Review: Reckless, Glorious, Girl by Ellen Hagan

Reckless, Glorious, Girl by Ellen Hagan

Reckless, Glorious, Girl
Ellen Hagan
Bloomsbury Publishing
Published February 23, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Reckless, Glorious, Girl

Beatrice Miller may have a granny’s name (her granny’s, to be more specific), but she adores her Mamaw and her mom, who give her every bit of wisdom and love they have. But the summer before seventh grade, Bea wants more than she has, aches for what she can’t have, and wonders what the future will bring.

This novel in verse follows Beatrice through the ups and downs of friendships, puberty, and identity as she asks: Who am I? Who will I become? And will my outside ever match the way I feel on the inside?

A gorgeous, inter-generational story of Southern women and a girl’s path blossoming into her sense of self, Reckless, Glorious, Girl explores the important questions we all ask as we race toward growing up.

The co-author of Watch Us Rise pens a novel in verse about all the good and bad that comes with middle school, growing up girl, and the strength of family that gets you through it.

My Review

One of the great things about this novel-in-verse is how unpretentious it is. Sometimes reading poetry makes it harder for me to connect to a story, because I get lost in the rhythm of the words or have to stop to decode things, but RECKLESS, GLORIOUS, GIRL is really easy to read. It’s still got a lot of emotion and heart, it’s just also really straightforward, which I liked.

Sometimes Beatrice’s character felt a little shallow to me. Everything she felt made sense and seemed realistic. She focused a lot on her skin and how she looked and wanting to be cool– which are totally reasonable things for someone to think about. I guess it just felt like a lot to me, and I wanted her to hurry toward realizing that those things weren’t what was the most important.

Beatrice grows a lot through the story. I love how the story centers around women: her mom and grandmother, her two best friends, even other girls in Beatrice’s class. Her relationships with her mom and Memaw were my favorite. I love how they challenged each other and sometimes experienced friction, but always they loved each other.

I think readers who enjoyed THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN OCTOPUS will enjoy the heart and family relationships of this story.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Beatrice is white. Her best friends are Latina and Black.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used maybe half a dozen times.

Romance/Sexual Content
Beatrice attends a party where they play spin the bottle. She and a boy are matched up but don’t kiss. There is one kiss between a boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
Beatrice’s grandmother is a very free spirited person and makes a vague reference to thanking the goddesses.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog. I received a free copy of RECKLESS, GLORIOUS, GIRL in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Switching Fates by Stacie Ramey

Switching Fates
Stacie Ramey
Ally Press
Published February 12, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Switching Fates

One Lives. One dies. He chooses.

Bryan Rivers will do anything to save his dying girlfriend Courtney—even enlist supernatural help. His ex-girlfriend Rose is a practicing Wiccan, and Bryan pleads with her to use her powers to help. She reluctantly agrees, but like everything in Rose’s world, the remedy is complicated and comes with a serious warning: the kind of powerful magic that Bryan requires involves summoning mythological beings. Specifically, the Three Fates.

Once the Fates appear, their proposition sounds simple: play three rounds of their favorite game, Switching Fates, to win the chance to save Courtney. But it’s a game where Bryan must make the horrifying choice between two lives; which person lives and which person dies. And each round is more challenging and wicked than the last. With the realization that he’s in far over his head, Bryan must figure out how to beat the Fates at their own game.

My Review

I don’t often read books in the New Adult genre, but I like Stacie Ramey’s writing, so when she offered me a copy of her newest book, I couldn’t resist. I’ve been in a little bit of a reading slump lately, where I just haven’t enjoyed reading as much as I usually do, and that’s very odd for me. I think partly because of that, I had a lot of fun reading this book.

One of the reasons I tend not to read a lot of New Adult fiction is that it often contains more graphic sexual content than I’m comfortable reading, but I felt like SWITCHING FATES had a lot of sexual tension without being overly explicit, which I liked.

I also got pretty hooked into the suspense of waiting to see what Bryan would do and whether he would be able to save both Rose and Courtney. I definitely wanted to know what would happen and whether he would find a way through in time, or whether he’d have to make the ultimate terrible choice.

Reading this book felt really indulgent and fun. It was like sitting down to eat a whole box of chocolates. I really enjoyed it even though it’s not my usual go-to genre. It reminded me a little of Amanda Hocking’s Watersong series, so I think fans of those books would really like SWITCHING FATES.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 18 up.

The major characters are white. Rose is a practicing Wiccan.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Extreme profanity used infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. Some groping over clothes. In one scene a boy takes a girl’s pants off. In another, he reaches under a girl’s shirt. There’s a brief description of sex and some references to it.

Spiritual Content
Rose is a practicing Wiccan who performs a spell meant to save Bryan’s girlfriend from death. Instead, she summons the Fates, three powerful, immortal women who have the ability to control who lives or dies.

