Winter 2025 Backlist Reading Check-in and Life Update

Winter 2025 Backlist Reading Check-In

Winter 2025 Backlist Reading Check-in and Life Update

This will be the whale shark of blog posts because I read a lot of backlist titles in January and February. I was sick for most of February, so I ended up taking it easy and doing a lot more mood reading than I usually do. Plus, as I heard the news about removing Black History celebrations and mentions of women leaders in STEM from websites and government programs, I only felt more determined to read more about both of those things.

Because this list includes so many books, I’m breaking it into subsections. Click the links to jump directly to a subsection that interests you, or feel … Continue reading

Summer 2024 Backlist Check-In and Life Update

Summer 2024 Backlist Reading

Summer 2024 Backlist Check-In and Life Update

This summer absolutely flew past me. My family didn’t have huge plans, but we had a lot of little things to do that kept us close to home and pretty busy. We managed to get most of those things done and still visit the beach a few times and see friends, so I feel like overall it was a successful season.

I also managed to read a pretty long list of backlist books. I listened to seven of these as audiobooks. Five of these titles are graphic novels and another two are heavily illustrated, which are also pretty quick to read. All of that combined to help … Continue reading

Summer 2023 Backlist Check-in

10 Great Books from My Summer 2023 Backlist Reading

Summer 2023 Backlist Reading

One of the things I’ve been frustrated and feeling a bit stuck about is how to share backlist titles that I’ve been reading lately. A lot of my lists feature books from the upcoming season or the season just passed, and I’m never sure what to do to feature backlist books more regularly.

For one thing, I read backlist titles kind of sporadically. And because my review calendar has been so full the last couple of years, sometimes I’ll read a book but not post the review for months. Which means I’m waiting months to talk about some truly incredible books.

At first, I experimented with a weekly … Continue reading