Review: Goblin 2: The Wolf and the Well by Eric Grissom and Will Perkins

Goblin, the Wolf, and the Well by Eric Grissom and Will Perkins

Goblin 2: The Wolf and the Well (Goblin #2)
Eric Grissom
Illustrated by Will Perkins
Dark Horse Books
Published July 16, 2024

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About Goblin 2: The Wolf and the Well

What would you give up to protect the one you loved? Uncover the mystery in the thrilling sequel to the fantasy adventure graphic novel Goblin.

One dark and stormy night, Rikt meets a mysterious fortune teller in the woods. Looking into his future, she foresees that his best friend and only companion, a wolf named Fish-breath, is in mortal danger. Overcome with the fear of losing his four-legged friend, Rikt trades the freedom of the wild for the protection of Underwood—a boarding school for monster children and a sanctuary for wolves. Was his bargain worth the price? And what terrible fate awaits the children who live there?

After losing his parents, Rikt struggles with a fear of being alone. The anxiety becomes unbearable when he receives three prophecies from a mysterious witch, one of which foretells a terrible fate for his best friend, a wolf named Fish-breath. After the first two prophecies prove true, Rikt meets Ms. Evelyn, a friendly human who offers them protection at Underwood, her boarding school for monstrous creatures and wayward wolves. Rikt soon learns things at Underwood are not what they seem and suspects the other children are in danger. With the help of a servant troll girl and a neurotic faun, Rikt must uncover the mystery of Underwood before he learns first-hand what horrors await at the bottom of an ancient well.

The Wolf and the Well is perfect for fans of fantasy adventure graphic novels like Amulet, Lightfall, and City of Dragons.

My Review

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite graphic novel series. I’d never heard of these books until the author approached me to ask if I’d be interested in reviewing the book. I’m so glad he reached out!

My favorite part of the series so far is the relationship between Rikt and Fish Breath, the white wolf. In the first book, Rikt forms a grudging attachment to the wolf. By the end, though, it’s clear she’s really important to him. I love that this second book in the series centers a little more around their relationship and the connection between them. It also introduces a lot of new characters and a sinister magical threat.

This book is one of those where the sum is greater than its parts. The dialog is great and shows a lot of emotion and depth. The illustrations add even more, creating the sense of a woodsy magical world with the browns and greens of the color palette. They show rich character expressions and settings, too.

I’m excited to see where the series goes next. I think readers who enjoyed Estranged by Ethan Aldridge will love this one.

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Main character is a goblin named Rikt. Other characters of other fictitious races face prejudice for their identities.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Rikt has met the Goddess he grew up worshipping. He meets another deity on his journey, and a woman offers to tell his future through a tarot card reading. A strange liquid appears to transform creatures into powerful, deadly beings.

Violent Content
Situations of peril. Brief battle sequences. Rikt witnesses what appears to be the murder of children.

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use but help support this blog. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday

I’m sharing this post as a part of a weekly round-up of middle-grade posts called Marvelous Middle-Grade Monday. Check out other blogs posting about middle-grade books today on Marvelous Middle-Grade Mondays at Always in the Middle with Greg Pattridge.

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

10 thoughts on “Review: Goblin 2: The Wolf and the Well by Eric Grissom and Will Perkins

  1. This sounds a really good fantasy series (I am sorry that the wolf is called Fish-breath though – how cruel! lol!). I don’t normally read graphic novels but I will keep an eye out for this one. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary – Sunny Florida – Writer, reader, cat lover and blogger at The Story Sanctuary.
      Kasey says:

      Haha! You’re not wrong. When the two met in the first book, Rikt really did not want the wolf to follow him and called her Fish-Breath because he didn’t like her. Of course, he eventually loves her and risks his life to protect her, despite the name. 🙂

  2. carolbaldwin – Carol enjoys teaching writing and has presented at many educators' and writing conferences. She has published widely in newspapers and magazines and along with Rebecca Wheeler, co-publishes Talking Story, a newsletter for educators and media specialists. When she isn’t reading, writing, or blogging, you’ll find her walking with friends, golfing, or gardening.
    Carol Baldwin says:

    Comprehensive review. I can see why kids would be drawn to this book. thanks for sharing!

    1. Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary – Sunny Florida – Writer, reader, cat lover and blogger at The Story Sanctuary.
      Kasey says:

      Oh good! I hope they enjoy it. 🙂 Thanks, Stephanie!

    1. Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary – Sunny Florida – Writer, reader, cat lover and blogger at The Story Sanctuary.
      Kasey says:

      Haha! They have definitely grown on me. 🙂 I hope when you do try them again, you find the perfect one.

  3. Sounds like the continuation of an appealing graphic series. The story line and main character will certainly pull in new readers. Happy MMGM!

    1. Kasey @ The Story Sanctuary – Sunny Florida – Writer, reader, cat lover and blogger at The Story Sanctuary.
      Kasey says:

      Yes, I think they will. I am excited to see where the series goes. Happy MMGM to you, too!

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