Tag Archives: Scholastic Press

Review: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

the-scorpio-racesThe Scorpio Races
Maggie Stiefvater
Scholastic Press

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Every year the deadly capaill uisce emerge from the sea. Lucky riders will capture one of these bloodthirsty water horses and ride in the Scorpio Races, competing for a prize purse – it’s enough money to change a life. And it’s exactly what Puck Connolly is hoping to achieve. If she can win the race, she can keep her family together in their home. If she loses, she will lose everything.

Sean Kendrick knows too well the risks of the race. As a boy, he watched his father murdered by the violent water horses during the Scorpio Race. Sean isn’t too worried – he’s won before and he will win again. He intends to win freedom for himself and the horse who means more to him than anything.

The race brings Sean and Puck into one another’s lives as uneasy and unlikely allies. As their friendship begins to deepen, both know one simple, terrible truth: there can be only one winner to the Scorpio Races.

From the very first page, Stiefvater immerses readers in the tumultuous world of Thisby Island with its mythic history, charming towns and haunting cliffs. The story unfolds through lyrical, emotionally charged prose, introducing the desperate and headstrong Puck, her brothers and her beloved island pony. Opposite Puck, we find Sean Kendrick, a renowned horse trainer and thoughtful/silent type. The American buyer who follows Sean around works as a great foil to add humor and lightness to Sean’s reclusive nature.

As the story progresses, the stakes continue to elevate. Every time it seems like the characters find a way out, some new conflict arises – definitely kept me on the edge of my seat! And those capaill uisce are terrifying. One scene is so intense I still shudder to think about it! (Not gross, just really suspenseful.)

This is a fantastic story. Phenomenal characters. Absolutely incredible story world. High-energy storytelling. This is Stiefvater at her best. (I’ve read Shiver and the first three of the Raven Cycle series as well.)

Language Content
Infrequent use of mild profanity.

Sexual Content
Brief sexual reference.

Spiritual Content
Many of the islanders attend a Catholic church. Puck visits Father Mooneyhan to confess her sins. There are other references to things like whether playing cards or getting angry is a sin.

The water horses also have a lot of lore and magic surrounding them. Riders use charms like bits of iron and bells to try to control them.

The water horses are deadly and unpredictable. Puck and her brother discover several animals that have been mutilated and killed by the capaill uisce. Puck is attacked and threatened by them. Several islanders are killed by the water horses.

Drug Content

Review: The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen

The False Prince (The Ascendance Trilogy #1)
Jennifer Nielsen
Scholastic Press
Published April 1, 2012

Amazon | Bookshop | Goodreads

About The False Prince

Sage, a clever orphan from a neighboring country, is sold as a servant to a nobleman with a plan that smacks of treason. With the royal family missing and presumed dead, Conner wants to prepare a replacement prince. Sage and two other orphaned boys are faced with a terrible choice: join Conner in his plan or die at the hands of his henchmen. If they accept, one boy will be chosen to wear the crown as prince of Carthya. With Conner as his chief adviser, of course.

The three boys accept and Conner and his men begin a series of lessons and tests to prepare them to impersonate the lost prince. Sage bucks against Conner’s plan at every step, sneaking out at night to explore the castle in hopes of finding an escape and sleeping through the daily history lessons. The other boys see Conner’s plan as a precious opportunity and pursue the training with mind and strength. How far will they go to see that Conner chooses them as prince?

My Review

From the very beginning, Sage’s character is extremely prickly, which may prevent some readers from being able to sympathize with him. I know that was a bit true for me. He is cocky and stubborn, but his softer side emerges as he gets to know a servant girl named Imogen. Once she entered the story, I felt like I began to enjoy it a lot more.

The first in Nielsen’s The Ascendance Trilogy, THE FALSE PRINCE, is a tale cleanly told and packed with action and intrigue. I enjoyed those elements a lot myself. This story of lords and princes will appeal to classic fantasy lovers for its setting and themes of royalty lost and found.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

A boy is beaten severely in hopes that it will make him reveal a secret.

Drug Content

