Category Archives: News and Fun

Review: The Lost Tide Warriors by Catherine Doyle

The Lost Tide Warriors by Catherine Doyle

The Lose Tide Warrior (The Storm Keeper’s Island #2)
Catherine Doyle
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published January 14, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About The Lost Tide Warriors

In the brilliant sequel to The Storm Keeper’s Island, winner of the Books are My Bag Readers Award, Fionn Boyle finds himself at the heart of the fight for the island’s survival.

Fionn Boyle has been Storm Keeper of Arranmore for less than six months when thousands of terrifying Soulstalkers arrive on the island. The empty-eyed followers of the dreaded sorceress, Morrigan have come to raise their leader and Fionn is powerless to stop them. The Storm Keeper’s magic has deserted him and with his grandfather’s memory waning, Fionn must rely on his friends Shelby and Sam to help him summon Dagda’s army of merrows.

But nobody else believes the ferocious sea creatures even exist. And how can he prove he’s right without any magic? As Fionn begins his search for the lost army, the other islanders prepare for invasion. The battle to save Arranmore has begun.

My Review

Oh. My. Gosh. Reading this book, I laughed out loud. I ugly cried. It was a wild ride all the way through, and I loved every minute of it.

While Fionn wrestles with his unresponsive magic and his fears about failing the island, he’s surrounded by spunky, quirky characters. So there’s this constant balance between serious and silly that I thought really worked.

I love the way the whole community was involved in the battle to save the island. This isn’t one of those books where the hero has to go solo despite everyone telling him to go to bed or stop pestering them with prophesies of certain doom. Fionn definitely fights his own battles, but the community rallies around him. I found that really refreshing and awesome.

Altogether, this is a totally worthy sequel to THE STORM KEEPER’S ISLAND, which was one of my favorite books last year. I can tell this is a series I’m going to be talking about and recommending far and wide.

If you liked A SNICKER OF MAGIC by Natalie Lloyd or THREE TIMES LUCKY by Sheila Turnage, or you are breathing and love a good story, please add this series to your reading list.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 9 up.

Characters are Irish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Two instances of mild profanity, but used more in a classical sense? Like “such and such will damn the island forever.”

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Fionn has been chosen as the island’s new Storm Keeper, which means he should have a kind of elemental magic. He’s also having nightmares in which an evil sorceress visits him. She is awake and gathering followers to her so that they can perform a ritual to raise her. Her followers, called Soul Stalkers are sort of like zombies that gather on the island. Fierce mermaid-like creatures called Merrows are supposed to answer to the Storm Keeper’s call and defeat the Soul Stalkers.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Some graphic descriptions of shark-toothed Merrows and Soul Stalkers battling.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of THE LOST TIDE WARRIORS in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Map from Here to There by Emery Lord

The Map From Here to There
Emery Lord
Bloomsbury YA
Published January 7, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About The Map From Here to There

Acclaimed author Emery Lord crafts a gorgeous story of friendship and identity, daring to ask: What happens after happily ever after?

It’s senior year, and Paige Hancock is finally living her best life. She has a fun summer job, great friends, and a super charming boyfriend who totally gets her. But senior year also means big decisions. Weighing “the rest of her life,” Paige feels her anxiety begin to pervade every decision she makes. Everything is exactly how she always wanted it to be–how can she leave it all behind next year? In her head, she knows there is so much more to experience after high school. But in her heart, is it so terrible to want everything to stay the same forever?

Emery Lord’s award-winning storytelling shines with lovable characters and heartfelt exploration of life’s most important questions.

My Review

This is the first book I’ve read by Emery Lord, though her books have been on my “must try this” list for a long time. I thought the writing was great– Paige is a sweet sort of people-pleaser who’s just beginning to assert her own desires and goals, so it was a great moment to step into her life.

I loved all the script-writing stuff. Though I know nothing about that process, it felt believable and Paige’s enthusiasm for it was contagious. I absolutely bought in and needed her to get into a great college program where she could continue to pursue that dream.

Especially in the early chapters, the narrative referred back to things that had happened before, and kept thinking, wait, why isn’t that a novel? Why aren’t I reading that other story, because it sounds really compelling.

