All posts by Kasey

About Kasey

Reads things. Writes things. Fluent in sarcasm. Willful optimist. Cat companion, chocolate connoisseur, coffee drinker. There are some who call me Mom.

Review: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny HanTo All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Jenny Han
Simon & Schuster
Published on April 15, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.

My Review

I can’t believe how long it took me to finally read this book! I really wanted to read the book before I watched the Netflix adaptation of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, and I’m glad I did. More on the book to movie adaptation in a minute.

Reading the book was so much fun. I love stories about sisters. I have two sisters, too, so it reminded me a lot of my relationships with both my sisters (though I’m the oldest in my family.).

At first I thought I had the romance plot pegged, and I worried that would make the story boring. But actually, a lot of things happened that I didn’t predict, and so much of it was either sweet or funny or packed with emotion that I found myself super invested in what would happen to Lara Jean as she confronted her real reasons for writing the letters and the unresolved issues between her and her older sister.

Also, can I just say that Lara Jean’s youngest sister Kitty is my favorite. I love her quirkiness and the comic relief she provides. Her commitment to a grudge also kept her from being one of those too-perfect little kid characters.
If I’m totally honest, I wasn’t planning on reading this whole series, because I don’t often read contemporary romance. But after reading To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, I really want to know where the story goes next. So I will probably try to read Lara Jean’s other adventures, too.

Thoughts on the Book to Movie Transformation
After reading the book, I sat down and watched the Netflix movie version of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. There were a lot of differences between the book and movie. Some things I totally understood because they simplified the plot (like skipping Lara Jean’s car accident) and other things seemed like they changed the story (like Kitty’s relationship with Lara Jean). I missed Kitty’s capriciousness, I think.

Also, am I the only one who found it super weird that the groom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding was the dad in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before? I don’t know why that threw me for a loop, but I kept doing a double-take for every scene he was in. He did a great job. I just had to adjust to it being him. All in all, I liked the movie. If my daughter was into contemporary romance, it’s the kind of movie I’d want to watch together.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Cultural Elements
Lara Jean’s mom was Korean and her dad is white. (Her mom died years before the story begins.)

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently. Lara Jean herself doesn’t like cursing (though she does briefly swear at one point).

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Rumors about and references to characters having sex but no details, and nothing more than kissing happens on scene.

Spiritual Content
Violent Content

Drug Content
Lara Jean goes to a party where some other kids are drinking alcohol. She doesn’t drink.

Review: Waiting Matters Series by Beth Steury

Saving Sex for Marriage in a Fifty Shades World (Waiting Matters #1)
Beth Steury
Life Matters Publishing
Published on September 12, 2017

Amazon | Goodreads

About Saving Sex for Marriage in a Fifty Shades World
“A world that respects sex . . . ” Can you imagine a society molded around the principle that sex is a gift? An awesomely amazing gift from GOD? You know, the guy who created it? A place where people totally get that sex is more than simply a pleasurable physical act. Oh, everyone knows that sex is incredible. But because it’s so good, sex is protected from anything or anyone who would try to abuse it. Can you even imagine such a place? Barely, right? Because instead, ours is a “Fifty Shades of Grey” world where sex has been so trivialized that saving sex for marriage is labeled old-fashioned, unnecessary, unimportant. Even worse ridiculous or dumb. But I’m here to convince you that GOD’s design for sex is amazing. That waiting does matter. That sex is worth saving for marriage. Even in this Fifty Shades world.
My Review
This first book in the Waiting Matters series talks a lot about why waiting until marriage to have sex is important and why it makes sense from a Christian perspective. Steury is practical and firm but not unkind in the way she addresses the issue. Obviously it will mostly appeal to readers with a Christian worldview.

I liked that the tone of the book is very positive and encouraging. While Steury doesn’t leave a lot of room for excuses, she continually encourages readers to reaffirm a commitment to abstinence and never berates anyone for having made other choices in the past.

