Category Archives: News and Fun

March 2017 Monthly Wrap-Up

This month’s big to-do was ApollyCon, which I had the pleasure of attending for the first time as a volunteer. If you’re unfamiliar with the event, ApollyCon is sponsored by Jennifer Armentrout and 1001 Dark Nights and is a huge, two day book-signing extravaganza.

Out of the over 70 authors, there were really only a handful that I’ve read before, since many write new adult, which I don’t get much chance to read. (I’ve got my hands full with young adult and middle grade as it is!) This might sound like I had fewer reasons to attend ApollyCon, but actually, I have to say two things. First, it was about an hour from my house, so not much expense there! And second, y’all, I got to spend a lot of time chatting with YA authors, who are some of my favorite people. You just about can’t beat that! I even won an ARC for a Here Lies Daniel Tate by Cristin Terrill (who unfortunately wasn’t able to make it to the event). Here’s a pic of the book and my nifty ApollyCon Tote:

The final night featured an after-party with optional costumes, so I was able to show off the gorgeous Steampunk Book Fairy costume my mom made me for my birthday last year, with updated author cameos to match the authors I connected with during the weekend. You can see them in the image below.

Top: Beth Revis (who told me a great story about her dad, who is a lumberjack, sitting down at work reading a copy of her debut novel with a girly cover of pink silhouettes about to kiss. She was so fun!)

Upper Middle: Jessica Khoury (whose doodles are fantastic. Also her Twitter is hilarious. If you’re not following her, you’re missing some very funny stuff.)

Lower Left: Kami Garcia (who made it so easy to talk to her and recommended a bunch of other authors. She talked about book bloggers and told some funny stories. I also got to share with her how much it meant to me to be at YallFest, where I’d first seen her on a panel that really encouraged me at a difficult time. So that was great!)

Lower Middle: Mary Lindsey/Marissa Clarke (Even though I hadn’t read any of her books– yet– she was happy to chat and asked me a lot about what I’m writing and how that process was going. She had a lot of really encouraging things to say to me, which meant a lot.)

Lower Right: Trish Doller (I probably spent the most time talking with her. I’m sure I was ridiculously chatty from being nervous and kind of overwhelmed by the size of the event, but she was really great and shared some things about the project she’s working on and her upcoming release, In a Perfect World, which sounds right up my alley. She also listened to and encouraged me with my own writing, which means so much to me. She’s a fellow Floridian, so I hope to catch her at another signing or bookish event or something again.)

In terms of reviews, here’s what you missed.

March 2017 Reviews

The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I’d been especially excited about this book because I LOVE Stephanie Morrill’s writing. And this one is no exception! I loved the story, the characters totally hooked me, and the setting (1920s Chicago) was a blast. A must-read for historical fiction and mystery fans.

See You in the Cosmos by Jack Cheng

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I love seeing kids interested in science portrayed in books, so I was eager to check this book out. The story took a whole different turn than I expected. It’s more about the possibility of alien life rather than engineering or rockets, but the characters, their relationships and the unusual format of the story made this one a great read for me. Definitely one for middle grade lovers.

The Giant Smugglers by Chris Pauls and Matt Solomon

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I don’t read a lot of adventure stories in middle grade, but this book proved it’s not because I don’t enjoy them. This reminded me a little bit of the 90s movie Iron Giant. Great read for middle grade-lovers looking for straight-up adventure.

A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

Oh. My. Goodness. I know I didn’t forget how much I loved Chokshi’s debut but I MUST have forgotten how much I loved her debut. I’m always nervous to read a second book by an author whose first book I loved, but this one was truly amazing. I loved the characters. The story world was totally engrossing, and the quest kept me biting my nails all the way through! If you love fantasy with a classic fairytale feel, you absolutely need to read this book.

Amina’s Voice by Hena Khan

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was a lucky find for me. I loved the gentle, sweet girl at the heart of this story. I rooted for her every step of her journey as she tries to figure out her place in her family, her spiritual community, and her school community. Fantastic. Shy kids need this book. (Okay, not *just* shy kids, but I definitely found that element especially resonated with me.)

Where Futures End by Parker Peevyhouse

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I loved this book. It’s probably one of the most unique stories I’ve ever read. It’s really five stories that connect to form one larger whole. Every time I switched to a new story, I was sure I wasn’t going to like the characters, and every time, the author proved me wrong and made me fall in love all over again. I am a huge fan and I want Parker Peevyhouse on my auto-buy list. If you love books that explore a moral question, get yourself a copy of this one.

Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I was worried that this would be a tough read for me. I’ve been in kind of a raw place, and I’d seen so many reviewers talk about how they wept through this whole book. It was definitely an emotional read, but I loved the relationships the characters had with one another. I loved the honor paid to the grief process. So important and so often not acknowledged. Keep the tissues handy when you start this one.

A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

This was a fun read. Sort of Groundhog Day meets Mean Girls? I’m not sure that’s exactly right, but it hit a lot of great notes for me. If you’re in need of a more lighthearted contemporary read with some romance, this is the book for you.

Dawn on the Road by Lea Waterhouse

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

My favorite thing about this book was the way the author described the trip on the motorcycle so you actually felt like you were riding along with the characters. I liked Dawn’s interest in photography and the way the author used that to drive the story forward. It’s also got a strong Christian message, which makes it a bit of a rarity these days. A good pick for readers interested in a story about a road trip with a strong spiritual component.

The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry

Review | Amazon | Goodreads

I cheated and reviewed this one because I wanted to. It’s not YA, but it’s a really fun read. I’m a huge sucker for anything to do with World War II. If you’re familiar with the story and you know me, you probably could have predicted that I’d love Roger Greene, a war prisoner who sticks to what he believes is right no matter what. If you’re a fan of Bodie and Brock Thoene’s The Zion Covenant, you definitely want to check this book out.


Coming next month, I’ll be participating in the ARC Reading Challenge with Bookshelves and Paperbacks! It’s kinda self-explanatory. You make an effort to get through some of the ARCs (Advance Release Copies) you have stacked in low-traffic areas of your house. Not that I do this. Nope.

I’m hoping this challenge will help me get back on track so I’m not scrambling to get reviews done the day or two before I’ve got them in my schedule. I used to be weeks ahead, back in the glorious past, and I want to be there again. So bring it, ARC Reading Challenge!

Here is my list for the challenge…

What about you?

Read anything interesting during the month of March that you want to recommend? Looking forward to anything special from your reading this this month? Leave a comment below and tell me all about it!

Review: Where Futures End by Parker Peevyhouse

Where Futures End
Parker Peevyhouse
Kathy Dawson Books
Published February 9, 2016

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Where Futures End follows the interconnected stories of five teens. Dylan finds a way to cross into another world. Years later, Brixney tries to use social media to keep from being imprisoned in a debtor’s colony. Years after that, Epony and her boyfriend craft new identities for themselves as reality stars only to learn the secure future they crave will cost them what matters most: their authenticity and their love for each other. Later still Reef embarks on a dangerous mission via virtual reality game in an attempt to win an escape from a terror-stricken city. At last, Quinn meets a stranger who reveals to her a terrible choice, one that links her story back to all the others before.

Confession: I actually read this book several months ago and have been horribly slow at posting my review on my blog, which is terrible because I loved it so much!

This story is unlike anything I’ve read before. At first, because it’s so different, I worried that I wouldn’t like it. It seems like this really cerebral type of story, and I feel like those kinds of stories often have shallow characters or often let the events overshadow the characters. Where Futures End has great characters, though. I was hooked on Dylan from the very opening pages. As his story ended, I was nervous again about starting Brixney’s story, because I worried I wouldn’t like her as much as I liked Dylan.

But I did. Every time the story switched to a new piece (it’s written like five shorter stories one right after another) of the story, I fell in love with a completely new set of characters and a completely new story world. I loved the way each story reached back to the ones that came before in some way, so you really had the sense of history impacting the future.

I really enjoyed reading this one, and definitely recommend it, especially to sci-fi readers. If you enjoyed the movie Cloud Atlas, you definitely need to read this book. If you like books that are really unusual and unique or have a puzzle or moral dilemma to them, definitely get yourself a copy of Where Futures End.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used infrequently. (Fewer than ten times.)

Romance/Sexual Content
Kisses and hints at more between Epony and her boyfriend. Reef takes a wife because it helps him gain better standing in the online game, but he wonders if he’ll be able to consummate the relationship. (He doesn’t.)

Spiritual Content
The human world connects to another alien world, but only those with a strong vorpal, kind of an aura or energy can cross between the human world and the other.

A man catches Brixney eating ice cream nuggets and asks if she paid for them. She comments that he prays to God she has. Later she remembers a game she and Brandon play where they imitate the painting in the Sistine Chapel—one as Adam, the other as God, reaching toward one another.

Violent Content
Reef faces battles in the virtual game he plays.

Drug Content
Epony’s boyfriend tells her that sometimes he gets drunk when he hangs out with older boys.

Reef struggles with an addiction to resin, something he started young, after witnessing his mother do the same. Stopping will damage his organs.


