Review: Rise of the Chosen by Anna Kopp

Rise of the Chosen by Anna KoppRise of the Chosen
Anna Kopp
Blue Moon Publishers
Available October 4, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About Rise of the Chosen

In Sam’s world there are two rules. Rule #1: Nobody dies. Protect the living at all costs. Rule #2: Everybody dies. At least once.

The Waking was a global event in which a force called the Lifeblood invaded all humans who died. The few strong enough to control it came back as powerful immortals. The rest let the bloodlust take over and awoke with one goal – to kill.

Newly appointed Watch Guard Samantha Shields has a legacy to uphold. Her father died a hero defending their city … Continue reading

Review: The Last Messenger of Zitol


If you’ve been following the blog tour for author Chelsea Dyreng’s novel The Last Messenger of Zitól, you’ve made it to today’s stop! I’ll be sharing my review and some information about the author.

ThelastmessengerofzitolThe Last Messenger of Zitól
Chelsea Dyreng
Sweetwater Books/Cedar Fort Press
Available September 1, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Rishi longs to visit the grand city of Zitól described in her grandfather’s stories. When her peaceful village is attacked, Rishi finds her path set toward the city, but whether she’s caught in an adventure or … Continue reading

Review: The Doorway and the Deep by K E Ormsbee

The Doorway and the Deep by K E OrmsbeeThe Doorway and the Deep
K. E. Ormsbee
Chronicle Books
Available October 4, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Lottie struggles to learn how to use her gift of healing so she can save her best friend Eliot. She must hurry, because the longer Eliot stays in the land of Limn, the sicker he’ll become. When her hosts in the South make a bargain with the elusive Rebel Gem of the Northerly Kingdom, Lottie and her friends must travel north instead of returning Eliot home. A treacherous king’s servant, a powerful shape-shifter named Iolanthe pursues them, sending assassins after Lottie. To protect her, Lottie’s companions must make a dangerous journey … Continue reading

Review and Giveaway: The Swan Riders by Erin Bow


I’m today’s stop on the Swan Riders Blog Tour with Irish Banana Blog Tours. Yay! Check out my review of The Swan Riders, learn about author Erin Bow and stick around for the giveaway information so you can enter to win one of three copies of the book!

the-swan-riders-9781481442749_hrThe Swan Riders
Erin Bow
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Available September 20,2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

About The Swan Riders

Greta Stuart had always known her future: die young. She was her country’s crown princess, and also its hostage, destined to … Continue reading

Author Interview and Giveaway with Monica Lee Kennedy


The amazing Monica Lee Kennedy joins me today to talk about her series The Parting Breath in which the land itself is sentient. Check out what inspired the story and its characters here in the interview and don’t miss out on your chance to win a copy of the series opener, The Land’s Whisper! Giveaway details will be at the end of this post.

Interview with Author Monica Lee Kennedy

I find that a story was often inspired by a question. Was there a question that inspired you to write The Parting Breath series?

It wasn’t a question that drew me to write this story, but more of a sense of dissatisfaction. I was displeased by all the novels laden with sex and unappealing … Continue reading

Review: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

TOG-NYT-CoverThrone of Glass
Sarah J. Maas
Bloomsbury USA Children’s

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

The royal prince offers an imprisoned assassin the one thing she wants most—freedom—at a heavy cost. She must compete for the honor of serving the king who imprisoned her as his champion. At first Celaena is only determined to bide her time until she can escape. The competition begins with a chilling event. Competitors are found murdered, their bodies mutilated. Celaena fears the murders may be tied to dark rituals, but no one else will believe her. As she investigates further, she finds herself caught deeper in a web that would keep her from running away. As romance blooms … Continue reading