Review: 30 Days of Goodness, Love and Grace by Susie Shellenberger

30 Days of Goodness, Love and Grace30 Days of Goodness, Grace and Love: A Faithgirlz Bible Study
Susie Shellenberger

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This Bible study contains three parts. Part one explores the power of goodness through the book of Colossians. In part two, the author explores love via the story of Ruth. Part three teaches about the power of grace through the book of 1 Peter. Each part is broken down into sections, one for each chapter. Each section contains “bites,” smaller, more focused portions. The author suggests completing one bite per sitting. Each section closes with a review to complete with a friend or Bible study group.

I’m not sure why the title says 30 … Continue reading

Review: Every Falling Star by Sungju Lee and Susan Elizabeth McClelland

Every Falling Star by Sungju Lee

Every Falling Star: The True Story of How I Survived and Escaped North Korea
Sunju Lee and Susan Elizabeth McClelland
Amulet Books
Published September 13, 2016

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About Every Falling Star

EVERY FALLING STAR, the first book to portray contemporary North Korea to a young audience, is the intense memoir of a North Korean boy named Sungju who is forced at age twelve to live on the streets and fend for himself. To survive, Sungju creates a gang and lives by thieving, fighting, begging, and stealing rides on cargo trains. Sungju richly re-creates his scabrous story, depicting what it was like for a boy alone to create a … Continue reading

Review: I Wish My Teacher Knew by Kyle Schwartz

I Wish My Teacher Knew by Kyle SchwartzI Wish My Teacher Knew
Kyle Schwartz
De Capo Lifelong Books
Available July 12, 2016

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When her Twitter post became a social media sensation, Kyle Schwartz realized that her classroom exercise asking students what they wished she, their teacher, knew about them was something other teachers and students needed in their classrooms. In her book, Schwartz explores what led her to performing the exercise with her class. She explains how it has changed her experience as a teacher. She breaks down her approach to building a community within her classroom and how important that is to supporting a successful learning environment.

The chapters also connect current … Continue reading

Review: Life Animated: A Story of Sidekicks, Heroes and Autism by Ron Suskind

life-animatedA Life Animated: A story of heroes, sidekicks and autism
Ron Suskind

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When the Suskind family moves to a new home, they begin to see startling changes in their youngest son, Owen. He loses the ability to communicate with them and seems to retreat inside himself. The family embarks on a journey to find ways to reconnect with Owen via one of his favorite things: Disney movies.

This is an amazing, truly inspiring story. I’m awed by the courage it must have taken for both Owen and his family to continue pressing forward without giving up, even in moments when field experts were at a loss as to how to help, when specialized … Continue reading

Review: Faithgirlz Best Hair Book Ever!

Faithgirlz Best Hair Book Ever by Kelsey HaywoodBest Hair Book Ever!
Faithgirlz (Kelsey Haywood)

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Best Hair Book Ever! is packed with tips on classic and new hairstyles as well as recommendations for hair care and styling products. Each section shows full-color pictures of various styles and steps that are easy to follow. The book also contains how-to instructions for making hair accessories and DIY hair products. The earlier pages recommend different hair styles for different face shapes and some helpful information on how to blow dry while minimizing heat damage.

Many of the styles are simple enough that an older child can manage them solo. My daughter is ten and has devoured this … Continue reading

Checking Out the NKJV Faithgirlz Bible Edited by Nancy Rue

NKJV Faithgirlz Bible Edited by Nancy RueFaithgirlz Bible (NKJV)
Edited by Nancy Rue
Published October 6, 2015

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The Faithgirlz Bible is a Bible with additional devotional and study content specifically focused on teen and preteen girls. This edition is the New King James Version (NKJV), but a New International Version (NIV) edition is also available.

When I saw that Nancy Rue edited this version, I’m not going to lie, I was pretty excited. I love the way she relates spiritual and moral principles in her novels, so I felt like she’d do a great job bringing that insight and excitement to scripture and make it even more accessible to girls.

Each book … Continue reading