Category Archives: Biography

Review: A Walk Toward Peace: The True Story of Peace Pilgrim by Kathleen Krull

Walking Toward Peace by Kathleen Krull

A Walk Toward Peace: The True Story of Peace Pilgrim
Kathleen Krull
Illustrated by Annie Bowler
Flyaway Books

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Walking Toward Peace

She gave up everything: her home, her possessions, even her real name. She called herself Peace Pilgrim, put on her sneakers, and started off on her quest to walk thousands of miles all around America. Step by step, mile after mile, Peace Pilgrim traveled tirelessly, inviting everyone she met to consider a world where each person and each nation chooses peace.

This true story about a little-known woman who sacrificed everything for her convictions inspires us to step out for what we believe in, gathering others to join us along the way.

My Review

What an awesome, inspiring story! As soon as I saw the title of this book, I knew I wanted to read it. I had heard of Peace Pilgrim before but didn’t really know much about her, and this book is a really great introduction that makes her story really accessible to young readers.

The images are bright and simple but evocative. I really enjoyed the way they brought the words to life.

At the end of the book, there’s a one page, more in-depth biography of Peace Pilgrim, which is especially great for readers at the upper end of the target audience (as well as for curious parents!).

All in all, I’m super glad I read this book and think it’s a great one to add to your bookshelf, library, or classroom.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 6 to 10.

Peace Pilgrim was a white American woman.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
The story vaguely mentions that many people were talking about whether the country should go to war.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of WALKING TOWARD PEACE in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog.

Review: Send a Girl! by Jessica M. Rinker and Meg Hunt

Send a Girl!: The True Story of How Women Joined the FDNY
Jessica Rinker
Illustrated by Meg Hunt
Bloomsbury USA Children’s
Published March 9, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Send a Girl!

Brenda Berkman was often told that she couldn’t do certain things because she was a girl. When she grew up, she longed for a job that was challenging, different every day, and required physical and mental strength. In 1977 when the New York City Fire Department finally complied with the Civil Rights Act (from 1964) by allowing women to take the FDNY exam, Brenda jumped at the chance.

But the FDNY changed the rules of the exam so women wouldn’t be able to pass it. Even a lot of men couldn’t pass this new exam.

So Brenda Berkman took the FDNY to court. In 1982, they finally made a fair test, and Brenda and 41 other women passed. Brenda went on to serve in the FDNY for 25 years, reaching the positions of Lieutenant and Captain, and was a first responder during the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11. After her retirement, Brenda founded the United Women Firefighters, an organization that helps train and prepare women to be firefighters. Send a Girl! is Brenda Berkman’s inspiring story.

My Review

I’m really excited to see this particular story– about Brenda Berkman, and how women joined the FDNY– coming to shelves in a way that young readers can enjoy.

The pictures are expressive and bright, really adding depth to the words on each page. I like how expressive the faces of the characters are, too.

The story is pretty simple and straightforward, hitting the perfect high notes of Brenda’s youth and her career as a firefighter. It feels powerful and triumphant.

I also like that it doesn’t end with Brenda Berkman successfully becoming a firefighter, but that the story also discusses discrimination against female firefighters in an open but not defeated way.

This book would make a great addition to a classroom or library, and seems like it’d be especially useful in talking with students or kids about community and careers.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 6 to 10.

The story focuses on Brenda Berkman, a white woman and includes references to discrimination that she and others faced as women on the job as firefighters.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content

Spiritual Content

Violent Content
Some scenes show people being rescued from fires. Some references to 9/11. It’s a pretty brief mention, told appropriately for younger readers.

Also some mention of discrimination the Brenda and other women faced as firefighters. It’s mentioned that some of the pranks against them were dangerous, but no details are given.

Drug Content

Note: I received a free copy of Send a Girl! in exchange for my honest review. This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog.