Review: The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton

The Life and Medieval Times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton

The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly
Jamie Pacton
Page Street Kids
Published on May 5, 2020

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About The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly

Kit Sweetly slays sexism, bad bosses, and bad luck to become a knight at a medieval-themed restaurant.

Working as a wench―i.e. waitress―at a cheesy medieval-themed restaurant in the Chicago suburbs, Kit Sweetly dreams of being a knight like her brother. She has the moves, is capable on a horse, and desperately needs the raise that comes with knighthood, so she can … Continue reading

Review: The Lucky Ones by Liz Lawson

The Lucky Ones by Liz Lawson

The Lucky Ones
Liz Lawson
Delacorte Press
Published April 7, 2020

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About The Lucky Ones

May is a survivor. But she doesn’t feel like one. She feels angry. And lost. And alone. Eleven months after the school shooting that killed her twin brother, May still doesn’t know why she was the only one to walk out of the band room that day. No one gets what she went through–no one saw and … Continue reading

Review and Author Q&A: Music From Another World by Robin Talley

Music from Another World by Robin Talley

Music From Another World
Robin Talley
Inkyard Press
Published March 31, 2020

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About Music From Another World

It’s summer 1977 and closeted lesbian Tammy Larson can’t be herself anywhere. Not at her strict Christian high school, not at her conservative Orange County church and certainly not at home, where her ultrareligious aunt relentlessly organizes antigay political … Continue reading

Review: Havenfall by Sara Holland

Havenfall by Sara Holland

Havenfall (Havenfall #1)
Sara Holland
Bloomsbury YA
Published March 3, 2020

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About Havenfall

A safe haven between four realms. The girl sworn to protect it — at any cost.

Hidden deep in the mountains of Colorado lies the Inn at Havenfall, a sanctuary that connects ancient worlds — each with their own magic — together. For generations, the inn has protected all who seek … Continue reading

Review: The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow

The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow

The Sound of Stars
Alechia Dow
Inkyard Press
Published February 25, 2020

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About The Sound of Stars

Can a girl who risks her life for books and an alien who loves forbidden pop music work together to save humanity?

Two years ago, a misunderstanding between the leaders of Earth and the invading Ilori resulted in the deaths of one-third of the world’s population.

Seventeen-year-old Janelle “Ellie” Baker survives in an Ilori-controlled center in … Continue reading

Review: Now a Major Motion Picture by Cory McCarthy

Now a Major Motion Picture by Cori McCarthy

Now a Major Motion Picture
Cory McCarthy
Sourcebooks Fire
Published April 3, 2018

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About Now a Major Motion Picture

Fandom and first love collide for Iris on the film set for her grandmother’s famous high-fantasy trilogy.

Unlike the rest of the world, Iris doesn’t care about the famous high-fantasy Elementia books written by M. E. Thorne. So it’s just a little annoying that M. E. … Continue reading