Author Interview with Laura Anderson Kurk, Author of Glass Girl

Several months ago a friend recommended two fantastic novels for my reading and reviewing pleasure: Glass Girl and its sequel Perfect Glass. These novels follow Meg’s journey through the terrible grief of losing a sibling and the discovery of a healing love in the wild, heart-of-gold cowboy Henry. As I read, I devoured not only the marvelous tale but the emotional trek of each character through the sorrows and joys of loss and love. Today, Laura Anderson Kurk answers my burning questions about her creative process, reading recommendations and more!

A story is often inspired by a question. What question inspired you to write Glass Girl and Perfect Glass?

Glass Girl by Laura Anderson KurkThis is a great way to look at story genesis! In 2010, when I first began working on Glass Girl, our country was … Continue reading

Review: A Cast of Stones by Patrick Carr

A Cast of Stones by Patrick CarrA Cast of Stones (The Staff and the Sword #1)
Patrick W. Carr
Bethany House
Published February 1, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Desperate for coins enough to drown his painful past in drink, Errol agrees to deliver an urgent message to a nearby priest. Then an assassin destroys the message and nearly kills Errol, forcing him to flee with the priest and his companions.

The priest and other members of clergy gather to select a new king, but a deadly enemy opposes them at every step. Still battling lust for ale and past demons, Errol finds himself caught deeper within the … Continue reading

Review: We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

E. Lockhart
Delacorte Press
Published May 13, 2014

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About We Were Liars

Since she was a little girl, Cadence has been spending summers with her Sinclaire cousins and family friend on a private island. In the infamous, wealthy Sinclaire family, emotions must be kept in check. Addictions and criminal behavior are not allowed.

But the summer after Cadence’s grandmother passes away, her perfect family falls into turmoil, and Cadence leaves the island with a mysterious head injury she can’t remember receiving.

When Cadence begs to return to the island to be with her family again, her mother … Continue reading

What Makes Me Love Authors

Goodreads lists over 1400 YA novels published for the first time in 2013. In order to cover them all, I’d have to review nearly four novels each day. While some of those novels aren’t a good fit for this blog and some of those authors probably aren’t interested in having reviews posted here, I still receive more requests each month than I can commit to review.

What makes requests memorable? What can authors do to stand out as savvy and professional? As a review blogger, here are my thoughts on what makes for a fabulous working relationship between author and blogger:

Reads My Blog

When I get a request email that specifically comments on a post I’ve written or mentions an aspect of the blog the author finds useful or appealing, I’m more inclined to pay attention. Why? Because this tells me that I’m not just getting a form email … Continue reading

Review: There You’ll Find Me by Jenny B. Jones

There You'll Find Me by Jenny B. JonesThere You’ll Find Me
Jenny B. Jones
Thomas Nelson
Published October 3, 2011

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Embattled by grief over her brother’s murder, eighteen year-old Finley Sinclaire embarks on a journey, hoping to encounter the God he so powerfully sensed in the beautiful Irish countryside. Though God seems to elude her, she can’t seem to escape the attentions of teen heart-throb and actor Beckett Rush. With mounting pressure to perfect her audition composition for the New York Conservatory, win over her assigned adopted grouch – er, grandmother – and avoid being caught in the web of girls falling for Beckett, Finley’s life spirals out of her control. Only … Continue reading

The Blessing of Books with Colleen Shine Phillips

KidsAppreciating the Little Things

While thinking about how to start this blog post, something popped into my mind: how it’s so part of our nature to take things for granted. We expect the sun to rise every morning. If we have running water, we expect it to come out of the pipe when we open the spigot. If you live in the Western World, you might add driving to work every day, obtaining the latest technology, or ordering anything you want from Amazon. But after living in Chile for thirty-seven years, I’ve learned to be grateful for little things. Amazing as it might sound, one of those little things is books.

What if New Books Weren’t a Few Clicks Away?

Here, having a book is a commodity. … Continue reading