Review: Edgewood by Kristen Ciccarelli

Edgewood by Kristen Ciccarelli

Kristen Ciccarelli
Wednesday Books
Published March 1, 2022

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About Edgewood

No matter how far she runs, the forest of Edgewood always comes for Emeline Lark. The scent of damp earth curls into her nose when she sings and moss creeps across the stage. It’s as if the woods of her childhood, shrouded in folklore and tall tales, are trying to reclaim her. But Emeline has no patience for silly superstitions.

When her grandfather disappears, leaving only a mysterious orb in his wake, the stories Emeline has always scoffed at suddenly seem less foolish. She enters the forest she has spent years trying to escape, only … Continue reading

Review: This Is Your Time by Ruby Bridges

This Is Your Time by Ruby Bridges

This Is Your Time
Ruby Bridges
Delacorte Press
Published November 10, 2020

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About This Is Your Time

Written as a letter from civil rights activist and icon Ruby Bridges to the reader, THIS IS YOUR TIME is both a recounting of Ruby’s experience as a child who had to be escorted to class by federal marshals when she was chosen to be one of the first black students to integrate into New Orleans’ all-white public school system and an appeal to generations to come to effect change.

This volume features photographs from the 1960s and from today, as well … Continue reading

Review: Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher

Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher

Full Flight
Ashley Schumacher
Wednesday Books
Published February 22, 2022

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About Full Flight

Everyone else in the tiny town of Enfield, Texas calls fall football season, but for the forty-three members of the Fighting Enfield Marching Band, it’s contest season. And for new saxophonist Anna James, it’s her first chance to prove herself as the great musician she’s trying hard to be.

When she’s assigned a duet with mellophone player Weston Ryan, the boy her small-minded town thinks of as nothing but trouble, she’s equal parts thrilled and intimidated. But as … Continue reading

Review: Call and Response: The Story of Black Lives Matter by Veronica Chambers

Call and Response The Story of Black Lives Matter by Veronica Chambers

Call and Response: The Story of Black Lives Matter
Veronica Chambers
Published August 17, 2021

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About Call and Response: The Story of Black Lives Matter

Call and Response: The Story of Black Lives Matter is a broad and powerful exploration of the history of Black Lives Matter told through photographs, quotes, and informative text by New York Times best-selling authors Veronica Chambers and Jennifer Harlan.

In 2020, the world watched history being made in the streets of America. The rallying cry of Black Lives Matter captured global attention and spurred thousands of people of all … Continue reading

Review: Dance of Twilight and Tears by Zara Mills

Dance of Twilight and Tears by Zara Mills

Dance of Twilight and Tears
Zara Mills
FinnStar Publishing
Published January 20, 2022

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About Dance of Twilight and Tears

Algae and toe shoes, feathers and tutus

Behind the gilded doors of the Paris Opéra Ballet, two best friends, Madeleine and Lucie, dance the night away. But at first morning light, their human bodies transform into webbed feet, billed lips, and wings.

When enchanted, the girls are the Bois de Boulogne’s famous black and white swans. For ninety years, they have floated in the lake, unable to find true love and break the evil Dance Master’s curse. But when Madeleine meets American transplant Zig Young, everything changes.

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Review: You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen

You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen

You Truly Assumed
Laila Sabreen
Inkyard Press
Published February 8, 2022

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About You Truly Assumed

Sabriya has her whole summer planned out in color-coded glory, but those plans go out the window after a terrorist attack near her home. When the terrorist is assumed to be Muslim and Islamophobia grows, Sabriya turns to her online journal for comfort. You Truly Assumed was never meant to be anything more than an outlet, but the blog goes viral as fellow Muslim teens around the country flock to it and find solace and a sense of community.

Soon two more teens, Zakat and Farah, join Bri to … Continue reading