Review: Who Could It Be at This Hour by Lemony Snicket

Who Could It Be at This Hour by Lemony SnicketWho Could It Be At This Hour?
Lemony Snicket
Little, Brown and Company
Published October 24, 2012

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Thirteen year-old Lemony Snicket is ready to begin a thrilling adventure as an apprentice to a detective. His first assignment leads him and his confident companion to the small town of Stan’d-by-the-Sea. Snicket soon discovers the object he’s been hired to recover is part of a complex plot which will risk more than his apprenticeship to solve.

As Snicket works to uncover clues with the aid of his bungling mentor, he often finds himself asking the wrong questions, and later regrets the consequences. His partner, though more experienced, often overlooks evidence or logic, and though Snicket disagrees with her decisions, he remains positive and respectful toward her. The story maintains the 1950s feel of a classic spy novel.

Fans of Snicket’s earlier infamous series will find a slightly more sophisticated tone draped over the same tongue-in-cheek humor and playfulness in the first volume of the series All the Wrong Questions. Recommended for ages eight to twelve.

Recommended for Ages 8 to 12.

Language Content
No profanity or crude language.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Snicket discovers a woman tied up in a basement which is filling with water. He frees her.

Drug Content



Review: Of Triton by Anna Banks

Of Triton (Syrena Legacy #2)
Anna Banks
Feiwel & Friends
Published May 28, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When her Syrena boyfriend Galen recognizes her mother as the long-lost princess promised to his older brother, Emma realizes her life just got way more complicated. With a Syrena mother and human father, Emma is a half-breed. Humanity would label her a freak and Syrena law demands that she be put to death. Galen and his sister work to reunite their brother Grom with Emma’s mother, but none of them realize the tidal wave of repercussions the return of the lost princess will cause.

Fans of Banks’ earlier novel exploring the world of the Syrena will only find more to love in this upbeat romance jam-packed with royal political intrigue and forbidden romance. Some of the scenes involving the underwater Tribunal meeting, a trial which will decide the fate of the Syrena royals, do tend to drag on with little action and much dialogue, the story otherwise moves quickly and tensions between characters run high making this a great summer read. Of Neptune,the final chapter of the Syrena Legacy hit stores early this month and promises to be a thrilling conclusion to Emma and Galen’s story.

Language Content
Mild. More often, Emma uses terms like “flipping” or “shizzle” rather than profanity. Fits her character and spares readers looking for a cleaner reading experience.

Sexual Content
It’s clear that Emma feels deeply attracted to Galen and wants to consummate that attraction, but the two have little opportunity. Sirenna law prohibits mating between partners who have not been paired at a proper mating ceremony, and despite the force of his attraction to Emma, he is committed to respecting the traditions of his people.

Spiritual Content

Conflicts between hot-tempered Sirenna sometimes become physical altercations, though few weapons are used and few details embellish the violence. A fisherman harpoons a young whale. A young girl is stabbed with a spear. No graphic details.

Drug Content



Review: Nihal of the Land of the Wind by Licia Troisi

Nihal of the Land of the Wind
Licia Troisi
Open Road Integrated Media
Published May 27, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Since she was a little girl, the only thing Nihal has wanted to be is a warrior. When a young sorcerer tricks her and wins her sword, Nihal begins to study magic for defense and healing purposes. Her instructor introduces her to a warrior who in turn begins to train Nihal and helps her gain entrance into the elite academy of warriors known as Dragon Riders.

Along the way Nihal discovers that she is the last of a once-great race of half-elves. The voices of her people and their cries for vengeance haunt her dreams. Nihal uses this fury and her iron will to bulldoze her way through training and into battle. When a mentor challenges her to leave her hate behind before entering the battlefield again, Nihal begins a new and unexpected journey, seeking life apart from her warrior identity. She must discover how to allow peace to transform her before she can return to war.

At first glance this story might seem like an echo of Christopher Paolini’s popular novel Eragon, but in fact it’s not. Though her dragon is a significant character, he appears for only a short part of the story, and it is not the instant bond one might expect it to be. Instead the relationship teaches Nihal about patience and compassion and that her strength of will alone won’t get her everything she wants.