And then I had a duh moment. There IS a book telling that previous story. It’s called THE START OF ME AND YOU. So now I need to read that one!

For the most part, I followed the story just fine without having read the first book. The only things I found confusing were the backstories of Paige’s friends. There are several to keep straight, and I didn’t always have them right. I think I would have been more on the ball there if I’d read THE START OF ME AND YOU first.

But overall, I liked THE MAP FROM HERE TO THERE. The writing was strong but accessible. I never felt like Paige was being pretentious or that the writing didn’t suit her voice. And, as I mentioned above, her passion for script-writing absolutely came through. I felt it as I was reading. Same with her anxiety and her confusion and frustration with her feelings. I thought she was super relatable.

If you liked STARFISH by Akemi Dawn Bowman or THIS ADVENTURE ENDS by Emma Mills, definitely add THE MAP FROM HERE TO THERE to your list.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

One of Paige’s best friends is a lesbian.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Kissing between two girls. In a couple scenes, Paige experiments with contact beyond kissing — the details are kept vague.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Brief description of a car accident.

Drug Content
A couple scenes show teens (including Paige) drinking alcohol.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of THE MAP FROM HERE TO THERE in exchange for my honest review.

Review: It’s My Life by Stacie Ramey

It’s My Life
Stacie Ramey
Sourcebooks Fire
Published January 1, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About It’s My Life

If she wants a future with him, she’ll have to make peace with her past.

Jenna’s never let her cerebral palsy get her down. But when she discovers that her condition was actually caused by an injury at birth, she’s furious with her parents, who withheld the truth. And as they push her to get yet another difficult procedure, Jenna feels her control over her life starting to slip.

Enter Julian, Jenna’s childhood crush. He’s just moved back to town, and he’s struggling in school, so Jenna reaches out to him—anonymously— to help. Soon, their conversations are about so much more than class. She’s falling for him all over again, hard and fast. But would Julian still be interested in her if he knew who she really was? And can she find a way to take back her own narrative before she pushes away everyone she loves?

My Review

You know, just leave it to Stacie Ramey to create still more characters that I can’t help falling in love with. I really, really needed a solid, heartfelt contemporary book, and IT’S MY LIFE totally had me covered. I love Jenna’s awkwardness and her tendency to overthink things. I love her passion and her relationship with her mom.

Actually, I want to say more about her and her mom. Because I felt like that was a really complex relationship, since Jenna’s really pushing back against her parents’ assumptions about her medical treatment and care. She’s feeling lied to by her parents and unable to communicate to them her need to make her own medical decisions.

Though we only see Jenna’s point-of-view, I felt like it was easy to see that so much more was happening between the lines. Her mom felt like this real, complicated character with conflicting desires but a consistent commitment to her daughter. I don’t know if that makes total sense, but I just found myself having a lot of respect for Jenna’s mom because clearly she had a lot going on in her head and heart.

IT’S MY LIFE is at its core, a personal journey story. At the beginning, Jenna feels like her perfect life starring the cooler, better version of herself is completely out of reach. Jenna has two choices: she can sit back and let that life stay a fantasy, or she can pull together all her courage and figure out a way to make things happen for herself.

I love that theme in the story so much, and I think Stacie Ramey does real justice to the part of life where we must choose to become the main character in our own stories. I’m so glad I read this book, and I think it will really stay with me for a long time.

If you liked MY SISTER’S KEEPER by Jodi Picoult or IMPOSSIBLE MUSIC by Sean Williams, or just find yourself in the mood for an uplifting contemporary story featuring a strong protagonist, make sure you check out IT’S MY LIFE.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Jenna has Cerebral Palsy. Jenna and her family are Jewish. Her best friend Ben is gay.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used fairly frequently. A couple instances of stronger profanity.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Jenna has some daydreams about lying in bed with a boy.

Spiritual Content
Some references to Jewish traditions and holidays.

Violent Content
Jenna witnesses a fistfight between two boys.

Drug Content
Jenna and a friend drink alcohol at a dance.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of IT’S MY LIFE in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Wickerlight by Mary Watson

The Wickerlight (The Wren Hunt #2)
Mary Watson
Bloomsbury YA
Published November 26, 2019

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About The Wickerlight

It’s been two months since Laila was found lifeless on Kilshamble village green, not a mark on her. Rumour says she died of an overdose. Or maybe it was suicide? The autopsy found nothing, but somebody must know what happened.