Review: Amina’s Voice by Hena Khan

Amina’s Voice
Hena Khan
Salaam Reads/Simon & Schuster
Published March 14, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Now that Amina is in middle school, it seems everything is changing. Her best friend Soojin wants to hang out with Emily. Amina remembers Emily making fun of her and Soojin in elementary school. Soojin wants to celebrate becoming an American citizen by changing her name, and she wants Amina to help her pick something “American.” Amina struggles to find her own place in the shifting world. Soojin encourages her to sing a solo for a chorus concert, but Amina worries she’ll freeze up and be unable to speak. Then she learns she’ll have to speak at a recitation of the Quran. She dreads the idea, especially when her very strict uncle from Pakistan volunteers to coach her the verses she’s selected to speak.

When her mosque is vandalized and the recitation canceled, Amina feels devastated. In the wake of the disaster, the community rallies around her, and she discovers that friendship crosses boundaries and survives changes, sometimes even flourishes because of them.

I heard about this book on Aisha Saeed’s blog where she recommended several books, including this one. I enjoyed reading about a practicing Muslim family and Amina’s struggle to balance her spiritual beliefs with other parts of her life. As a practicing Christian who grew up in public school, I remember facing some of the same kinds of challenges and having some of the same fears and concerns.

I loved that Amina’s best friend is a practicing Christian, too. Actually, during middle school, my best friend was a practicing Jew. I found that having deep spiritual commitment gave us a kind of common ground I wouldn’t have expected, because we both held deep belief that sometimes held us apart from our classmates.

It’s funny… I hadn’t thought about what it would be like to watch that relationship as a parent (my parents loved my friend and clearly valued our friendship.) Now, as a parent of a child in a school district with a significant Muslim presence, I find I feel similarly. I would love for my daughter to have a friend like Amina. I think having someone to share that feeling of otherness that comes from a deep faith and challenging each other to love across religious lines was one of the most valuable experiences I had as a middle school kid.

My own experience aside, I loved this book. It was easy to identify with Amina. She’s a good girl who wants to do right and struggles with fear and shyness. The story really delves into her understanding of friendship and community, issues common to all of us. I enjoyed the way her relationship with her parents, her brother, and her friends at school changed as she grew to see herself differently and began to explore her connection with her community more deeply.

If you’re looking for a story that exemplifies the power of coming together as a family and a community, this is a great pick. Amina’s Voice is also a good read for a shy child trying to find his or her place in the changing landscape of school transition.

Recommended for Ages 8 up.

Cultural Elements
Amina and her family are practicing Muslims. Her parents are from Pakistan, and an uncle from Pakistan comes to visit the family. Amina’s best friend Soojin and her family are Korean.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content
Amina’s family takes time to pray and attend services. Her uncle has much more strict beliefs than Amina’s family. When he visits, he expresses some of his more conservative views—such as music being sinful. Amina worries that her love and talent for music make her an evil person. Her parents share their own views—that Allah gave her this special talent for a reason—and this comforts her.

When Amina lets a secret slip and embarrasses a friend, she worries that she’ll be condemned for speaking against someone, as her uncle claims. Her parents reassure her that harming someone else wasn’t what was in her heart. Therefore, they tell her, she’s not the evil person the scripture in the Quran meant to identify.

After an attack on the mosque, the community, including a local Christian church, rallies together to help raise funds and find ways to repair the damage and provide places for services in the meantime.

Violent Content
Amina and her family witness the aftermath of a fire and destruction at her mosque.

Drug Content
Amina worries after learning her brother spent time with boys who were smoking. She bursts into tears when confronting him, but feels reassured to learn he didn’t smoke with them.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi

Crown of Wishes
Rokshani Chokshi
St. Martin’s Griffin
Available March 28, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

From Goodreads
Gauri, the princess of Bharata, has been taken as a prisoner of war by her kingdom’s enemies. Faced with a future of exile and scorn, Gauri has nothing left to lose. Hope unexpectedly comes in the form of Vikram, the cunning prince of a neighboring land and her sworn enemy kingdom. Unsatisfied with becoming a mere puppet king, Vikram offers Gauri a chance to win back her kingdom in exchange for her battle prowess. Together, they’ll have to set aside their differences and team up to win the Tournament of Wishes—a competition held in a mythical city where the Lord of Wealth promises a wish to the victor.

Reaching the tournament is just the beginning. Once they arrive, danger takes on new shapes: poisonous courtesans and mischievous story birds, a feast of fears and twisted fairy revels.

Every which way they turn new trials will test their wit and strength. But what Gauri and Vikram will soon discover is that there’s nothing more dangerous than what they most desire.

