May 2016 Upcoming Reviews

The Star-Touched Queen Roshani Choksi

The Star-Touched Queen Roshani Choksi

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This novel boasts a rich fantasy world with amazing characters and breathtaking romance. I. Loved. It. It Ain't So Awful, Falafel by Firoozeh Dumas

It Ain’t So Awful, Falafel by Firoozeh Dumas

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From the author of Funny in Farsi comes a 1970s novel about an Iranian girl struggling to find her place in a small American town while anti-Iran sentiments run high. I Woke Up Dead at the Mall by Judy Sheehan

I Woke Up Dead at the Mall by Judy Sheehan

 Amazon | Goodreads

A quirky, fun read about a girl who discovers she’s been … Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Blogs to Follow

TTTTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is a fantastic one: the best blogs to follow. I tend to follow several different kinds of blogs. I like finding other blogs that review clean books or which list content information. I think in part it makes me feel validated, and it’s always interesting to see the ways other sites break down the content information. I also like to follow what I’ll call a specialty blog, one that steers readers toward specific types of books– books about characters with disabilities, books by minority authors, etc. Then there are the good old trusty review sites where I find myself reading the reviews of books … Continue reading

Upcoming Reviews: April 2016

I live! Admit it. You were wondering.

Sorry. Between Spring Break (which was lots more SPRING than BREAK, to tell the truth) and Easter and illness in our house, I’ve let blogging fall to the wayside for the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping that this weekend I’ll be able to get caught up on the things I’ve missed and get into reading some of these awesome books– because FOUR of them come out in less than a week!

Not listed here, but on my agenda to review is Life Animated by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ron Suskind (which I HIGHLY recommend.) As a reminder, I do not accept requests to review non-fiction, but occasionally, I do read and review some non-fiction here.

Now, to business! Here are some of the books you can expect to find here at The Story Sanctuary in April 2016:

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Blog Tour: The Door By the Staircase and Top Ten Facts About Baba Yaga

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Irish Banana Tours Presents: The Door by the Staircase Tour

Today I’m participating in a book tour arranged by the beautiful Hannah at Irish Banana Blog Tours. Please check out the other stops on the tour (see below!) and enter the giveaway for a copy of The Door By the Staircase by Katherine Marsh. Also, check out Katherine Marsh’s top ten facts about Baba Yaga, a character from Russian folklore who inspired Madame Z in the book!

About The Door By the Staircase by Katherine Marsh

The Door by the Staircase by Katherine MarshTwelve-year-old Mary Hayes can’t stand her orphanage for … Continue reading

Top Ten Books on my Spring TBR List

TTTTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s Top Ten Tuesday is a list of the hottest books on my To Be Read List for this spring. I’m not sure if this means books coming out this spring I can’t wait to read or books I am most eager to read in the next couple of months, so I’m going to include both, because I’m a rebel like that.

Books Actually Coming Out This Spring That I’m Crazy Eager to Read


The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater1. The Raven King by … Continue reading

Top Ten Controversial Characters

TTT Top Ten Tuesday is a Weekly Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is controversial characters. These are characters I loved, but everyone hated, or I hated, when everyone else loved. So I’ve split my list into my top five from each category.

Controversial Characters Part One: Top Five Characters I Couldn’t Get Into, but People Rave About

Wuthering HeightsHeathcliff/Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte – I remember reading this book in high school and wishing I could drop into the story and be like, Catherine, honey. Lose this guy, please! I just did not get … Continue reading