Review: The Bone Spindle by Leslie Vedder

The Bone Spindle by Leslie Veddar

The Bone Spindle
Leslie Vedder
January 11, 2022

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About the Bone Spindle

Fi is a bookish treasure hunter with a knack for ruins and riddles, who definitely doesn’t believe in true love.

Shane is a tough-as-dirt girl warrior from the north who likes cracking skulls, pretty girls, and doing things her own way.

Briar Rose is a prince under a sleeping curse, who’s been waiting a hundred years for the kiss that will wake him.

Cursed princes are nothing but ancient history to Fi–until she pricks her finger on a bone spindle while exploring a long-lost ruin. Now she’s stuck with the spirit of Briar Rose until she and Shane … Continue reading

Review: Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves by Meg Long

Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves by Meg Long

Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves
Meg Long
Wednesday Books
Published January 11, 2022

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About Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves

After angering a local gangster, seventeen-year-old Sena Korhosen must flee with her prize fighting wolf, Iska, in tow. A team of scientists offer to pay her way off her frozen planet on one condition: she gets them to the finish line of the planet’s infamous sled race. Though Sena always swore she’d never race after it claimed both her mothers’ lives, it’s now her only option.

But the tundra is a treacherous place, and as the race … Continue reading

Review: The Kindred by Alechia Dow

The Kindred by Alechia Dow

The Kindred
Alechia Dow
Inkyard Press
Published January 4, 2022

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About The Kindred

To save a galactic kingdom from revolution, Kindred mind-pairings were created to ensure each and every person would be seen and heard, no matter how rich or poor…

Joy Abara knows her place. A commoner from the lowly planet Hali, she lives a simple life—apart from the notoriety that being Kindred to the nobility’s most infamous playboy brings.

Duke Felix Hamdi has a plan. He will exasperate his noble family to the point that they agree to let him choose his own future and finally meet his Kindred face-to-face.

Then the … Continue reading

Review: The Storm Keeper’s Battle by Catherine Doyle

The Storm Keeper's Battle by Catherine Doyle

Storm Keeper’s Battle (Storm Keeper #3)
Catherine Doyle
Published December 28, 2021

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About The Storm Keeper’s Battle

Fionn Boyle, Storm Keeper of Arranmore, is facing the fight of his life. The terrifying all- powerful sorceress Morrigan has been raised from the dead and has sealed off the island from all help.

Fionn is the only thing that stands between her and a dark future. He’s got to find a way to defeat her. But there are some terrible choices in store for Fionn as the dark sorcerer begins to take his nearest and dearest for her own. With only … Continue reading

Review: The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley

The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley

The Blue Sword (Damar #1)
Robin McKinley
Published April 26, 2016 (Orig. 1982)

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About The Blue Sword

Harry Crewe grew up a tomboy in forests, until her brother joined the Homelanders guarding the far desert reaches. Now an orphan, she joins him. Only a few months later, asking for military aid against advancing Northeners, comes Corlath, the Hillfolk King. After exchanging a single glance, his inner magic compels him to kidnap her, without knowing why. She does not know the Hillfolk language or why she has been chosen.

Renamed Hari, she sees visions, and brings one to all, of the … Continue reading

Review: The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White

The Excalibur Curse by Kiersten White

The Excalibur Curse (Camelot Rising #3)
Kiersten White
Delacorte Press
Published December 7, 2021

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About The Excalibur Curse

While journeying north toward the Dark Queen, Guinevere falls into the hands of her enemies. Behind her are Lancelot, trapped on the other side of the magical barrier they created to protect Camelot, and Arthur, who has been led away from his kingdom, chasing after false promises. But the greatest danger isn’t what lies ahead of Guinevere—it’s what’s been buried inside her.

Vowing to unravel the truth of her past with or without Merlin’s help, Guinevere joins forces with the sorceress Morgana and … Continue reading