My Review
Author Roshani Chokshi described this novel as more a sister or companion novel to her THE STAR-TOUCHED QUEEN, and it definitely is. You can start with this story and follow every bit of it just fine. If you read THE STAR-TOUCHED QUEEN, you may remember Vikram as the boy from the tapestry Maya asks about. Gauri, of course, is Maya’s sister.

A CROWN OF WISHES contains the same mythical feel and style as her debut. I forgot how much I loved that until. If you liked BOOK OF A THOUSAND DAYS by Shannon Hale, you absolutely need to check out this series. I loved the characters and felt like they make a balanced team. Gauri is a warrior—both in her talent for battle and the fierceness of her heart. She will fight for those she loves any way she can. I liked that Vikram doesn’t challenge her head-to-head. He listens, analyzes, and then acts, often outwitting his opponent. As the two face challenges, both those strengths become necessary. I loved the balance they brought to one another.

Also, I can’t forget Aasha, whose courage totally stole the show. At first, I wasn’t sure I really cared enough about her story to follow it with much interest. Soon enough, though, I felt just as much for her as Gauri and Vikram. I loved that she had this dream so far outside what her desires were supposed to be. She became this sort of glaring exception to the rules, and I couldn’t help rooting for someone whose greatest desire was, at its heart, to have her humanity again. Her point-of-view and part of the story were another unexpected gem. I’m starting to think Roshani Chokshi’s superpower is to create characters who seem like they should be unlikeable and make you adore them.

If you’re a fan of fairytales or mythology, you definitely want to add this book to your shelves along with THE STAR-TOUCHED QUEEN.

Recommended for Ages 13 up.

Features Indian characters and creatures from Indian folklore and mythology.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used fewer than ten times.

Romance/Sexual Content
When Gauri and Vikram agree to partner in the tournament, they do not realize that to partner they must be lovers. They agree to pretend for others, but in their private lives, they maintain distance from one another.

The last night of the tournament is a celebration in which everyone is to pair up with a lover. We understand that Gauri and Vikram see others paired up and, er, celebrating, but no details. We do witness the exchange of some kisses.

Spiritual Content
The story contains magic and mythical creatures. On their journey to the tournament where they hope to win a wish, Gauri and Vikram meet a group of Vishakanya women, who feed on desires and whose touch will poison them to death. They form an agreement with a vetala, a being of incorporeal evil who steals bodies to continue to exist. The vetala promises to help them if they help him find his next body. At one point Gauri and Vikram listen to a story about a river who fell in love with a man.

They eventually learn that the tournament began the moment they accepted the invitation. They recognize the lord of the tournament as someone who they’ve met along the journey as well.

The story challenges Gauri and Vikram’s beliefs about good and evil. More than once, creatures they believed to be evil defy their expectations and turn out to be noble or good. Ultimately, A CROWN OF WISHES explores the meaning of love and how love—both in friendship and as lovers—affects our choices.

Violent Content
Gauri briefly remembers her time spent as a soldier. She carries special knives at all times, ready for a fight. At one point, a group of Vanara, monkey-like creatures capture them and threaten to have them executed. .

Drug Content
Gauri eats a golden apple, a fruit that gives her supernatural strength for a time.

Note: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Top Ten Tuesday: Top YA Books Coming in Spring 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today’s theme: books coming out in spring 2017 I can’t wait to read. Here’s my list…

Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett – April 4, 2017

A teen spin on You’ve Got Mail? Sign me up! Film geeks who’ve been happily chatting it up online end up in the same town– only she can’t stand him. She doesn’t know it’s him she’s been pouring her heart out to via the web, but eventually, she starts to feel, well, something. Is it worth trading in her perfect online romance for an imperfect reality?

It Started with Goodbye by Christina June – May 9, 2017

A girl with an online graphic design business who uncovers secrets in her house? Yes, please. Also, I’m totally intrigued by the feisty step-abuela-slash-fairy-godmother. Sounds like a story with a unique protagonist that explores blended family relationships.


A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi – March 28, 2017

Since I read Chokshi’s debut The Star-Touched Queen, I’ve been desperate to read more. She called this book more a sister than a sequel, so it’s totally fair to read it without reading The Star-Touched Queen first. (Though I’m not sure why you would want to, since the first was SO good.)