Now Laila’s sister Zara is ready to pick up the trail. But retracing her sister’s footsteps takes her to David, a Judge at the dangerous heart of an ancient magical feud. All too unwittingly, she begins to tread the same path that led her sister to the village green .

Mary Watson’s sequel to THE WREN HUNT is an eerie, magical thriller about a dead girl, her sister and the boy who can unlock the truth of what happened the night she died. Perfect for fans of Frances Hardinge and Emily Bain Murphy’s THE DISAPPEARANCES.

My Review

In the book THE WREN HUNT, the story follows Wren, a young Augur who’s caught in the middle of the war between her people and the Judges, her enemies. THE WICKERLIGHT is told by two people: one of the Judges who hunted Wren named David (and get ready, because there’s so much more to this guy than you thought there was in the first book!) and an outsider named Zara who simply wants to know what happened to her sister.

I had a much easier time connecting with the story this time through– I think maybe because I was already a bit familiar with the story world. I also LOVED getting to see a whole different side of David, who was in the first book. And seeing the community from an outsider’s perspective also gave the story a lot more intrigue, too. Right off the bat, the reader knows so much more than Zara does, and it added a lot of tension to many of the things she did, because we knew the danger she was placing herself in, even when she didn’t.

Some of the other characters from THE WREN HUNT appear in THE WICKERLIGHT, too. Cassa Harkness, Wren, and Tariq all appear on the page here and there. It was cool to read about them again and find out what had happened to them since the end of the first book.

Would I read a third book in this series? Um. YEAH. Especially after the way THE WICKERLIGHT ends, yes, yes, YES! Please tell me more. I can’t wait to dive back into this really delicious, dark Irish storyworld.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 16 up.

Zara and her family are Indian and from Australia. Other characters are Irish.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently by one character.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
Use of magic and curses.

Violent Content
Some graphic violence and brief scenes of torture.

Drug Content
Some reference to experimentation with drugs.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of THE WICKERLIGHT in exchange for my honest review.

Review: A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

A Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers #2)
Brigid Kemmerer
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published January 7, 2020

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About A Heart So Fierce and Broken

Find the heir, win the crown.
The curse is finally broken, but Prince Rhen of Emberfall faces darker troubles still. Rumors circulate that he is not the true heir and that forbidden magic has been unleashed in Emberfall. Although Rhen has Harper by his side, his guardsman Grey is missing, leaving more questions than answers.

Win the crown, save the kingdom.
Rumored to be the heir, Grey has been on the run since he destroyed Lilith. He has no desire to challenge Rhen–until Karis Luran once again threatens to take Emberfall by force. Her own daughter Lia Mara sees the flaws in her mother’s violent plan, but can she convince Grey to stand against Rhen, even for the good of Emberfall?

The heart-pounding, compulsively readable saga continues as loyalties are tested and new love blooms in a kingdom on the brink of war.

My Review

I’m still pretty over the moon to have had a chance to read this book before its release date. Thanks, Bloomsbury! You’re the best!

I’d read some other reviews of the book early on that made me a little worried about reading A HEART SO FIERCE AND BROKEN. Mostly, I worried that Rhen would end up being painted as this unlikeable character, and I just really like him, okay?! I didn’t want to lose my ability to like him.

No spoilers, though, so I won’t say more than this: I definitely felt my Team Rhen spirit challenged at times. But at the end of the day, I didn’t find this book to be one that forces you to choose between them. That’s certainly not what Grey wants, anyhow.

So, the real story: did I love it? YES. I loved falling back into the story world. I loved the return of characters from A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY. The new characters took a little getting used to– I wasn’t sure if they were going to trample my old loyalties or make me fall in love with them. I do have some new favorites. (Iisak, for instance.)

One of the things I’ve seen discussed a lot with this book is the very feminist rule of Karis Luran and her people. I liked that there were some conversations between Grey and Lia Mara about gender roles and equality, courtesy and independence. The story explored those ideas in a really natural way and showed that a man can be both courteous toward a woman and respect her as an equal.