The Waiting Matters books make a nice introduction to reasons for abstinence (book 1) and practical strategies for maintaining a successful commitment to abstinence (book 2). They make a great companion to Steury’s novel (and soon-to-be series) Before I Knew You, book one in the Choices Matter series.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Content Notes
No profanity. Obviously the book contains some references to sex, but no graphic details.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of Saving Sex for Marriage (Waiting Matters #2)
Beth Steury
Life Matters Publishing
Published on September 12, 2017

Amazon | Goodreads

About The Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of Saving Sex for Marriage
Saving sex for marriage is the best decision you’ll ever make.

No matter who you are, how old you are, or where you live. Doesn’t even matter what’s in your past.

“But I already didn’t wait!”

Then a commitment to “renewed waiting” is the second-best choice you’ll ever make. Nothing makes more sense than stopping behavior that puts you at risk physically, emotionally and mentally.

“But it’s hard to wait . . . ”

Of course it is. Waiting is tough, but it’s not impossible. You can do it.

These practical strategies and candid conversations from the “Waiting Matters . . . Because YOU Matter” blog series will help you navigate the choppy waters of saving sex for marriage.

Because sex is worth waiting for. You are worth waiting for.
My Review
I liked that this book talks about practical strategies for walking out a commitment to abstinence. Often I hear people talking about how important a commitment to abstinence is without really talking about how to live out that kind of commitment. Steury also doesn’t mince words about what abstinence really means and how a relationship between two people committed to waiting until marriage to have sex should look.
Each chapter opens with a quote or question about sex that a person in a relationship might ask or believe about sex. Steury responds in a clear, concise narrative with explanations that are easy to follow.
I think this book would be a great resource for a church small group study or a lead-in to a discussion about boundaries and ground rules for teens beginning to have dating relationships. Of the two Waiting Matters books, this one was definitely my favorite.
While I think kids 12 and up could read this book, it’s probably best-suited to teens 15 or 16 years old up through college years.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Content Notes
No profanity. Obviously the book contains some references to sex, but no graphic details.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Swallow’s Dance by Wendy Orr

Swallow’s Dance
Wendy Orr
Allen and Unwin
Published on June 27, 2018

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Swallow’s Dance
I wonder if the first day of Learning is always like this – do the girls on the hill always feel the ground tremble under their feet? Leira is about to start her initiation as a priestess when her world is turned upside down. A violent earthquake leaves her home – and her family – in pieces. And the goddess hasn’t finished with the island yet.

With her family, Leira flees across the sea to Crete, expecting sanctuary. But a volcanic eruption throws the entire world into darkness. After the resulting tsunami, society descends into chaos; the status and privilege of being noble-born reduced to nothing. With her injured mother and elderly nurse, Leira has only the strength and resourcefulness within herself to find safety.

My Review
I wanted to read Swallow’s Dance because something about the story reminded me of Tracy Higley’s City on Fire. Like City on Fire, Swallow’s Dance is the story of a family who flee from a natural disaster. Leira’s family loses everything when a tsunami and volcanic eruption devour her home and village. But Leira’s unconquerable spirit drives her onward, fighting to survive in places where her once prestigious heritage is spurned. Her strength and fierceness made me invest so much in the book. I found myself really wanting her to find peace and happiness.

Honestly, I found it easy to invest in all of the major characters. Even though Leira’s mom suffers a brain injury and barely speaks, she’s a colorful character and never has trouble expressing her emotions. Even the cranky Nunu won me over with her devotion to Leira and her mom.

The cultural details about the girls studying to serve their goddess and gathering saffron all added a richness to Swallow’s Dance. I don’t normally read historical fiction and I don’t know much about this time period, so I can’t weigh in on how accurate the details are, but it all felt very well-researched and I found it easy to get lost in the vivid setting.