Amina’s Voice by Hena Khan – March 14, 2017

I saw this book on Aisha Saeed’s blog listed as a must-read, and lo, I was able to get my very own review copy! It’s a little more serious than It Ain’t So Awful, Falafel, but I love Amina’s relationships with her family and her tender heart. This is a perfect story to encourage a shy kid.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor – March 28, 2017

I fell in love with Taylor’s writing in the opening pages of her debut novel, Daughter of Smoke and Bone. This story– about the aftermath of a war between gods and men– promises to have the same sort of fascinating twist on myth, tortured heroes, strong heroine and heartbreaking, gorgeous storytelling as the other series. I. Can’t. Wait.

Gem and Dixie by Sara Zarr – April 4, 2017

If you love sister books, you need to check this one out. Two sisters grow up in an unstable home where they can only count on each other realize they may have to sever their relationship in order to survive. Zarr has an amazing ability to write characters so that you feel like you’re sitting inside them. This is a must-read for contemporary YA fans looking for an emotional story.

A Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh – May 16, 2017

Samurai, bandits, assassins, politics, and secrets. This looks absolutely delicious. When a girl promised in marriage to raise her family’s fortune journeys to meet her future husband, she’s attacked by bandits sent to kill her. She disguises herself as a boy and infiltrates their ranks, only to learn terrible secrets which make her question everything she’s ever known.

Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray – April 4, 2017

A girl desperate to save her planet from a robot army finds help in an unlikely place: an advanced prototype whose programming commands him to obey her. As they work together, she begins to think maybe there’s more to him and his loyalty than programming. Definitely looks like a brain-bendy, action-packed sci-fi adventure.

Hit the Ground Running by Mark Burley – April 25, 2017

A suspenseful novel featuring a parkour expert? Yup! When Eric’s family goes missing, he teams up with unlikely new friends to uncover dangerous secrets.

One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus – May 30, 2017

The Breakfast Club plus a murder. Five strangers walk into detention. Only four walk out alive. So, who did it? The brain? The beauty? The criminal? The athlete? They all have something to hide. I can’t wait to read this!

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas – February 28, 2017

Okay, technically I’m cheating since this came out the last day of February and that isn’t really spring. But, seriously. I’ve heard nothing but praise for this daring, timely novel about a girl who witnesses the shooting of an unarmed boy.

Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner – March 7, 2017

A simple text kills his three best friends. As if that’s not horrible enough, Blake learns he’ll be under a criminal investigation. When his best friend’s grandmother asks him to spend a day with her saying goodbye to her grandson, he hesitates. But as he begins to try to help others deal with their grief, he begins to find his own path toward healing.

Review: The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill

The Lost Girl of Astor Street
Stephanie Morrill
Published February 7, 2017

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Eighteen-year-old Piper Sail’s best friend Lydia goes missing from a neighborhood street in 1924 Chicago. Piper vows to find her friend, even if she has to take up the investigation herself. As Piper begins to hunt for Lydia, she soon learns everyone in her neighborhood hides a secret, even her father and the handsome detective who’s working the case. Piper realizes finding the truth may cost her newfound love, her respect for her family, and possibly, her own life.

I loved this book! I was hooked from the first page. Immediately we meet interesting (and funny!) characters and see complex relationships. There were a few elements of the mystery that I kind of saw coming, and I worried that would make the ending too obvious. It did not. The Lost Girl of Astor Street had plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing at the real story behind Lydia’s disappearance and the odd behavior of some of the other characters.

The plot elements tied together well enough to be believable but also not feel too convenient—which I think is a delicate balance in a mystery. Piper kept busy with a lot of sub-plots, all interesting stuff that ultimately provided other pieces in the grander puzzle of the story.

One really random thing I enjoyed a lot was all the hats. It seemed like whenever anyone went anywhere, there were great hats involved. I loved that!

I definitely recommend this book. I loved the characters, found the mystery elements well-paced, and seriously enjoyed the adventure in 1920s Chicago. This one is a must-read for mystery and historical lovers.

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

Cultural Elements
Piper learns a little bit about the Irish and Italian mafia. She dates an Italian detective, and some friends/family members disapprove of the relationship. Piper’s friend Lydia has seizures.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
A few brief male-female kisses. Piper hears a story about a girl her age rescued from a human trafficking ring. She visits some places that prostitutes frequent as part of her search for Lydia.

Spiritual Content
At one point, Piper feels discouraged, feeling like she’ll never find Lydia. She says the only thing left to do is cry out to God, if you believe He’s there.

A couple of scenes are set in a church—funeral and wedding.

Violent Content
A young woman is shot. A captor interrogates a young woman, hitting her and shoving her underwater when the girl refuses to answer questions.

Drug Content
Piper’s family enjoys wine with dinner, despite Prohibition laws. (Piper herself doesn’t drink.) Piper’s brother comes home drunk and says some unkind things to her.