I also loved the message that cruelty and strength aren’t the only kind of power. We see it in Emberfall as Rhen wrestles to bring his people back to faith in his rule. We see it as Lia Mara wrestles with her own value, because she’s been taught to believe that her mother’s way– cruelty and strength– are the only way to rule over others, and Lia Mara isn’t good at those things. She has the opportunity to appreciate and value her gifting as a strategist, and her strength of will and determination, even if her family or her people never appreciate those things.

While A HEART SO FIERCE AND BROKEN does continue the story of A CURSE SO DARK AND LONELY, it doesn’t continue with a new re-imagined fairy tale (which is fine… just pointing out the difference). It does leave plenty of room for a third book and lots more adventure with characters I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.

If you like strong female characters and strong heroes, definitely add A HEART SO FIERCE AND BROKEN to your list. It reminded me a bit of GIRL OF FIRE AND THORNS by Rae Carson (who wrote a __ of __ and ___ title back before it was cool, I might add.)

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Harper’s brother is gay and in a relationship with a young black doctor. Harper has Cerebral Palsy.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used infrequently (usually by Harper’s brother).

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Some references to sex.

Spiritual Content
Some characters have the ability to use magic.

Violent Content
Situations of peril and torture (whipping). Characters witness others being killed or wounded. Some brief graphic descriptions.

Drug Content
Some characters drink alcohol and say or do things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of A HEART SO FIERCE AND BROKEN in exchange for my honest review.

Review: The Princess Who Flew with Dragons by Stephanie Burgis

The Princess Who Flew with Dragons (Tales of the Chocolate Heart #3)
Stephanie Burgis
Bloomsbury USA Kids
Published November 5, 2019

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Goodreads

About The Princess Who Flew with Dragons

Princess Sofia of Drachenheim is sick of being used for her older sister’s political gains. At twelve years old, she’s already been a hostage to invading dragons and a promised future fiancé to a wicked fairy. Her only comfort lies in writing letters to her pen pal and best friend–Jasper, a young dragon whom she’s never even met.

When Sofia’s older sister sends her on a diplomatic mission to far-off Villenne, she’s meant to play the part of a charming, smiling princess. But when an accident leads to her exile from the city, Sofia is free to wander as she pleases for the first time in her life. And when Jasper’s food-mage sister Aventurine turns him into a human boy, Sofia thinks life can’t get any better. Until… the legendary ice giants of the north attack, trying to reclaim the territory that they lost centuries ago. With the dragons and royals frozen in ice, can Sofia and Jasper save their families and kingdom?

Another enchanting and strong-hearted fantasy, set in the same world as The Dragon with a Chocolate Heart and The Girl with the Dragon Heart.

My Review

THE PRINCESS WHO FLEW WITH DRAGONS is the third book in the series that began with THE DRAGON WITH A CHOCOLATE HEART. All three have been amazing stories– packed with so many positive messages and heart that I can’t stop recommending them to others.

All three books feature strong heroines who feel isolated from others and face circumstances that force them to learn how to trust others and be a good friend. Some moments are silly and lighthearted, giving the books a sense of fun and keeping them upbeat. Each girl faces high stakes, so the story also packs a great pace and lots of adventure.

I also really like that each girl has a special talent that helps her in sometimes unexpected ways. In book one, Aventurine has a talent for making chocolate. In book two, Silke is a storyteller. Book three’s heroine loves philosophy.

Sofia’s love of philosophy at first seems to set her against her family and be an obstacle she may have to overcome, but Sofia soon realizes that her ability to break things down into philosophical questions gives her an advantage against her enemies.

I feel like I could go on and on about this series. I love these books. I love the excellent blend of fun and adventure coupled with lessons about relationships and having confidence in your talents. I highly recommend all three books.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

The whole story contains a lot of messages about how fear of others and isolationism cause harm and hurt to a lot of people. Over and over characters learn that we need one another, and that differences can be needed assets.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
The story contains fantasy characters (like dragons, goblins, etc.) and the use of magic.

Violent Content
Some brief battle scenes using magic between ice giants and Sofia’s allies. Situations of peril, but nothing gory or graphic.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support the costs of running this blog. I received a free copy of THE PRINCESS WHO FLEW WITH DRAGONS in exchange for my honest review.