Violent Content – Trigger Warning
One scene shows a girl dying after she jumps off a roof and hits her head. Some scenes show characters bound and gagged. Someone beats them with a stick or switch.

There are also some references to a suicide attempt in the past. Bryan discovered the survivor immediately after she’d made the attempt, so there’s some description of what he saw and some references to scars left from that incident.

Drug Content
Bryan attends a party and drinks alcohol with his friends. He sees at least a couple people taking Ecstasy. There are a couple other references to hard drug use and smoking pot.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog. I received a free copy of SWITCHING FATES in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Daughter of the White Rose by Diane Zahler

Daughter of the White Rose
Diane Zahler
Holiday House
Published February 16, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Daughter of the White Rose

Can a common girl save a prince trapped in the Tower of London?

April. England. 1483. The king is dead. Long live the king.

Nell Gould is the daughter of the royal butcher, a commoner, but she has been raised as the playmate of King Edward and Queen Elizabeth’s royal children: Princess Cecily, Princess Bess, Prince Dickon, and Prince Ned, heir apparent and Nell’s best and closest friend. They think alike, her and Ned, preferring books and jousts to finery and gossip and the sparkle of the court. But when King Edward dies, Prince Ned is imprisoned in the Tower of London by his scheming uncle, the evil Richard III–and Nell with him. Can they escape? Is Nell the key?

Based on the real royal scandal of the Princes in the Tower, DAUGHTER OF THE WHITE ROSE covers a shocking episode in medieval history that has captured the imagination for 530 years. A story of murder, betrayal, resilience, and growing up, this girl-led medieval middle-grade novel will make a perfect companion to CATHERINE, CALLED BIRDY and THE MAD WOLF’S DAUGHTER.

My Review

It’s been a long time since I read CATHERINE, CALLED BIRDY, but I can definitely see why this book is compared to that one. Though DAUGHTER OF THE WHITE ROSE isn’t told in diary entries, it has the feel of someone recording a memoir. At first I thought that only the beginning might be that way since the first chapter is about Nell’s birth, but it’s a style that stays through the whole story.

I liked that the story followed Nell and her connection to the royal family. I also liked that though there are some dark moments, Nell doesn’t witness things, like murder, directly in front of her. I liked her character, too. She’s smart and determined, and won’t allow herself to be pressed into a mold based on anyone else’s expectations for her. I also loved that she was so inspired by other female writers.

I think readers who are interested in historical fiction will enjoy this book. Readers who liked CLIFTON CHASE AND THE ARROW OF LIGHT by Jaimie Engle should give this one a read.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 10 to 14.

Major characters are white.

Profanity/Crude Language Content

Romance/Sexual Content
One kiss between a boy and girl. At one point, Nell learns that the king has a mistress.

Spiritual Content
Nell considers becoming a nun. At one point she spends a lot of time in prayer.

Violent Content
Brief descriptions of death or murder.

Drug Content
Adults drink wine socially.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog. I received a free copy of DAUGHTER OF THE WHITE ROSE in exchange for my honest review.

Review: Amelia Unabridged by Ashley Schumacher

Amelia Unabridged
Ashley Schumacher
Wednesday Books
Published February 16, 2021

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Amelia Unabridged

Eighteen-year-old Amelia Griffin is obsessed with the famous Orman Chronicles, written by the young and reclusive prodigy N. E. Endsley. They’re the books that brought her and her best friend Jenna together after Amelia’s father left and her family imploded. So when Amelia and Jenna get the opportunity to attend a book festival with Endsley in attendance, Amelia is ecstatic. It’s the perfect way to start off their last summer before college.

In a heartbeat, everything goes horribly wrong. When Jenna gets a chance to meet the author and Amelia doesn’t, the two have a blowout fight like they’ve never experienced. And before Amelia has a chance to mend things, Jenna is killed in a freak car accident. Grief-stricken, and without her best friend to guide her, Amelia questions everything she had planned for the future.

When a mysterious, rare edition of the Orman Chronicles arrives, Amelia is convinced that it somehow came from Jenna. Tracking the book to an obscure but enchanting bookstore in Michigan, Amelia is shocked to find herself face-to-face with the enigmatic and handsome N. E. Endsley himself, the reason for Amelia’s and Jenna’s fight and perhaps the clue to what Jenna wanted to tell her all along.

Ashley Schumacher’s devastating and beautiful debut, Amelia Unabridged, is about finding hope and strength within yourself, and maybe, just maybe, falling in love while you do it.

My Review

Oh. My. Gosh.

Okay, you know those stories that you get so invested in that you’re almost scared to read the last few chapters? You don’t want the book to end, but more than that, you really NEED things to go a certain way, and you’re afraid of the crushing awful possibility that they won’t?

That was completely how I felt reading this book. I loved it. Loved Jenna and Amelia’s relationship and the way Jenna’s family adopted her right in. I loved the friendship between Alex and Nolan, too, and the way their crew interacted with Amelia.

I loved the stuff about the book by N. E. Endsley and his created world of Orman and the sisters in the book. I loved the small lakeside town in Michigan with its stormy weather and town bazaar and quirky bookstore. And the whales!!! I love the whales.

I. Loved. This. Book. I feel like AMELIA UNABRIDGED is the book that I wanted so many other books to be. It punched me straight in the face with its grief and bewitched me with its found family. Honestly, I loved it so much that I’m scared to start another book until this one fades a little bit.

It’s so so good. If you like deep, messy contemporary stories with fabulous friendships and banter, then you seriously need to read this book.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 14 up.

I think all the major characters are white. One character has panic attacks and anxiety.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Strong profanity used very infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl.

Spiritual Content
Some brief discussion about where the people we love are after they die.

Violent Content

Drug Content

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog. I received a free copy of AMELIA UNABRIDGED in exchange for my honest review.

2020 Bookish Survey

2020 Reading Stats: Finally Looking Back

I know it’s already almost March, but it’s been a rough go these last few months. I was kind of on a roll there with my lists and if-we-were-having-coffee posts, and then life threw me a pretty big curveball.

I’m doing better lately, but still having some rough days. Which is why it’s almost March and I’m only just now getting around to posting an abbreviated form of this amazing Annual End of the Year Bookish Survey from Perpetual Page-Turner.

So here it is, in all its belated glory. Let me know if you read any of the books on this list, completed the survey on your own blog, or want to talk about your favorites from last year.


Number Of Books You Read: 140
Number of Re-Reads: 3
Genre You Read The Most From: YA Fantasy

1. Best Book You Read In 2020?

Ooooh, this is tough. I’m going to break this into age groups.

Best middle grade book I read in 2020 is THE LOST TIDE WARRIORS by Catherine Doyle

Best young adult book that I read in 2020 is WOVEN IN MOONLIGHT BY Isabel Ibañez.

(Honorable mention to THE SOUND OF STARS by Alechia Dow.)

2. Book You Were Excited About & Thought You Were Going To Love More But Didn’t?

THE LOST CITY by Amanda Hocking and CINDERELLA IS DEAD by Kalynn Bayron.

I felt like THE LOST CITY read a little too much like a guidebook to the story world or that the world building sometimes dominated the story. So, I wasn’t expecting that, and I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more if the story had been more prominent.

I enjoyed CINDERELLA IS DEAD. I thought the concept for the story was really awesome, I think I just got too wrapped up in the hype. Maybe would have appreciated it more if I’d just read if fresh, no expectations?

 3. Most surprising (in a good way or bad way) book you read?

THE MONSTER OF MARNMOUTH VALLEY by CJ Greene kind of shattered all my expectations. I loved the characters and found myself “just one more chapter”-ing my way through the whole thing!

 4. Book You “Pushed” The Most People To Read (And They Did)?

Hmmm. Wow. I was not the best ambassador for books this year, since most of my bookish friends are real life friends and I’ve barely seen them. Maybe THE TIGER AT MIDNIGHT by Swati Teerdhala? Or maybe FINALLY, SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS by Doug Cornett?

 5. Best series you started in 2020? Best Sequel of 2019? And Best Series Ender of 2020?

Normally I’m horrible about series, but looking over my reading from last year, I actually conquered more series than I thought, including some really big ones.

Best series I started in 2020… FOREST OF SOULS by Lori M. Lee.

Oh my gosh, this book was so good! It has so many things I love: fierce women, unpredictable magic, snarky dialogue, best friends. So, so good.

Best sequel of 2020… THE LOST TIDE WARRIORS by Catherine Doyle.

I love this series with all my heart. It reminds me so much of THE SCORPIO RACES, but for a slightly younger audience. And the relationships between generations are incredible. It’s a fabulous series.

Best series ender of 2020… A SKY BEYOND THE STORM by Sabaa Tahir.

I feel like that’s such a predictable choice, and yet, I think it’s deserved. This book was the one I needed to finish out the year. I longed for it because I wanted more of Elias and Laia’s story, but dreaded it because I knew not everyone would make it out alive, and I knew that was going to be heartbreaking.

 6. Favorite new author you discovered in 2020?

I have to list two: Elizabeth Acevedo and Kiersten White.

Both have been writing books for a while, and I have owned books by both for a while. With Acevedo, I read WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH, and was just blown away by how immersive and unique and beautiful the story is.