I liked the way the story blended prose and poetry, too. I’ve never seen that done before, but often I didn’t notice the transitions. I read the poetry faster, so it really worked to have that in the higher action parts of the story, because it felt like things sped up since I was literally reading faster.

Historical fans and readers who enjoy female-centered books like A Single Stone by Meg McKinlay will love Swallow’s Dance.

Recommended for Ages 10 up.

Cultural Elements
All characters are Mediterranean.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
A couple very vague references to sex (like acknowledging that it’s a thing married people do which makes babies). Leira’s people wear ceremonial dress which leaves their painted breasts exposed.

Spiritual Content
Leira’s people worship an earthmother goddess personified by a volcano. Priestesses serve the goddess. Each town seems to have its own god and rituals. Some of these are described in more detail than others. At one point Leira witnesses a girl being carried off to be sacrificed to a local god.

Violent Content
Some scary or intense descriptions of earthquakes and injuries caused by falling rocks or buildings. Descriptions of the aftermath – references to bodies being found (no descriptions other than that they smell bad). Brief descriptions of slaves being beaten for disobedience.

Drug Content
Some references to ale being served as a beverage with food, not for the purpose of getting drunk.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Top Ten Tuesday: Thou Art a Villain

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl) is about amazing book villains. While there is no shortage of memorable villainish characters out there, I wanted to go a little bit of a different direction with my post and focus on stories that repaint a well-known villain or villain archetype as the story’s protagonist. So here we go.

Elphaba in Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire

I feel like this list kind of had to include Elphaba, even though it’s not really a YA book (which is what I normally read and review). It’s a pretty dark book, but I was really fascinated with how Maguire incorporated the plot of the original Wizard of Oz story into this book and twisted things around to make a completely different story.


Raven Queen (daughter of the Evil Queen) in Ever After High books

This series was really fun and fast to read. My daughter and I read them together when she was in maybe third grade, and it was a blast.


Agnes in the School for Good and Evil series

School for Good and Evil is a little more serious (classical?) in its fairytale-ish-ness than Ever After High, which really just made me love it even more.

Kara in the In the Thickety books

I guess it’s not new for a witch to be the hero of the story, but I love the writing in this book and the creepy forest. Also, plot twists! I seriously need to finish reading this series.

Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos in The Descendants

Carlos DeVille pretty much stole the show for me in this book. I didn’t expect to be such a huge fan of a fairytale mash-up type cast, but now that I’m looking at my list, there are a bunch of those types of stories on here. And I really enjoyed them all. I could probably just do a top ten list of those.

Levana in Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Fairest was not my favorite book in the Lunar Chronicles, but it was cool to see a Levana origin story, and Marissa Meyer always does cool Easter egg type elements to her stories, so I enjoyed that aspect of it for sure.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer

Heartless is still on my to-be-read list. The Red Queen from Alice in Wonderland is one of those characters I can’t imagine being actually sympathetic, so I’m super interested to see what Meyer did with this one.

Xifeng in Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie Dao

Somehow I didn’t realize this was an evil queen origin story when I picked it up, so I was super confused by how dark it was. I kept wanting Xifeng to resist or thwart her dark destiny, and kept being disappointed when she didn’t. Then about halfway through the book I read somewhere that it was supposed to be a retelling of how Snow White’s stepmother came to be who she was, and I was like, ohhhhhhh. Suddenly it all made sense. After that, I got into the story a lot more.

Evie in Sea Witch by Sarah Henning

This one is still on my to-be-read list. I love the idea, though – an outcast witch girl who’s trying desperately to help someone only she ends up creating a big mess.

Vanessa in Rise of the Sea Witch by Stacey Rourke

Another from my to-be-read list. In this one, the Sea Witch and Triton are brother and sister, and it’s his treachery which provokes her to witch-y-ness. Yeah, I really have to read this.

Who are your favorite novel villains?

Leave me a comment with your top favorites or a link to your list!

