Review: It Ain’t So Awful, Falafel by Firoozeh Dumas

It Ain't So Awful, Falafel by Firoozeh DumasIt Ain’t So Awful, Falafel
Firoozeh Dumas
Clarion Books

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When Zomorod Yousefzadeh and her family move (again), she decides to take the opportunity to start fresh and try to fit in with her new California schoolmates. The first thing to go? Her name. She adopts the classic Brady Bunch Cindy as her identity. After a rough start, she begins to find true friends. But when unrest in Iran turns into an American hostage crisis, Cindy begins to catch glimpses of an uglier side of the Land of the Free. Cruel bumper stickers and slogans send chilling messages to Cindy and her family. Cindy tries … Continue reading

Review: The Star-touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi

star-touched-queenThe Star-touched Queen
Roshani Chokshi
St. Martin’s Griffin

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When Maya’s father the Raja promises her in marriage to end a war over his kingdom, her dreams of living a quiet scholarly life are destroyed. Despite the fact that her horoscope promises only death and destruction to her husband, she finds herself wed to Amar, the ruler of a distant kingdom that stands apart from her world. Amar’s home holds many mysteries, but all are forbidden to explain things to her until the new moon. As Maya’s curiosity builds, she begins to unravel her husband’s secrets. What she learns places worlds in danger. To save them all, she’ll have to journey across kingdoms and beg … Continue reading

Review: Siren’s Song by Mary Weber

Siren's Song by Mary Weber

Siren’s Song (Storm Siren #3)
Mary Weber
Thomas Nelson
Published March 1, 2016

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About Siren’s Song

After a devastating loss at Tulla, Nym and her companions must bring dire news to the Cashlin queen: Draewolf has kidnapped Princess Rasha, Nym’s best friend. Instead of rallying her people to war, the queen and her Luminescent guards force access to Nym’s buried memories. Through them, the queen offers Nym a haunting prediction of the future and a choice Nym will be forced to make which could save or ruin everyone.

My Review

One of the things I look forward to in the last book in a series is … Continue reading

Review: Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan

tellwindandfireTell the Wind and Fire
Sarah Rees Brennan
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Children’s

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In this future New York, the city is divided in two: Light vs Dark. Only Light Magicians can live in and access the wealthy, upper-class life. The Dark Magicians are banished to the Dark, to carve out lives in poverty under harsh rule imposed by the Light leadership.

Lucie and her father escaped the dark at a high price. Now Lucie survives at the mercy of friends and by burying her past as deeply as she can. Only, the people in the Dark don’t want her to forget. They’ve made her name a rallying cry to a revolution that could destroy the … Continue reading

Review: Away We Go by Emil Ostrovski

Away We Go CoverAway We Go
Emil Ostrovski
Greenwillow Books
Published April 5, 2016

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About Away We Go

Westing accepts only the brightest and best of students, so long as they also have one problem: a diagnosis of the terminal Peter Pan Virus (PPV.) Noah is one such case. As he wrestles to deal with the drastically shortened timeline of his life and the mandatory separation from his family and former friends, Noah finds something unexpected: love. The problem? He’s supposed to be in love with his girlfriend, Alice. Instead, he’s head-over-heels for the erratic boy who runs a secret club. The more time they spend together, the … Continue reading

Review: Knife by R J Anderson

Knife by R J AndersonKnife
R J Anderson

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Knife, a young faerie confined within her kingdom inside a large oak tree, is determined to escape to the outside world. As a girl, she came face to face with a human, and survived. Since that day, her curiosity about the house and the strange creatures who live inside it only grows. When Knife finds an opportunity to get a closer look, she takes it. But with every new discovery she makes about the outside world, the strict rules and strange customs of her people only feel stranger and well, wrong. Maybe Knife can save them. If she can find out why her people lost … Continue reading