Nihal is young and often focused on one goal to the exclusion of all else. Her friend Sennar sees her more clearly than she sees herself. Though their lives take them in very different directions, their closeness remains and even hints at possible romance (Troisi leaves readers in eager anticipation for a second book to explore this more fully.) Though there are some battle sequences, details are few and the story focuses more on Nihal’s journey to become a warrior, not only in training, but in heart as well. Readers who enjoy fantasy with emphasis on character development and relationships will enjoy this story.

Language Content
Mild profanity, infrequent usage.

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Brief references to the lore and deities of the fantasy realm in which the story takes place.

Nihal goes into battle several times. No gory descriptions of battle wounds or death.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.




Contest and Cover Reveal: Five Enchanted Roses

Rooglewood Press is delighted to introduce their second fairy tale novella contest—

Five Enchanted Roses

a collection of “Beauty and the Beast” stories

The challenge is to write a retelling of the beloved fairy tale in any genre or setting you like. Make certain your story is recognizably “Beauty and the Beast,” but have fun with it as well. Make it yours!

Rooglewood Press will be selecting five winners to be published in the Five Enchanted Roses collection, which will be packaged up with the gorgeous cover you see displayed here. Perhaps your name will be one of the five displayed on this cover?

The contest has ended, but you can buy a copy of Five Enchanted Roses here.

Rooglewood Press’s first collection, Five Glass Slippers, is available for pre-order now and will be released on June 14. Do grab yourself a copy and see what these talented writers have done with the timeless “Cinderella” tale!

Cover Illustration Credit:

This cover illustration was rendered by Julia Popova, “ForestGirl.” You can find out more about this gifted artist on her website:





Many Thanks for Your Support

An Anniversary Celebration and a Chance to Support a Valuable Mission

In March, to celebrate the anniversary of The Story Sanctuary, I held an auction to raise money for Christian World Mission in Chile to provide funds for school children. Four book boxes went up for auction on ebay. Through a combination of that ebay auction and word-of-mouth, all four boxes were sold, raising a total of $150 for Christian World Mission. Yay!

The Giving Continues…

Two of the boxes were donated back to The Story Sanctuary for use as giveaway prizes.

These boxes are packed with tasty snacks and other fun goodies as well as at least three clean YA novels. Sign up quick because this giveaway ends Sunday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Many thanks for your support!

Review: Deep Green by Trisha Haddad

Deep Green
Trisha Haddad
Eternal Press
Published November 16, 2013

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

When terrorists seize control of a cruise ship, a Good Samaritan tosses Leah overboard and helps her escape on a lifeboat with several other survivors. Leah and three men reach a small deserted island after several days at sea. One man volleys lewd comments at Leah. Another moves to dazzle her with his intellect. The last, a young, reserved Arabic man named Musir only seeks to protect Leah from the others. As the four prepare to make the island their home, Leah tries her best to navigate between the four men, avoiding conflict whenever possible and learning more about the mysterious Musir. Her mind drifts back to her parents, who may still be trapped on board the cruise ship and who may fear that she’s dead. She never imagines that she is trapped on the island with one of the men behind the terrorist plot.

In her protagonist Leah, Haddad has created a brave and wise heroine. She responds calmly to frightening situations, always able to talk herself down from hysteria. For a girl of little experience with them, she is a shrewd judge of men, slicing through their exterior chitchat to expose the motives beneath their words. Yet she remains polite and kind to all as the story swerves from one misfortune to another.

While the basic plot contains some suspenseful elements, the story maintains a more moderate pace, allowing readers plenty of time to react to each new twist and revelation. The ending leaves much to the reader’s imagination, giving it a true-to-life feel.

Language Content

Sexual Content
Everyone seems interested in Leah’s virtue, or rather in her losing it. One man assumes she’s been intimate with the others in their party. One asks about her prior experience. She spends time kissing one man and sleeps curled up with him. She plans to have sex with him but is interrupted. No graphic details given.

Spiritual Content
Leah discusses literature and poetry with Blue, one of the other survivors. They briefly discuss poems about God and spirituality from a Christian, Catholic and Islamic perspective.

A man attacks Leah in an attempt to sexually assault her. Another man stops him.

Drug Content
References to alcohol, but none consumed in the story.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