Spotlight: Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson

A trusted resource has a brand new look. Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson released their reference book for writers back in 2013. The updated version features a brand new cover plus new content about historical fiction and self-publishing. I’m excited to see the new stuff and add this one to my writing shelf.

Here’s some more information about Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel:

Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel
By Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson
Available November 2, 2018

About Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel

You know your first draft has problems, but what’s the best way to fix them? How do you know where to start editing? Or for many writers the bigger question becomes, “How do I know when I’m done?”

Popular bloggers Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson have been where you are, and they want to help you understand, and even come to love—yes, love—the editing process.

In this revised and updated edition of Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel, you’ll learn:

·         Methods for efficiently editing your novel.

·         What problems to look for in your manuscript and how to solve them.

·         Where to start editing, and how to know when you’re done.

·         How to keep track of your story’s character, storyworld, and setting details.

·         How a critique group can help you.

·         The pros and cons of traditional and self-publishing.

·         An overview of pitching your novel and making writing your career.

·         And much more!

Teaching yourself how to edit a first draft can feel hard, discouraging, and isolating. But using this guide, you’ll feel as encouraged, empowered, and capable—as if you had a writing coach sitting alongside you.

Where to find Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel

Keep up to date with release information and get a sneak peek at the first three chapters by visiting Go Teen Writers.

Review: Chaos of Now by Erin Jade Lange

Chaos of Now
Erin Jade Lange
Published on October 2, 2018

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Chaos of Now
Is it real if it happens online?

Life at Eli’s high school hasn’t been the same since his classmate Jordan died by suicide after being tirelessly bullied. Schools now have access to students’ online activities and students have less privacy than ever. Eli just wants to graduate—so he can get out of town, get away from his father’s embarrassingly young fiancée, and get himself a prestigious coding job. But Eli’s hacking skills get him roped into a vigilante website that—while subverting the school’s cybersnoops— seeks justice for Jordan and everyone else being bullied. Suddenly Eli finds himself in way over his head as his keystrokes start to have devastating consequences in the real world . . . This timely story from the author of Butter is a thrilling tale about the power of the internet, the young people who wield it, and the fine lines between bully and victim, justice and vengeance.

My Review
Chaos of Now took some directions I wasn’t expecting, and I really appreciated that about the story. I liked Isabel and Zack a lot, but Eli was a tougher sell for me. I didn’t like the kind of know-it-all attitude and his insensitivity to the people around him. That said, he grows a LOT as a character through the story, and by the end, I felt like I had a much stronger connection with him. I liked the way his relationship with Misty, his father’s girlfriend, changes over the course of the book.

I thought the topic of coding and of bullying online made for a really fascinating, intense read. At first I worried about the position the book would take. Eli had some really strong feelings about online freedom and the idea that people who don’t take precautions to seriously protect their data can’t be upset if someone accesses it. He learns that there are some definite flaws in his ideals when he faces unexpected consequences.

Sorry… I know that’s kind of vague. I don’t want to give away too much of the plot. But I definitely liked that he has this shifting view of life online because of what he experiences through his relationships with Mouse and Seth in particular.

While this probably wasn’t my favorite book this year—it’s a bit of an out-of-the-box pick for me—I did enjoy reading it. I think fans of Leopoldo Gout’s The Game series will enjoy this book.

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cultural Elements
Major characters are white. Eli has a crush on a Latino girl named Isabel.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used fairly frequently. Some slurs used by kids bullying another kid.

Romance/Sexual Content
Eli overhears a conversation about a girl taking a pregnancy test. Eli watches a video of a classmate doing a striptease down to her underwear. Eli’s dad’s girlfriend is a former stripper. He makes some insulting comments about her previous life. Some kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
A boy hits Eli and slams him around in a bathroom. Eli describes witnessing a classmate light himself on fire and die by suicide.

Drug Content
Video footage shows a boy using steroids. In one scene teens drink alcohol from a flask and spoke pot.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.