Bugs in Danger: Our Vanishing Bees, Butterflies, and Beetles
Mark Kurlansky
Bloomsbury USA Kids
Published November 12, 2019
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About Bugs in Danger: Our Vanishing Bees, Butterflies, and Beetles
By now you’ve probably heard that bees are disappearing–but they aren’t the only species at risk. Populations of fireflies, butterflies, and ladybugs have all been declining in recent years, too. This middle grade nonfiction explains the growth, spread, and recent declines of each of these four types of insects.
Exploring human causes, like the Baltimore electric company that collected fireflies to attempt to harness their phosphorescent lighting source, to natural occurrences, like the mysterious colony collapse disorder that plagues bee populations, master nonfiction storyteller Mark Kurlansky shows just how much bugs matter to our world.
My Review
You may have heard some talk about the disappearing bee population (I think I saw a TED Talk about it recently, and I feel like I’ve seen it mentioned in the news, too.), but maybe you didn’t realize that the problem extends to other types of insects, too. Certainly, I didn’t. I also didn’t realize that beetles are responsible for pollinating so many species of plants, either! I guess I had never really thought about it?
BUGS IN DANGER is easy to read, informative, and engaging. It’s a great introduction to insects for people who know almost nothing (like me!) and provides a great overview to how these animals play critical roles in the world. I think it would make a great classroom resource or even a great research source for someone doing a science project about bees, beetles, or butterflies.
Overall, I really recommend reading BUGS IN DANGER. It’s a pretty quick read and a great starting point for understanding how important bees, beetles, and butterflies are to our environment.
Content Notes
Recommended for Ages 10 up.
Just bugs!
Profanity/Crude Language Content
Romance/Sexual Content
Spiritual Content
Violent Content
Drug Content
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What a fantastic book! Thanks for the review! I think I’ll get it for my kids.
Thanks, Holly! I’m so glad the review was helpful to you. I hope you and your kids enjoy the book!