10 Most-Anticipated YA Books Out in October 2020

10 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming October 2020

10 Most Anticipated YA Books Coming October 2020

One of the few good things about this year has been that I’ve ended up with a bit more time to read– and thank goodness, because this year has been an incredible one for finding new favorite books.

This month brings even more fabulous titles packed with romance, humor, explorations on social justice and racial issues, and lush fantasy landscapes. Here are a few of the titles I’m most excited about coming out October 2020.

The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass

The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass by Adan Jerreat-Poole

Amazon | … Continue reading

13 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Out Fall 2020

13 Most-Anticipated Middle Grade Books Coming Fall 2020

Great Middle Grade Books Coming This Fall

It’s finally fall! A new season and new fantastic middle grade books coming out soon to usher in the spooky season and the cooler weather. (Well, thoughts of cooler weather, anyway. Here in Florida, we have a while yet before we get a real break from the heat.)

I’m not usually a big Halloween girl– I was raised not celebrating, so I guess I’ve never really gotten into the holiday as an adult. This year, though, there are some spooky books on my wish list that I think will be perfect for readers looking for a deliciously creepy crawly read.

There are also some great stories about relationships and celebrating the arts, like writing, ballet, and … Continue reading

12 YA Books I Can’t Wait to Read Coming September 2020

12 YA Books I Can't Wait to Read Coming September 2020

September at Last!

All the changes this past spring with lock-downs and social distancing and online learning threw me for a loop. It also delayed a lot of the books I’d been looking forward to reading, which meant I spent the summer scrambling to catch up on the ARCs that publishers had sent me. I’m finally seeing a light at the end of the reading tunnel so to speak, and it’s just in time to jump into the amazing line-up of YA books coming out in September 2020.

Happy Book Birthday

Happy Book Birthday to September 1st Releases!

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14 Middle Grade Debut Books You Need to Read This Year

14 Middle Grade Debut Books

Debut Authors Need Your Help

Middle grade debut books often face more challenges than subsequent books by established writers, and that’s never been more true than this year. Beginning last spring, concerns about COVID-19 meant not only school closures, but author visits, book fairs, book signings, book cons, summer library and bookstore programs– major things authors do to promote their books– were canceled.

Here’s something you can do to help. Read through this list. Add titles to your Goodreads shelf using the links below. If your budget allows, purchase a couple of the books on this list through any of the buy links. (Amazon, Book Depository and Indiebound links are affiliate links.)

At the bottom of the list, I’ve posted a quick ideas … Continue reading

8 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming in August 2020

8 Most-Anticipated YA Books Coming in August 2020

All the changes this past spring with lock-downs and social distancing and online learning threw me for a loop. It also delayed a lot of the books I’d been looking forward to reading, which meant I spent the summer scrambling to catch up on the ARCs that publishers had sent me. I’m finally seeing a light at the end of the reading tunnel so to speak, and I wanted to pause and share some of the young adult books I’m most excited about that come out this month.

I’m always up for fantasy, so there are a few of those on here. Lately, though, I’ve been a big fan of rom-com, so I’ve included a couple of those that I’m … Continue reading

20 Amazing Young Adult Books Out Winter/Spring 2020

20 Best YA Titles of 2020

Thank Goodness for Amazing Books

I’m not even going to try to spread sunshine on it, this year has been a rough one. However, one of the few great things that has happened is that I’ve read some incredible books. I feel like I usually find some gems here and there, but it definitely seems to me that there are more than usual that have made me say WOW these last few months. So with social distancing limiting book cons and trips to the bookstore, I am stepping up to share a few of my very favorites so far this year.

Today I’m focusing on young adult books, for readers 12 to 18. Don’t miss my middle grade book list, because there … Continue reading