So Yesterday
Scott Westerfeld
Published January 1, 2004

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When Hunter meets a girl with a whole different way of doing her shoelaces, he has no idea the strange adventure that’s about to begin. Through her, he winds up invited to a secret meeting at which he stumbles onto a pair of amazing shoes, and the possibility that his cool-hunting boss has been kidnapped. Hunter and his new friend pursue the shoemakers, trying to discover what’s become of his boss, Mandy. Full of quirky characters and with Hunter’s off-the-wall sense of humor and irony, So Yesterday was a worthy read. Go Hunter, the Mighty Penguin!
This was such a fun story. I read and loved the Uglies series by Westerfeld, and when I saw this, I had to pick it up. So Yesterday is a lot lighter than Uglies, but still packs great characters and a thought-provoking message about trends and how sometimes we get used by companies in their pursuit of a bottom line.
The more I read by Scott Westerfeld, the more respect I have for him. I guess I’m a little old-fashioned, but I like YA that is cleaner, at least that doesn’t brazenly plaster sexual situations across its pages. Scott Westerfeld handles these situations elegantly, acknowledging them without overstating them. I like that and really enjoy knowing I can recommend these stories to younger teens with confidence.
Mild profanity.
Sexual Content
While Hunter is attracted to a girl, not much happens between them physically through the course of the story.
Spiritual Content
Very light– some scuffles between good guys and bad guys.
Drug Content
Alcohol is served to guests at a product launch party. Underage characters drink juice cocktails– it’s not totally clear whether they expected the juice to be spiked, but hard to believe it came as a surprise. There’s not really any clear remorse for consuming alcohol under age.