Killer Instinct (The Naturals #2)
Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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Seventeen year-old Cassie Hobbes and her friends possess unique gifts that have landed them on a secret FBI team that solves tough cases. Their last case called the whole project into question, and now, just when Cassie and the others desperately need a case to focus on, it looks like they might get benched.
But when a new killer emerges and leaves behind a trail of crime scenes all too familiar, authorities turn to Cassie’s team for answers. The killer mimics team member Dean’s father, who’s still behind bars on his own murder convictions. As the team investigates, Cassie and Dean’s relationship shifts, but the emotional baggage each carries might bar them from anything deeper than friendship.
Barnes continues to develop relationships between characters, ratcheting up the drama and intrigue within the group. There’s a hint of romance, but it doesn’t overtake the larger plot of the novel. Suspense lovers will enjoy the quick pace of the story as Cassie and her friends race to solve the clues left behind by a terrifying murderer before he snatches his next victim. The ending leaves plenty of room for a follow-up story as well.
Language Content
Extreme profanity used with moderate frequency.
Sexual Content
References to a romantic history between some characters but no real details given.
Spiritual Content
The team studies a case in which a serial killer cuts, brands and murders women. There aren’t a lot of details about the crimes themselves or the condition of the victims’ bodies, so it’s more creepy than graphic. One of the boys had been forced to watch a woman treated this way as a child. Again, not a lot of detail there, it’s just heartbreaking to think of someone going through that.
Drug Content