For some reason I requested THE CAMELOT BETRAYAL on Netgalley. I think I was just gambling to see if I would even be able to get a copy of a book by an author as big as Kiersten White is. When I realized it was a sequel, I decided to read the first book in the series first, and I immediately fell in love with the gender-flipped Merlin/King Arthur story. LOVE!

7. Best book from a genre you don’t typically read/was out of your comfort zone?

I read a bunch of mysteries this year that I really enjoyed. I think my favorites are the series by Margi Preus: Enchantment Lake, A Clue in the Trees, and The Silver Box.

 8. Most action-packed/thrilling/unputdownable book of the year?

WHERE DREAMS DESCEND by Janella Angeles. I felt completely swept away by this story. The magic, the romance, the danger. I dove in, and just couldn’t stop reading.

TODAY, TONIGHT, TOMORROW by Rachel Lynn Solomon. This book was such an adventure to read– I laughed so much. It was just perfect. I absolutely want to read that one again.

1. New favorite book blog/Bookstagram/Youtube channel you discovered in 2020?

I started following Bowties and Books on YouTube early last year, and I love the reviews, and updates, and more than that, I feel like I learn a lot from their takes on bookish world issues. From diversity representation to bookish drama, they always bring wise perspective that I deeply appreciate.

I want to expand my BookTube subscription list, so if you have any suggestions, please share them!

2. Favorite post you wrote in 2020?

My favorite post might be the one that is a list of 26 Asian-Inspired Fantasy books by Asian authors. Initially it was meant to be a reading list to help us get through another delay in the release of the movie Mulan, but after all the conflicts over the movie, maybe it’s really better as an alternative reading list.

I love lots of things about this photo. The Jane Austen quote. The colorful book spines. The diversity that the titles represent. The fact that I have all these books somehow, and that many of them came from independent bookstores or through review opportunities from blogging.

I’ve been kicking around this idea of doing a weekly community library in our neighborhood. Maybe load up a book cart or two and wheel them outside. Let the neighborhood kids pick through and borrow what they want and return things when they’re done. It’s still a dream at this point, but I’m hopeful, and this photo is at least partly what inspired me.

What are your best bookish thoughts about 2020?

Did you post a 2020 Bookish Survey? If so, please share the link in the comments! Also tell me if you read any of my favorite books, or which favorites you discovered last year that must be on my reading list.

Happy reading, y’all!

Review: Cress by Marissa Meyer

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles #3)
Marissa Meyer
Feiwel & Friends
Published February 4, 2014

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Indiebound | Goodreads

About Cress

In this third book in the Lunar Chronicles, Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in tow. Together, they’re plotting to overthrow Queen Levana and her army.

Their best hope lies with Cress, a girl imprisoned on a satellite since childhood who’s only ever had her netscreens as company. All that screen time has made Cress an excellent hacker. Unfortunately, she’s just received orders from Levana to track down Cinder and her handsome accomplice.

When a daring rescue of Cress goes awry, the group is separated. Cress finally has her freedom, but it comes at a higher price. Meanwhile, Queen Levana will let nothing prevent her marriage to Emperor Kai. Cress, Scarlet, and Cinder may not have signed up to save the world, but they may be the only hope the world has.

My Review

Even though I read this book years ago when it came out, I somehow never actually posted a review? I reviewed the other books in the series, but I think I missed this one because I read it a few months before getting married and must have just dropped the ball on it.

This year, I needed a familiar book to read to get through a stressful time, so I figured it would be a good time to listen to the audiobook version of this one. Now I can post the review, so it feels like a total win/win.

I really like Cress a lot. I love that she’s incredibly clever but also incredibly inexperienced with social situations. It was super easy for me to root for her, and I often felt like I was on the edge of my seat, needing her to make it through whatever obstacle she faced.

CRESS also balances the story of Cress herself and the continuation of Cinder and Scarlet‘s stories really well. I found myself connecting to all the characters and really eager to read one more chapter all the way until the end of the book. I love that this book introduced Winter to us as well.

It was nice getting to reread this book and remember how much I enjoyed the series as a whole. I think I have the other books on audiobook as well, so I might end up listening to the whole series again.

Content Notes

Recommended for Ages 12 up.

Cinder, Wolf and Cress are from Luna, located on the moon. Other characters are from earth.

Earth has been experiencing a highly contagious, fatal plague called letumosis.

Profanity/Crude Language Content
Mild profanity used very infrequently.

Romance/Sexual Content
Kissing between boy and girl. A couple references to physical attraction.

Spiritual Content
Some people from Luna can use a glamour to change how someone sees them or to control what they think or do.

Violent Content
Some battle scenes. Some graphic descriptions of torture including hallucinations of spiders in one scene.

Drug Content
References to drinking alcohol.

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which do not cost you anything to use, but which help support running this blog.