support. My partner was traveling for work. It meant additional output from me, but nothing that I would have called unmanageable.

Except that it was. Which, thankfully, prompted me to get medical advice. I’ve had some low-key, annoying, but not dangerous, issues going on for a while. I thought by now, I’d be getting relief from new meds and … Continue reading

22 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2024

22 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2024

22 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Spring 2024

How are there so many great books coming out in just three months? It’s wild. I love it, but I wish I had time to read them all. Since I’m so late getting this posted, I’ve read a few of these already, and they’ve been excellent! I can’t wait to read the rest of them. The list includes a mix of contemporary and fantasy novels, graphic books, and mystery. Here are my 20 most-anticipated middle grade books coming spring 2024.

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35 Most-Anticipated Young Adult Books Coming Spring 2024

35 Most-Anticipated Young Adult Books Coming Spring 2024

35 Most-Anticipated Young Adult Books Coming Spring 2024

I can’t believe how many amazing books are scheduled to come out this spring! This could be why my TBR list only gets longer. Of these 35 most-anticipated spring 2024 young adult books, four conclude a duology or series. Seven feature contemporary romance. Five are thrillers, and thirteen are fantasy. There are a few graphic novels and nonfiction titles in here, too.

I’m definitely going to be busy!

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35 Most-Anticipated Young Adult Books Coming Spring 2024

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Favorite Series: The Deadlands Series by Skye Melki-Wegner

The Deadlands Series by Skye Melki-Wegner

The Deadlands Series by Skye Melki-Wegner

If you’re a returning visitor, chances are, you’ve heard me talk about The Deadlands series already. As a kid who grew up watching The Land Before Time (and too many of its sequels), these books made me remember why I loved those dinosaur movies. If you’d asked me whether I needed more dinosaur middle grade books in my life, I probably would have looked at you sideways, yet, as soon as I read the opening pages of the first book, I was hopelessly hooked. I knew it would be one of the few series I follow from beginning to end.

Though I follow young adult literature more closely than … Continue reading

Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Winter 2024 Backlist Check-in

Last year, I started doing a seasonal backlist reading check-in so I could share a little bit about some of the backlist titles I’d been reading. I prioritize frontlist reviews since I often get copies of those from publishers, so putting them up is more time-sensitive. But there are always titles I didn’t get to when they came out that I manage to fit in afterward– often as audiobooks.

As you can see, I’ve been busy since my Fall Backlist reading update, so this is going to be a long list. Several of these books are graphic novels that I got for Christmas for somewhat unselfish reasons. (I wanted to read them and also to offer them to … Continue reading

Best Books I Read in 2023

Best Books I Read in 2023

Best Books I Read in 2023

I feel like I’ve spent the whole last month scrambling to catch up on the things I didn’t get to in December, which means that my January tasks have also gotten pushed back a little later than normal. But, at last, here we are: talking about the best books I read in 2023.

Last year was a really great one for me in terms of books. I read a lot of books that I very much enjoyed, and even more that I thought were good. I’m hoping to feature even more of them in lists over the next few months. We’ll see how that pans out. But, for now, … Continue reading