For the first time ever, I’m going to do an unboxing post! I kind of wish I’d thought to do this with my OwlCrate boxes when I got them before, but I didn’t, though maybe in the future, I’ll give that a go.
I received this box from Wunderkind PR near the end of March, and I feel really badly that I’m only now getting to post the unboxing. Between adjusting to online/distance learning with my older daughter and adjusting to staying at home 24/7 with a toddler, plus juggling work and blogging and sewing cotton masks with my family, it’s been a busy, hectic, and stressful month.
Which makes me even more grateful to have something fun and creative as a little breath of fresh air right now! So… on to the unboxing of The Claires by C. L. Gaber.
Unboxing The Claires
Here’s the box, and what it looked like inside when I opened it.
All the items inside the box were wrapped in purple tissue paper. I like the rich colors of the box and paper together. The book is kind of neutral, so the contrast of the strong colors and the book created a really cool look, I thought.
The first thing I opened is probably my favorite thing in the box. It’s a small “witches’ bottle”. The idea is that you write down your fears, put them in the bottle, cork it up and they disappear.

It’s a lovely idea, right? I think I need a bigger bottle? Is there a 2020 Super-Size option?? Haha.
The next thing in the box was a small Booklovers’ soy candle from Frostbeard Studio. It’s Old Forest scent, with rosewood, fig, dirt, and spices. I can definitely smell the rosewood. The candle smells really fresh and clean. And the outside of the jar has pictures of books on it! It’s super cute.
Then of course there’s the book. I’d been thinking a lot about books about sisters when I heard about this book, so I kind of had to check it out, even though paranormal and particularly psychic-type stories aren’t my usual go-to. I’m definitely into sister stories, though.

About The Claires by C. L. Gaber
Amazon | Goodreads
Four beautiful girls. Quadruplets. They are not identical.
But each is named Claire.
Claire V is Clairvoyant—clear seeing with visions of the future.
Claire S is Clairsentient—clear feeling as she embraces another’s pain.
Claire A is Clairaudient—clear hearing to tap into the spirit world.
Claire C is Claircognizant—clear knowing with 100% accuracy.
Born in 1911, they first died together in 1928 at age seventeen. Two months later, they were reborn. And reborn. THE CLAIRES only live to seventeen and then they’re violently murdered. Somewhere in the world, a woman finds out she’s pregnant with quads. The Claires return to a new family as they try to break a curse that guarantees they die young.
It’s current-day Los Angeles, and once again, their seventeenth birthday is looming. Can they save themselves, clean up the streets in the name of penance, and crash their own prom?
The Claires is the first novel spin-off of the best-selling Ascenders Book Saga.
Note: The Amazon link is an affiliate link.

Quiz: Do You Have a “Clair” Ability?
Another thing from the box was a quiz to see if you have a “Clair” ability. The quiz marks me as a possible “clairsentient”, or someone with off the charts empathy. So I’ll have to see whether I identify most with the sister with this particular ability as I read the book.
Altogether this was a really fun and creative box! It definitely made me feel like I have an inside view into the story world without having opened the book yet. I’m excited to read it and to get to know the sisters and see if they are able to break their curse.